
Making an old-age pension: the necessary documents and the procedure for registration

A pension is a social payment from the state to citizens who, due to certain circumstances, are unable to carry out labor activities. The most common type of pension provision in Russia and the CIS countries is age-related, when financial compensation is granted upon the onset of incapacity for work.

Conditions pension provision old age

An old-age pension is awarded according to the following conditions:

  • men must reach 60 years of age, women - 55 years of age, respectively;
  • the presence of a minimum level of seniority (five years), which gradually automatically increases.

The procedure for applying for an old-age pensionIn order to apply for this social payment, one should file a corresponding application with the Pension Fund no earlier than a month before the retirement age. If the document is submitted later, the calculations will be carried out taking into account the date of submission. In the case of their timely submission, timely retirement pension will be made.

Documents: what needs to be prepared

The list of securities required by the Pension Fund to assign regular social benefits to citizens who have reached retirement age is as follows:

  • statement;
  • a civil passport or other document that confirms the identity, date of birth, place of registration and country of residence;
  • personalized card;
  • income statement for the last months of work to confirm the level of earnings;
  • birth certificates of the applicant's children;
  • for men - a military ID.

Rules for applying for an old-age pensionAlso in the competence of the pension fund is the preparation of preferential old-age pension. To do this, you must first collect additional documentation and visit the local authority for social protection of the population.

What you need to assign preferential payments

Please note that for special categories of pensioners, the procedure for assigning social assistance will be slightly different. First of all, we are talking about payments for people with disabilities as well as a pension for families who have lost breadwinners.

So, if necessary, issue social payments for disability, taking into account that they are labor, a certificate from a medical institution should be attached to the above documents, which confirms the presence of disability and which indicates the degree of limitation of a person's disability.Making preferential old-age pension

In case of loss of the breadwinner, you must provide a document that indicates the family relationship of the applicant with the deceased. Like registration of a pension by age, all of these payments are assigned by the same competent authorities.

How to apply for old-age social benefits for residents of Moscow

Above, we presented the general list of securities required for the appointment of social assistance. In different regions of the Russian Federation, it will be different. If you are a registered resident of the capital, then applying for an old-age pension includes the provision of the following documentation:

  • an application filled out in a special form at a branch of the Pension Fund;
  • original and copy of civil passport;
  • certificate of state pension insurance;
  • work book;
  • for those who have performed military service - an appropriate document;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • a passbook for future contributions;
  • educational certificate and more.Registration of retirement pension documents

Is it possible to get retirement benefits ahead of schedule: appointments for parents with many children

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the timing of the appointment of social benefits for old age is strictly regulated for men and women.However, there is such an opportunity as registration of an early retirement pension, and not only.

In the future, such payments may be additionally claimed by such categories of citizens as:

  • mothers of three or more children from a certain age, living in various subjects of the Federation (depending on the birth rate in the region);
  • women older than 50 years, raising at least 5 children, subject to at least 15 years of insurance experience;
  • parents of children with disabilities or their guardians and other categories.Making an old-age pension

Can harmful workers retire earlier

The procedure for applying for an old-age pension begins with the fact that the application should be filed based on the date of birth. However, it is possible to do this earlier for those who worked in a particular industry, which is defined as harmful at the legislative level.

So, according to the current Federal law, which is devoted to labor pensions, those who have carried out certain types of labor activities may apply for their early retirement:

  • underground work;
  • work in hot shops or in industries with harmful emissions.

Under these conditions, men have the right to go on a well-deserved rest from the age of 50, despite the fact that they have a continuous experience of at least 10 years. Women - from 45 years old, having 7.5 years of permanent work experience in these activities. And the general rules for applying for an old-age pension for these categories will be similar to all the others.

Can former citizens of the CIS countries newly arrived in the Russian Federation count on retirement

Now, when more and more residents of Ukraine want to acquire Russian citizenship, the question of how older people receive social security and whether it is appropriate for them will be very relevant.

So, according to the guarantees of the rights of citizens of the CIS, the rules for obtaining an old-age pension include the possibility of providing new arrivals to the country. The experience acquired in the territories that were previously part of the USSR both before 1991 and in the subsequent period is taken into account.

So, subject to permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, foreigners also have the right to a retirement pension if they previously issued a residence permit. Also, during its execution, a document confirming the fact of departure from the previous place of residence should be presented.Early retirement pension

Naturally, for many such citizens, most of their work was carried out outside the Russian Federation. In such cases, subject to the payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, this period will be taken into account when making pension payments. To learn more about how this looks, you should contact the competent authority in the community.

Features pension system in the Russian Federation

State social security of citizens is practiced in many countries. Pension benefits and their accrual conditions may vary significantly. Mostly the system for assigning social benefits depends on factors such as demographics in the country, its economic situation and so on. Pension laws, as a rule, are regularly updated according to the innovation and with an increase in the minimum subsistence level in the state.

Our country is no exception in this regard. Making an old-age pension in Russia is carried out taking into account the needs of the disabled category of elderly citizens.

Among the innovations can be called the fact that the employer agrees to transfer 22% of the payments to the Pension Fund account in its insurance reserve.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, workers in hard professions can also expect special conditions when calculating pensions. A full list of such posts can be found in the relevant legislative document. If a potential applicant for a preferential pension was refused early registration, he has every right to apply to the court with a corresponding claim against the authority that made such a statement.

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Reason for complaint
I have been working since 16 years, now it will be 60 years. in the FIU said that the pension will be 10,000 rubles? This is a joke. 44 years of work ......
How to calculate a pension?
Answer the question please! My mom was 55 years old on January 2nd. We turned to the appropriate authorities to apply for a pension. We were told that the pension is due from the age of 60 since it has not been in service for 5 years !!!! But as our neighbor, not having Russian citizenship, not having 5 years of experience, she receives a pension from 55 years old !?


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