
How to get German citizenship? How to get German citizenship: step-by-step instructions

Germany is a country that has become a dream for many people. Hundreds of Russians dream of going there for permanent residence and are thinking about how to obtain German citizenship. This is a very delicate question, having a lot of nuances. And they should be sorted out in order to give an answer at least in general terms.

to obtain German citizenship to a Russian citizen

Serious intentions are the main condition

Today, Germany is one of the most developed and promising European countries. Once upon a time, German citizenship was received here by its indigenous people. But in general, the path to Germany was open to many, if not to say that to everyone. However, more than 100 years ago, this ceased: in 1913, a special law was passed stating that henceforth only German citizens who can prove their belonging to this country can receive German citizenship. In other words, nationality. At the time of the adoption of the law, many were puzzled: in this case, how to obtain German citizenship for a Ukrainian, Russian, Italian? It's simple, you have to go through the process of naturalization. In how it proceeds, it is necessary to understand in more detail.

How to obtain German citizenship

Change of citizenship upon application

In order to change your passport, you must contact the appropriate authorities. A foreigner will not be refused there, however, there is one condition, the fulfillment of which is mandatory. A person must live in Germany for at least eight years. The Germans are very scrupulous, and the laws of this country are fundamental. The state must be sure of its inhabitants, that they are not just emigrants, but people who want to stay here forever.

This is not the only condition that must be met in order to obtain German citizenship to a Russian citizen. You must also have a permanent place of residence - a house, an apartment, if not your own, then at least a rented one. Permanent income is also required, social benefits are not counted. The democratic foundations of the state must also be recognized. Of course, you must have a good command of the German language. Another person who is thinking about how to obtain German citizenship must be law-abiding. There should be no complaints against him and no grounds for expelling him to his homeland. And, of course, he must renounce another citizenship (with the exception of cases when citizenship is needed for a contingent refugee).


But how does a Russian get German citizenship if he does not live on its territory for the required amount of time? Of course, there are exceptions. For example, immigrants who came to Germany in order to obtain political asylum can expect early citizenship. It may also be immigrants who were officially granted refugee status on the basis of a decision taken Geneva Convention. And finally, an even more popular and common way to get a German passport, which everyone probably knows about. You can just marry a German or marry a German. Although this method is not suitable for everyone and not in all cases is the best solution. In general, there is already how life goes.

How to obtain German citizenship for a Ukrainian

German passport through marriage

This case is worth talking in more detail. So, a woman who has been married to a German for three years (like a man with a German) has the right to obtain a German passport. All of the above procedures (renunciation of his first citizenship, etc.) must also be performed. But authorities may refuse to issue a passport if it turns out that the marriage was fictitious.You can also lose the possible official status of a resident of this country if the couple divorces at the time of receipt of the passport by their wife or husband.

Own business - a way to get a German passport

There is another way to get German citizenship. It's about business immigration. A foreigner who decides to buy or open his own business in Germany immediately gets a huge number of advantages. And the most important thing is obtaining a residence permit (both for yourself and for your family members), accompanied by the opportunity to obtain citizenship. But this is an option for serious and thoroughly minded people. And the advantages are obvious: only having registered a business in Germany, a person instantly receives a business visa for a year. Well, then, with the help of a residence permit issued, you can finally settle in the country and implement the plans.

How can I obtain German citizenship


In general terms, it is clear how Russians can obtain citizenship in Germany. But there are some pitfalls. The most difficult thing is getting a work visa to the country. If a person does not have a higher education, it will be difficult. But people who have received a specialty will be easier. The main thing is to confirm the diploma.

If a person is a late migrant, then he will be able to obtain citizenship only if he has German roots. They must be documented. And, of course, you need to know the language and not have a criminal record. If all conditions are met, then the person will be given citizenship immediately after his move to Germany.

And a few more words about getting a passport by people with Jewish roots. There are difficulties too. One of the parents of a person who wants to obtain citizenship must have a Jewish nationality. In addition, they need to live in one of the CIS countries (the exception is the Baltic States). In addition, a person must know the German language and be financially independent.

how can a Russian citizen obtain German citizenship

Addiction process

After a long stay in Russia or in some other CIS country in Germany, it will be a little difficult at first. This is normal, because everything is different: laws, mentality, language, currency, traditions. However, if a person is seriously concerned about the question of how to obtain German citizenship, and intends to implement this, it will be necessary to get used to everything. If there is a desire, then the process will go easier. Only sitting idle will not work, because the basis for living in this country is work.

In Germany, there are no people who are commonly called among Russians "without a fixed place of residence." There are strict laws, but all this is justified by an excellent standard of living. Therefore, to move to Germany you need to be prepared both materially and documentally, and psychologically, morally. It will be necessary to immediately merge into German society, get used to traditions, the specifics of communication and, of course, work. If you manage to find a vacancy before the move (which will be very prudent and competent) - excellent, you can say that there will be almost no problems. If not, you’ll have to start your search right away. Because the first time unemployment benefits are provided only to late settlers.

how to obtain citizenship in germany to Russians

Being a German - what are the advantages?

If someone still doubts that having German citizenship is very good, then as an example it is worth citing several interesting facts that can serve as a solid motivation for issuing a new passport. So, it was said about how to get a residence permit, but something needs to be clarified. With a German passport this can be done in any of the 27 countries of the European Union!

Even entering any EU university will not be a headache, but the usual process of submitting documents there. There are no problems that should be addressed to foreigners who wish to study at European universities. In addition, with a German passport it becomes possible to travel to 150 countries of Europe and the world without a visa.And, finally, one more thing - the state provides its residents with social support, medical insurance, provides benefits and, in general, tries to make the lives of citizens better.

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Hello. I have been living in Germany for more than 10 years, I have a residence permit, I want to apply for German citizenship, the question is, is it necessary to report a marriage with a Russian citizen when applying for citizenship or can this fact be hidden? Thank you.


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