
List of professions subject to periodic medical examinations in Russia

It is well known that many diseases or disorders in the functioning of the human body are easier to prevent than to deal with the harmful effects. Control and prevention are important not only for each person personally. In the interaction and communication of people with each other professionally, the level of security should be maximum.

At enterprises, the responsibility for observing the health standards of workers lies with the employer. For this, preliminary and periodic medical examinations working staff. And there is also a list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations. There are 12 main groups of professions and specialties subject to periodic medical examinations.

Food Service Workers

This group includes specialties that are directly related to the preparation and sale of food products:

  • Employees of catering departments in various institutions (cooks, barmaids, waiters), as well as railway and air transport workers (cooks and cabin crew).
  • Sellers of food products in stores, kiosks, fast food departments. Each seller of food products in large shopping complexes and at small private points must have a medical book.


Workers of children's medical institutions

A medical book is required for employees of children's wards of hospitals, as well as preventive institutions, clinics in particular, for workers of maternity hospitals and wards of newborns and premature babies. This includes a radiologist, and a physiotherapeutic cabinet, and exercise therapy room.

Preschool workers

These include all specialists who work in children's educational institutions of various kinds. This is every educator of preschool educational institutions - nurseries and kindergartens, also educators in orphanages and boarding schools, educators and other staff of year-round children's camps, nursing homes and forest schools.

kindergarten teacher

Educational workers

All specialists who work in schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, and boarding schools undergo periodic scheduled medical examinations. Employees of seasonal children's health and educational institutions (CPC, summer camps) undergo a medical examination before the start of the working season.

Adult Prevention Workers

The list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations includes kitchen workers and attendants of sanatorium-resort institutions, boarding houses and rest houses for adults. As well as specialists working in nursing homes.

list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations

Sanitary workers

This group includes working specialties of several categories:

  • Beauty and care: hairdressers, manicure and pedicure specialists, cosmetologists, masseurs.
  • Bath and sauna workers: bath attendants, showers, pool workers. This also includes swimming coaches and curative bath staff.
  • Laundry and dry cleaning staff.

Cleaning Workers

The list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations includes specialties in the cleaning services sector. These are the cleaners and the maids. These are the managers of the hotel floors and the commandants of the hostels. This also includes guides in long-distance trains.


Pharmaceutical workers

A medical book is required for people working in pharmaceutical factories, in the production of medicines and medical equipment. Medical examinations are carried out directly by pharmacists and pharmacists of drugstores and pharmacy warehouses.

Sewage workers

People whose work is connected with sanitation and water supply for the preparation of drinking water for use should have a medical book. After all, they are engaged in consumer services for the population.

Livestock workers

The list of professions subject to periodic medical examinations includes labor specialties of workers in farms and livestock complexes. These are beekeepers, poultry farmers and breeders, feed preparation and distribution operators, laboratory assistants, milkers, processors.

medical book

Transport workers

Drivers are also required to have a medical book. Transport workers are subject to periodic medical examinations, from international passenger traffic to taxi drivers and private traders working individually.

Practice students

Pupils of schools, as well as students of specialized secondary (colleges, vocational schools) and higher educational institutions must also undergo planned medical examinations before starting practice in the above organizations and institutions and at the time if they are provided for during this period.

AT health book data on examinations and analyzes passed (fluorography, breast ultrasound for women, basic tests and analyzes for infections) are entered. Also, data about the doctors passed: a gynecologist - for women, a psychiatrist, narcologist, dermatologist, ENT and a dentist - for everyone.

A medical examination is mandatory for these categories. And whether it is a seller of food products, a pharmacist or a nanny in kindergarten, it is forbidden to violate the law. Failure or untimely passage of a medical examination threatens with administrative punishment. But most importantly, it can lead to serious consequences in the form of dangerous diseases that can be transmitted from a sick worker who was not examined at the medical examination on time.

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