
Retirement age in different countries. Old-age pension and average life expectancy of citizens

Many Russians are interested in whether the retirement age will increase in the near future? In different countries he is his own. It is believed that in Russia the threshold of disability due to old age is underestimated, it is time to approach the world average. How to solve the problem of the USA, Japan, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine?

retirement age in different countries

From the history

Before discussing the retirement age in different countries in detail, we note: for the first time, a support system for age citizens appeared in Germany in 1889. The innovation has affected people working in the private sector who have reached 70 years of age. The Law on State Support for Age Citizens was part of an extensive social program. It was approved by Otto von Bismarck.

Contributions to finance it were made by employers and workers. The basis is the practice of mutual assistance funds in guilds and workers' associations. In 1891, Denmark introduced targeted assistance to the poor, and in 1898, New Zealand. The concept of “retirement age” in Russia became relevant in 1932.

Spread around the planet

Gradually, the process swept the majority of Western European states. They focused on the German model (maintaining the social status of the worker after the end of the work biography). Anglo-Saxon (except the United States of America) and the countries of Northern Europe chose the path of the Danes and New Zealanders (poverty alleviation). England soon took over the Danish experience.

retirement age in Russia

The concept of “retirement age” in different countries gradually became familiar. In the XX century, the systems of developed states began to acquire common features. A guaranteed “minimum wage” appeared, not depending on how many contributions a person made while he worked. Equal pension-oriented powers (source of funding - total revenues, budgets) have abolished need control. The UK has introduced compulsory insurance in addition to minimum guarantees.

It is believed that in the modern world, pensions are based on three principles: 1. Individual accumulation. 2. Distribution pension taxes. 3. Distribution of total tax revenue. The development of the social industry is happening now.


In principle, the classical provision of pensioners can be divided into distribution (generational solidarity) and accumulative (a kind of lending, when the funds are accumulated individually and transferred to the operational management of the insurer).

retirement age in Belarus

Mentally transported to the United States. Here, personal insurance thrives. The retirement age in the USA is 66 years (the same for men and women). Life expectancy, depending on the region and gender, is from 75 years to 81 years. There is a right to go on vacation three years earlier. But you need to get ready to receive twenty percent less than expected. The investment policy is implemented by the PF, which plays an important social role. Well debugged pension system - the main source of replenishment of the budget.

The distribution is powerful: those who have already "chopped off their own" receive money from the current able-bodied people. There are funded pensions. Their main function is to fund the program. People get it only if the expenses did not exceed revenues (they are made for a long time, starting from the youngest nails and to the very corner). The retirement age differs in different countries. But in most countries of the world, people throughout their active lives care about the coming old age.


How fast is retirement age! In the United States, most citizens tend to receive income from three sources at an advanced age: from the state (each of those who made monthly contributions to the Pension Fund can count on support), private collective (contributions at the place of work) and personal savings. The latter are formed by a private person through a personal account. This is a popular way to save up for old age. Attracts a favorable interest rate.

retirement age in Ukraine

And in Japan? It is believed that pensioners live well in this country. The two-tier system is based on social security from the state (from the budget) and pension contributions (workers and employers). Basic pensions (1st level) consist of deductions from citizens, organizations where the applicant worked, state subsidies. The retirement age in Japan is flexible. People can count on payments of the first level, having reached 65 years, in the presence of insurance experience.

Those who decide to go on vacation at the age of 60-64 will receive a reduced payment. Those who work after 65 are “in the black”: the pension increases for each year worked. The fixed base amount is determined and approved annually (subject to consumer price index). The increase is made from April 1. The second level pensions are based on the contributions of employees and enterprises where they worked.


Working Japanese are covered by compulsory retirement insurance. This is necessary in order to acquire the right to an additional state pension. As you know, in Japan there are many elderly people. The average life expectancy is over 84 years (male - 81, female - 88). With low birth rates, reform of the pension system may soon be required.

And what about the founding state of the support system for the elderly? What is the retirement age in Germany? For men - 67 years old, for women - 65. Three types of insurance: compulsory state insurance, 18.7% (for those who receive a salary of up to 3390 euros per month); corporate (large companies transfer funds to their employees who have gone "to the reserve"); private (self-financing of his old age).

retirement age in usa

If you have worked for a minimum period of 35 years, you can move to the camp of retirees before the due age. But for each unfinished month, the state will deduct 0.3%. Those with a work experience of only 5 years are assigned a minimum payment of 364 euros. In this case, the state pays for the communal.


It is said that until 2001 the Bismarck system, which was mentioned at the beginning, worked perfectly in Germany. But the increased life expectancy (men - 78, women - 83 years), increased the burden on the younger generations. Is planned increase in retirement age up to 67 years, reduction of pensions from 70% of salary to 67%, adoption of other tough measures.

I wonder how Otto’s idea lives in the post-Soviet space? For example, the retirement age in Belarus is 60 years (men) and 55 years (women). In 2017, it is planned to increase it to 63 and 58 years, respectively. The average life expectancy for men is slightly more than 66 years, for women - 78. But the five-year gap in favor of women is preserved, according to the Constitution, which emphasizes caring for women.

When calculating the time of retirement during the transition period, not only the date of birth is taken into account, but also when exactly the person applied for the appointment. If missed, the right to retirement will be granted six months later.

retirement age in Germany


The increased retirement age in Belarus avoided the collapse of the system: by 2018, it would be necessary to find means of subsistence for almost 2.5 million elderly people! For the country's budget - a big burden. In order to protect the rights of this category of citizens, a decree has been issued prescribing guaranteeing work to people 55-60 years old (after the final adjustment of the concept of “pre-retirement age”, the scope will expand).

Until recently, the retirement age in Ukraine (the closest neighbor of White Russia) was 55 and 60 years, respectively.The PS reform, which began in 2016, provides for its gradual increase exclusively for women (by 5 years). In the past year, the long-awaited right was obtained by citizens, who were 57.5.

The minimum insurance period will now be 15.5 years (until October 2011 - 5). People who do not have one will not receive either a minimum or a reduced pension, only a social one. For six months each year for ten years, it is planned to increase the service record for the military (so that it becomes less than 35-year-old pensioners).


Retirement age in Ukraine is a very complex topic with many unknowns. Regarding the life expectancy of Ukrainians, it is about 67 years for men and 76.5 for women.

retirement age in japan

All countries that have left the USSR have raised their retirement age. In our country, this step has not yet been taken. The retirement age in Russia since 1932 is 55 (women) and 60 (husband). Today it is believed that life expectancy and the ability to work have increased, and amendments need to be made. According to rumors, from 2019 it is planned to begin a gradual increase: 3 months. per year for women, 6 months. - for men. Until they become equal (65 years for both sexes - a new basis for an insurance pension). For social - respectively 69 and 70 years. FIU does not confirm rumors. Recall that the average life expectancy in the Russian Federation - 64 (male) and 76.5 (female).

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