
How to get the funded part of the pension: urgent and one-time payment. Retirement benefits

Interestingly, most people care about the day much more than about the future. Few people know, but today the number of elderly people in Russia far exceeds the number of working people. In order to take care of so many old people and at least somehow equalize the amounts received in Pension Fund, with the benefits paid to citizens on a well-deserved rest, the state is once again carrying out a reform. Therefore, many people still can not figure out what principle the allowance is now accrued for, what is the insurance part and how to get the funded part pensions working pensioner. Today we will talk specifically about the new, funded part of the pension: what it is, where it is better to keep it and how to receive it.how to get the funded part of the pension

What is funded pension

Before talking about how to get the funded part of the pension, you need to find out what exactly it is. Many have heard this wording, but not everyone understands what it means.

According to the Federal Law No. 360, from the general part pension contributions which make up 22% of the salary of an (official) person, two types of payments are formed. More precisely, there is one pension, but it is divided into two parts: insurance and funded. You can distribute these flows in different ways:

  • 16% - for the establishment of the insurance (mandatory) part + 6% - for the formation of savings;
  • 22% - go only to generate insurance pension benefits.

Each citizen of Russia has his own retirement account, it is there that money is accumulated from the number of deductions made against future payments. Such an account can be opened not only in the RF PF - the transfer of the funded part of the pension is also possible to non-state funds. Which one to choose is up to you.transfer of the funded part of the pension

How to manage the funded part

As already mentioned, the future pensioner takes the decision on whether to leave money to the state or transfer to private companies. The cumulative part can be disposed of as follows:

  • leave in a state organization (Pension Fund);
  • transfer to NPF;
  • transfer to a private management company.

The answer to the question of how to get the funded part of the pension depends on how exactly you managed the money at the accumulation stage.

Today in Russia there are about fifty private management companies and more than three hundred private pension funds, so there are plenty to choose from. Each of these organizations can conduct a variety of promotions, attracting more and more new customers. So here fit and get confused.

When and where can I get money

If you do not know how to get the funded part of the pension, you can contact the organization where you stored it. If you entrusted your pension savings to the state, you need to apply to the RF PF. There you need to write a statement and collect the necessary (small) package of documents.funded part of the pension how to receive at a time

If you made deductions to a non-governmental fund, then you should apply accordingly, exactly there. The procedure is not much different from the above. The agreement concluded with the fund will probably list the procedure and terms of circulation, as well as the package of documents that you need.

We collect documents

If your funded part of your pension is in Sberbank, or rather, in its non-state fund, then to receive money you will need the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • insurance retirement certificate;
  • documents on the change of name, surname and other data, if any;
  • certificate of marriage (divorce);
  • an extract from the PF indicating that you have the right to receive the insurance part of the pension, and its amount (if there is no such certificate, the fund will request it on its own);
  • if you are not a client of Sberbank of Russia, you will need a document indicating the payment details of the account where the money will be transferred;
  • other papers at the request of fund employees.

Features of a one-time payment

Despite the fact that every citizen of Russia has a legal right to receive his own savings, both parts of the pension are issued only at the same time. That is, if you already have the right to receive an insurance payment, then the funded part of the pension may be paid to you. How to get at a time what accumulated over the years? funded part of the pension in the Savings BankThere are several conditions:

  • a person has a seniority stipulated by regulatory documents and has lived to the retirement age established by law;
  • if the experience is insufficient, the pension payment is postponed until the moment when a person can not apply for social benefits in old age;
  • those who do not have sufficient experience, but receive money in connection with other circumstances (disability, loss of a breadwinner), there is no need to wait for the retirement pension.

But what if you have a large funded part of your pension? How to get the whole amount at a time? For this, one more condition must be met: simultaneous payment is possible only when its size does not exceed 5% of the labor pension prescribed by law. In addition, a lump-sum payment is declarative, that is, it is possible to receive it only if the pensioner himself is the initiator.

Urgent payments

how to get the funded part of the pension to a working pensionerHow to get the funded part of the pension if you want to “stretch” the pleasure? There are urgent payments for this. This means that a pensioner can receive a certain part of the accumulated funds every month or quarter. The amount of payment is set by the pensioner himself at his request. The only condition is a period of at least 120 months.

Since urgent additional payments are formed from the funded part of the pension, those who:

  • invested in NPFs funds received as parent capital;
  • made voluntary donations in addition to the mandatory part of pension contributions;
  • have income earned as a result of successful investment of the funded part of the pension.

Premature death of the insured: what will happen to the pension

It happens that a person, due to certain circumstances, simply does not live to receive benefits. What to do in this case? How to get the funded part of the pension of the deceased? If an elderly person has already managed to arrange a retirement pension, then his funded part is transferred to the heirs. It is worth paying attention that only the “untouched” part of the pension can be inherited. The first-stage applicant may act as the heir, but a pensioner may, during his lifetime, make orders to this effect. According to his testament declaration, any person may be appointed as the assignee, regardless of the degree of relationship.

If during his lifetime a pensioner has already started spending the funded part, then his relatives can only claim the rest of the savings that have not been indexed. If an elderly person in life issued urgent payments of the funded part, then his heirs will continue to receive payments in full. If the accumulated pension funds were transferred back to the Pension Fund, then the procedure and possibility of inheritance is established in accordance with the law.

His relatives will be able to apply for the funded part of the pension of the deceased only for six months from the date of the death of a relative.If for any reason the deadlines were missed, then everything can be corrected by going to court.

Non-state pension funds: ranking of the best

So what to do if you decide to transfer the funded part of the pension to a non-state fund? First, let's talk about what exactly is this NPF. This is a non-profit social security organization that deals with supplementary pension insurance on a par with the state. Any activity of such a fund is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.Is it possible to receive the funded part of the pension

The funded part of a pension in an NPF is most reminiscent of a bank deposit: upon conclusion of an agreement, you can independently choose an insurance rate and service scheme. The essence of the fund’s activity is that the money received in the form of contributions is invested in securities and other assets, and interest is credited to the client’s account.

Since 2016, cooperation with such structures will become even more reliable. Under the new law, all of them are obliged to re-register in the form of joint-stock companies, which means that they disclose their true owners to state bodies. In addition, even if an NPF goes bankrupt as a result of a short-sighted financial policy, all of its funds will be transferred to the Pension Fund, and pensioner clients will not suffer.

There are various ratings of NPFs depending on profitability, level of reliability and other indicators. Which one is better to choose - the pensioner must decide for himself. Among the most reliable are called:

  • NPF Sberbank.
  • KIT Finance.
  • "National NPF".
  • Lukoil-Garant.

But in terms of profitability, the rating looks a little different:

  • "European PF".
  • "National NPF".
  • "Welfare" and a number of others.

What to choose: reliability or a high percentage? This is up to the client.

How to change NPF

As mentioned above, you need to get money where you left them to "accumulate." If you have a funded part of your pension at Sberbank, then we’ll go there. But what if the selected fund does not like or does not meet all the desires of the client?

When choosing a financial company that will manage your retirement savings, you should not be too afraid to make a mistake with the choice. The fact is that if you don’t like something, then you have the right once a year to change an NPF or a management company. You can also return to the Pension Fund.

Freezing 2016

Probably, the question of where to get the funded part of the pension may soon remain unanswered. The fact is that, starting in 2014, the Russian government, arguing its actions with the difficult financial situation of the state, froze funded pensions. This decision has not been canceled in the current year.funded part of pension in private pension fund

In order to somehow “sweeten the pill”, a decision was made to partially index insurance and social pensions, but only by 4%. Of course, such indexation is in no way comparable to the inflation rate, which reached a record 12.9%. But the government of the Russian Federation is considering the possibility of re-indexing pension payments by another 8%, which will allow it to “stretch” the payments to more fair indicators.

Have you had time?

Also, the question of whether it is possible to receive the funded part of the pension may soon become rhetorical for another reason. It's all about timing. Legislation of the Russian Federation granted pensioners the right to choose. Until 12/31/15, all citizens making payments to the Pension Fund had to decide how their deductions should be distributed: to remain in the PF with the refusal of the funded share, partially transferred to the NPF or leave everything to the PF, but make 6% funded (Vnesheconombank is engaged in the placement).

To date, it is not known for certain what awaits those who have not had time to make a choice. Information on the extension of terms appears and disappears. More accurate information on this issue can be obtained by contacting the territorial branch of the PF in your region.

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