
Early retirement pension. Early retirement pension

In Russian pension system there is such a thing as early retirement pension. One out of seven pensions in the country is assigned earlier than generally accepted age by several years (from five to ten). The proportion of those receiving such pensions is 31.07% of all old-age pensioners. Over 70% of them (6.3 million) are working for a number of years in hot shops, underground work, and in hazardous conditions.

About 20% of the funds of the PF of Russia go to the payment of early pensions, which are assigned for work in the above conditions, as well as for employees of special professions. What is it - an early retirement pension? To whom is she laid, and what are the conditions for her appointment? Another name for it is early retirement pension; this phenomenon, as can be seen from the figures given above, is not so rare.

Understand the concepts

Old-age pensions paid due to special working conditions widely distributed in our country.

They are appointed to lower the standard age of retirement by 5 or 10 years, for working for a certain period of time in special conditions - dangerous or simply unfavorable to health, including women.

The periods of labor activity in these conditions are called special experience. In addition to it, the condition for the appointment of a pension is usually the presence of a certain insurance experience.

early retirement


Early retirement pension as a social category has a number of signs, both general and specific. The first include: the frequency of payments made from the federal budget or the Pension Fund, their legal nature, accounting for the contribution of workers and the commensurability with it of the size of pensions and the social factor.

The second can include: the appointment of a pension earlier than the employee's achievement of the established age qualification the presence of both special and insurance length of service and its specific duration, the lifelong nature of the pension, its payment in addition to or in lieu of salary.

Thus, we see that an early retirement pension is a concept denoting a monthly monthly payment that compensates citizens for the salary (or other income) received before the appointment of a “generally accepted” pension. The basis for her appointment is labor activity in special conditions.

Early retirement: professions

Such pensions fall into several categories. Classify them:

  • by type of work;
  • by subjects.

By type, they distinguish work with harmful working conditions - in mining (both open and underground), in hot shops, with difficult, with intense or dangerous conditions, for example, tractor drivers-machinists of various industries, including agriculture, on road, construction and loading machines, in rail transportation, in the textile industry, in the navy and others. The list of professions early retirement is quite extensive and detailed, which includes many difficult and hazardous to health activities.

According to the subjects, pensions are divided into those assigned to any person (subject to the observance of the necessary requirements) and only to women who worked as tractor drivers-machinists in construction, loading and unloading and road machines, in intensive and heavy types of work in the textile industry.

early retirement pension

Conditions under which an early pension may be awarded

  • Citizenship (for non-permanent residents of the Russian Federation).
  • Permanent residence in the Russian Federation (for those who do not have Russian citizenship).
  • The status of the insured in the state pension system of the Russian Federation.
  • Availability of funds required for the funded part of the pension.

Law No. 173-FZ (Article 27) establishes special conditions under which such a pension is assigned. It:

  • reaching the required age;
  • length of service required;
  • certain work experience in special working conditions.

Early retirement age

The generally established retirement age in our country is 60 for men and 55 for women. If the insured person wishes to retire earlier than this age, he needs to have some specific insurance experience for this, as well as develop a special experience in certain jobs.

For example, an early retirement pension may be assigned regardless of the actual age to full-time workers in mining related to mining, working in the construction of mines and mines, if they have worked there for at least 25 years. The fleet and fishing workers are 20 years old women and 25 years old men.

An insurance record is the total duration of the periods of activity in which contributions to the PF of the Russian Federation were paid. To get this type of pension length of service required for a period of 15-25 years. If at some periods of work insurance contributions to the PF were not paid, such periods of time will not be included in this experience.

early retirement pension

Work in hazardous conditions

The third special condition, without which an early pension will not be assigned, is the presence of experience, that is, the required number of years worked under certain conditions.

Special working conditions are divided into underground work, work in "especially harmful and difficult conditions" (according to List No. 1). There is also List No. 2, an early pension for which is assigned with the wording “for work in difficult and harmful conditions”. These lists of professions are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. They are formed on a production basis and include over 100 industries.

The application of Lists No. 1 and No. 2 is carried out regardless of which industry or department the organization belongs to (other than chemical production), and also which has a form of ownership.

The periods of time when the employee was transferred to another job (no more than a month), the period of the probationary period, and the other work to which the pregnant woman was transferred due to a medical certificate are counted in a special experience.

It also includes periods of temporary disability paid from the FSS, annual leave, including additional. Study leaves are not included in the grace period.

early retirement pension

If the experience is not fully developed

If persons entitled to early retirement pension according to List No. 1, have not developed a special length of service in full. It is possible for them to receive it at a later age. If at least half of it has been worked out, then the generally accepted retirement age for these people is reduced by a year for each of the fully worked years of special experience.

If we are talking about List No. 2, men starting from 55 years old and women from 50, with 12.5 years and 10 years of special work experience, respectively, and with 25 years of insurance for men and 20- ti - in women.

If the required length of service is not enough (but not less than half), a pension may be assigned at a different age — later. Here, the standard age is also reduced by a year, but for every 2.5 years of harmful work in men and for 2 years in women.

How pension is calculated

There are no special norms on this subject in the current legislation. An early retirement pension is calculated in the same way as calculated on a general basis, in accordance with the rules defined by law No. 173-FZ (its Articles 14, 30), which regulate issues pension provision.

According to article 14 of this law, the formula for determining the amount of a pension is the sum of the funded, insurance and basic parts of it.The value of the insurance part is calculated as the ratio of the estimated capital (pension) to the expected period of payment in months (its estimated value is 228 months).

Estimated pension capital is also calculated using a special formula, details can be clarified by contacting the territorial branch of the RF PF.

early retirement profession

Supporting documents

The local PF body decides whether to grant or refuse a pension based on the entries in the work book.

But sometimes the reliability of information about the size of the special experience is required to be confirmed with the help of other documents. This is because work books very often do not contain such information in full, or valuable data may be completely missing.

Documents capable of confirming the existence of such an experience are the personnel department's registration cards, time sheets, personal accounts of employees and even the staffing table.

Reasons for a possible denial of pension

Most often, pension authorities can refuse to grant the required pension to a citizen for the following reasons:

  • the duration of the required work experience in special conditions cannot be confirmed;
  • there are problems with determining the special nature of the work performed;
  • it is impossible to confirm the fact of full-time employment on a certain type of work;
  • the position or specialty indicated in the work book does not correspond to the names contained in regulatory enactments;
  • it is not possible to establish the fact of work in a particular organization.

If the right to receive a pension is illegally violated, it can be restored by appeal.

list 2 early retirement

When to come for retirement

A pension is awarded from the day the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than the right to it. The day of appeal is the date the Pension Fund receives the necessary documents along with the application. When sending them by mail, the day of circulation is the date stamped on the postmark.

The fact of acceptance of all necessary documents is confirmed by a receipt-notification issued to the citizen. In the case of sending documents by mail, a receipt is either handed out or sent also by mail.

Missing documents should be submitted within three months from the date of application, their list is recorded in the receipt-notification.

Right to Information

When applying for a pension, a citizen has the right to receive information on his personal account in advance.

The submitted application is considered in the next 10 days from the date of receipt of documents. Then the PF body calculates the amount of the pension and announces the decision. The application and other documents are attached to the pension case.

In case of refusal, the applicant must be notified of this within 5 days, indicating the reasons for such a decision and returning the documents. If a citizen does not agree with such a decision, he has the right to appeal it to a higher body of the RF PF.

An application for appointment can also be submitted in the form of an electronic document via the Internet.

list of professions early retirement

Other categories of citizens

Is an early retirement pension eligible? So far, we have considered the able-bodied category of the population. But the list of persons entitled to leave on a well-deserved rest before the established age is much wider. It includes mothers with many children (having raised up to 5 years of age from 5 children), and who worked in the regions of the North, and many other categories.

As for the issue of people with disabilities, parents of disabled children under the condition of raising such a child up to 8 years old are included in the preferential category, the disabled themselves - by sight or due to military trauma, as well as those suffering from pituitary dwarfism, i.e. midgets.

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