
Revaluation of foreign currency balances in accounting: details

As a result of the revaluation of value, the value of which is expressed in the currency of another state at the Central Bank rate, an exchange difference in costs arises. Accounting for transactions with such assets in the balance sheet is carried out on the basis of PBU 3/2000 "Accounting for assets whose price is indicated in foreign currency" and Law No. 3615-1 "On currency regulation". Let us consider in more detail how the revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1C 8.2 is made out in accounting.

Currency purchase

Organizations can purchase dollars and euros for different purposes, for example, for the import of material assets. At the same time, the following transactions are formed in the balance:

  • DT57 "Transfers", KT51 "Settlement account" - transfer of funds from an account for the purchase of foreign currency.
  • DT52-1-3 "Accounts in currency", KT57 - the purchased currency is credited to a special account.
  • DT10 "Materials", KT57 - reflects the revaluation of foreign currency balances between the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the purchase rate.
  • DT10, KT57 - the bank commission has been taken into account.
  • DT51, KT57 - unused funds are credited.

Now we will consider how to reflect in the balance sheet the purchase of foreign currency for transactions not related to import:

  • DT57, KT51 - transfer of funds for the purchase of currency.
  • DT52-1-3, KT57 - crediting money to a transit account.
  • DT91-2, KT51 - payment of remuneration to the bank.

Next, you need to reflect the financial result from the transaction. If the CBR exchange rate is less than the purchase rate, the resulting difference is taken into account in the structure of expenses: DT91-2, KT57. This amount reduces the profit of the enterprise, which is calculated when calculating the NPP. If the CBR rate is greater than the purchase rate, then there is operating income: DT57, KT91-1. This amount increases the profit of the enterprise, which is calculated when calculating the NPP.revaluation of foreign currency balances

Example No. 1

In order to pay for expenses of employees on business trips abroad, the company acquired $ 5,000. For this, the company transferred 145.8 thousand rubles to the bank. The credit institution acquired the currency at the rate of 28.8 rubles / dollar. For this operation, the bank wrote off a commission in the amount of 1.8 thousand rubles. On the day of the transaction, the CBR rate was 28.5 rubles / dollar. Consider how the revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1C 8.2. Postings:

  • DT57 KT51 - 145.8 thousand rubles. - money is transferred to buy dollars.
  • DT52-1-3 KT57 - 142.5 thousand rubles. (5,000 x 28.5) - the purchased currency is credited to the transit account.
  • DT91-2 KT57 - 1.8 thousand rubles. - the bank commission has been taken into account.
  • DT91-2 KT57 - 1.5 thousand rubles. ((28.8 - 28.5) x 5000) - the exchange rate difference is reflected.

Receipt of currency from buyers

If the company received dollars or euros from foreign customers for payment of goods, it must credit the funds to the transit account: DT52-1-2, KT62. The organization is obliged to sell half of the received amount in the domestic market. For violation of this requirement, a fine is imposed in an amount equal to unrealized foreign exchange earnings.revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1s 8 2

Use of funds

The organization can send the purchased dollars or euros for such purposes:

  • Payment of contracts with foreign partners - DT60 KT52-1-3.
  • Payment of overseas travel expenses of their employees. The amount of currency received at the cash desk is reflected by posting DT50 KT52-1-3.
  • Repayment of loans in dollars or euros: DT66 KT52-1-3.

Sale of currency

Section 6 of the Law provides that an organization must sell dollars and euros without fail:

  • 50% of the proceeds from a transaction with a foreign partner.
  • If purchased dollars or euros within 7 days have not been transferred to the counterparty in payment of materials.

Both transactions are reflected in the balance sheet equally:

  • DT57 KT52-1-1 - the currency is for sale.
  • DT51 KT91-1 - funds from the sale are credited to the account.
  • DT91-2 KT57 - the sold currency is debited.
  • DT91-2, KT51 - expenses from sales are taken into account.

Revaluation of foreign currency balances on the last day of the month is documented by posting DT91-9 KT99 (profit) or DT99 KT91-9 (loss). Unsold dollar revenue must be credited to the account: DT52-1- KT52-1-2.

Example No. 2

The transit account of the company received proceeds from the export of goods in the amount of 10 thousand dollars. On this day, the bank received an order from the company to sell 50% of this amount, and transfer the balance to the organization’s account. Mandatory sale of currency was carried out by the bank at the rate of 29.37 rubles / dollar. The official dollar exchange rate on the day of receipt of funds amounted to 29.47 rubles / dollar. Bank commission for transactions amounted to 1.2 thousand rubles.

  • DT52-1-2 KT62 - 294.7 thousand rubles. (10000 x 29.47) - export proceeds credited to the account.
  • DT57 KT52-1-2 - 147.35 thousand rubles. (5,000 x 29.47) - 50% of the amount is directed to compulsory sale.
  • DT51 KT91-1 - 146.85 thousand rubles. (5,000 x 29.37) - funds are credited to the organization’s account.
  • DT91-2 KT57 - 147.35 thousand rubles. - debited currency is debited.
  • DT91-2, KT51 - 1.2 thousand rubles. - the bank commission has been taken into account.
  • DT52-1-1 KT52-1-2 - 147.35 thousand rubles - the rest of the proceeds is credited.
  • DT99 KT91 - 1.7 thousand rubles. (147.35 - 146.85 + 1.2) - reflected the loss from the operation.

revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1s 8 2 in tax accounting

Revaluation of foreign currency balances

In PBU 3/2000 it is indicated that the value of such valuables, expressed in currency, is subject to translation into rubles:

  • banknotes available at the cash desk;
  • funds in bank accounts;
  • payment documents;
  • financial investments;
  • funds in the calculations, including borrowed funds, fixed assets, intangible assets, minimum wage, etc.

As a result of translations, exchange differences may occur. All cash in the bank is reflected in rubles. Therefore, revaluation of foreign currency balances in tax accounting and BU.

Recounting is carried out:

  • on the day of crediting or debiting funds from the account of the enterprise;
  • on the day of reporting;
  • as exchange rates change.


Income received from exchange rate differences is not profit from the sale of products. Therefore, it cannot be subject to VAT. Revaluation of foreign currency balances is carried out depending on the chosen method of accounting for values. The table shows how the fluctuation of rates in NU is reflected.

Payment terms At the seller, revenue is calculated / At the buyer, the cost of the goods is calculated
Full payment after shipment On the day of transfer of ownership VAT is not recalculated
100% prepayment On the day of receipt of advance payment
Partial prepayment Part - on the date of the advance payment, part - on the date of transfer of ownership

If the accrual method is used, then the received currency and debt to the supplier shall be converted into rubles at the official exchange rate on the day the transaction is completed or the reporting period is closed. It all depends on which of the dates comes faster. By the same principle, the date of occurrence of non-operating income and expenses is determined.revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1s 8 2 transactions

Example No. 3

The company entered into a contract for the supply of goods with LLC. The transaction amount is 100 thousand dollars. Settlements are made in foreign currency, since the supplier is not a resident of the Russian Federation.

The contract provides for the transfer of 50% of the advance payment until February 2 and the shipment of goods on February 8. The buyer must transfer the remaining amount on February 15. The supplier transfers ownership of the goods on the day of shipment.

The dollar rate was:

  • as of 02.02 - 35.41 rubles / USD;
  • on 08.02 - 36.37 rubles / USD;
  • on February 15 - 34.55 RUB / USD.

Consider how the revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1C 8.2 is displayed in tax accounting:

  • DT60 KT52 - 1770.73 thousand rubles. (50,000 x 35.41) - transfer of advance payment to the seller.
  • DT41 KT60 - 3589.72 thousand rubles. (50,000 x 35.41 + 50,000 x 36.37) - the goods are capitalized.
  • DT60 KT52 - 1727.89 thousand rubles. (50,000 x 34.55) - the balance of the debt has been paid off.
  • DT60 KT91-1 - 91.1 thousand rubles. (50,000 x (36.37–34.55) - the exchange rate difference is reflected.

When calculating the NPP, the buyer uses the accrual method. On the day the transaction is closed, the accountant LLC includes a positive difference in the amount of 91.1 thousand rubles in the income at OU.

Currency Settlements

Let us consider in more detail how revaluation of foreign currency balances is carried out in 1C 8.2 under contracts that are already closed.In BU and NU, the proceeds from the sale of such transactions is determined by the sum of the advance payment received and the debt. Prepayments are not subject to recalculation. revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1s 8 2 which document

But when calculating the tax base for VAT, these rules are not taken into account:

  • the seller accrues tax at the rate on the date of receipt of prepayment;
  • the seller charges VAT on the value of the goods on the date of shipment and deducts the VAT calculated from the advance payment.

Example No. 4

LLC concluded a deal for the supply of goods with a foreign organization in the amount of 11.8 thousand dollars. The cost of production is 200 thousand rubles. On October 10, 2015, the partner transferred $ 5,000 in advance to the LLC. On October 20, 2015, the LLC shipped the entire batch. The final calculation was made on 11/25/15. On the same day, ownership of the product passed to the buyer. The supplier uses the general taxation system; NPP pays quarterly.

The dollar exchange rate is:

  • at 10.10 - 29.4 rubles / dollar;
  • at 25.10 - 29.70 rubles / dollar;
  • at 11.25 - 30.00 rubles / dollar

In BU, advance payment and shipping is made out by postings:

  • DT52 KT62 - 147 thousand rubles. (5,000 x 29.4) - received an advance payment for the goods.
  • DT76 KT68 - 22.424 thousand rubles. - VAT is charged from the advance.
  • DT62 KT90-1– 348.96 thousand rubles. (147+ 6.8 x 29.7) - revenue from sales was taken into account.
  • DT62 KT62– 147 thousand rubles. - the advance is set off.
  • DT90-3 KT68 - 53.46 thousand rubles. (10,000 x 29.7 x 0.18) - VAT is charged.
  • DT68 KT76 - 22.424 thousand rubles. - The amount of tax accepted for deduction.
  • DT90-2 KT41– 200 thousand rubles. - the cost of production is taken into account. The same amount applies to non-operating expenses.

Since the contract provides for an advance payment and the final settlement is made after shipment, the exchange rate difference arises in the accounting unit in respect of the second part of the payment, that is, 6.8 thousand dollars. It is reflected in the statements at the date of receipt of funds:

  • DT52 KT62 - 204 thousand rubles. (6.8 x 30) - received the second part of the payment.
  • DT62 KT91-1– 2.040 thousand rubles. (6.8 x (30–29.7)) - the exchange rate difference is reflected.

Revaluation of currency balances in 1C 8.2

Values ​​denominated in dollars and euros are translated in the balance sheet at the exchange rate. The data for the calculation are pulled from the directory of the same name. So revaluation of foreign currency balances in 1C 8.2. What document is the deal executed in? “Scheduled operation” with the form “Revaluation of funds” or “Closing of the month”. Consider this scheme by the example of a resident transferring funds to a foreign counterparty for payment of goods.revaluation of foreign currency balances on the last day of the month

First you need to create a transit account in the program of the organization itself, indicating its number, BIC and currency. Next, you need to download currency rates into the directory of the same name. To do this, specify the date and click on the "Download" button.

The operation to transfer funds is performed by a credit institution. Therefore, in the card of a particular bank, you need to create a new contract with the form “Other” and indicate the name, for example, “Purchase and sale of currency”. All documents under this agreement must be held in rubles. The transfer of funds from current account to the bank is issued by “Payment order outgoing”. In the document you need to choose a bank, indicate the contract, amount and purpose of payment.

The next step is to credit the purchased currency to a bank account. This operation is also executed by “Incoming payment order”, the type of document is “Currency purchase”. Since the exchange rate at the date of writing off rubles and crediting dollars to the account is different, then in the document you need to check the box “Reflect exchange difference in the composition of income (expenses)”. When conducting the document, the indicated amount will be converted into rubles at the indicated rate (DT52 KT57, DT91 KT57).

A detailed movement of funds can be viewed in the report “Balance sheet” account 57. In the settings you need to specify the details of information on contractors and contracts. This is how revaluation of foreign currency balances takes shape.

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