
Disposal of property, plant and equipment: accounting. Write-off of fixed assets

Fixed assets - part of the property of the organization, which is used in the manufacture of products, performance of work. Their service life exceeds one year. More details about how the receipt and disposal of fixed assets (OS) are made out, read further in the article.

The concepts

OS include equipment, structures, buildings, working machines, measuring instruments, computer equipment, transport, tools, stock, livestock, perennial plantings, etc. The period of time during which the means of labor brings income or serve to achieve the goals, called the useful life. OS are subject to moral and physical wear and tear. The first arises as a result of scientific and technological progress, the second - due to active work, metal corrosion.

disposal of fixed assets

In OS, operating systems are accounted for at their initial cost, i.e., the sum of the costs of the purchase and installation of equipment. Once a year, an organization may overestimate the means of labor. They are repaid by depreciation, that is, the transfer of prices for manufactured products. If from book value at the beginning of the period, subtract the value at the end of the period, you get the value of the indicator at the end of the period. Depreciation is not charged on objects received free of charge, under donation agreements, housing stock, livestock, perennial plantings.

Recovery of OS value can occur in the form of overhaul, reconstruction and modernization. At the same time, the qualitative characteristics of the equipment are changing. After full use or for other reasons, fixed assets are disposed of.


Means of labor are eliminated as a result of:

  • implementation;
  • write-offs in case of wear and tear;
  • transfers in the form of a contribution to capital under gift agreements;
  • liquidation;
  • write-offs after the transfer of ownership to the tenant;
  • for other reasons.

The decision to write off the means of labor is taken by a specially created commission, which:

  • examines the object to be decommissioned;
  • establishes the reasons for disposal;
  • identifies the perpetrators if the cancellation is premature;
  • determines the possibility of using items of equipment;
  • controls the removal of non-ferrous metals from objects;
  • draws up an act.


On the basis of the data of the write-off act (OS-4a), the disposal of fixed assets in the accounting records is recorded. The document must be signed by management in duplicate. One is given to accounting, and the second remains with the responsible person. If the object was transferred free of charge or under an exchange agreement, then the write-off of fixed assets is fixed on the delivery-acceptance note (OS-1). Attached to it is the application of the gift agreement and the memo of the recipient on the registration of the object. The same document draws up the movement of the means of labor within the organizational units, its return to the lessor.

accounting for the disposal of fixed assets


Accounting for the disposal of fixed assets is displayed on the same account 91-3. The write-off of an object as a result of depreciation and sale differs in its economic nature. In the first case we are talking about the impossibility of using equipment, in the second - the transfer of ownership. In addition, in the event of the sale of an object, a tax burden arises. This operation is made out of the following transactions:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 - the initial cost is written off;
  • ДТ02 КТ01– the depreciation amount has been taken into account.

Further, according to DT91-3, all expenses associated with the write-off of the object are displayed, and on the loan - income from its sale. Costs include the residual value of equipment, transportation costs, dismantling services, and VAT on the sale value.

  • Sub-account “Disposal of fixed assets” 91-3 КТ01 - the residual value has been taken into account.
  • DT91-3 KT23 (44) "Auxiliary production" (“Costs of implementation") - cost accounting as a result of the sale of fixed assets.
  • DT91-3 KT68 “Calculations on taxes” - arrears to the budget for VAT.
  • DT76 (62) “Settlements with counterparties (buyers and customers)” KT91-3 - income from sales.
  • DT10 “Materials” KT91-3 - accounting at market prices for materials that were received after liquidation.

At the end of the quarter or calendar year, the cost of disposal of fixed assets and the financial result are calculated. If the balance of CT 91-3 is greater than that of DT, then the company received income: DT 91-3 KT 91-9. The loss is displayed by the wiring: DT 99 CT 91-9.

fixed asset retirement rate

Here is how disposal of fixed assets is made out. Postings that are used if the object is not usable:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 - the initial cost has been taken into account;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT91-3 KT01 - the residual value has been taken into account;
  • DT91-3 KT23 - the costs of disassembling the facility have been taken into account;
  • DT10 KT91-3 - capitalization of values ​​obtained as a result of dismantling.

The income from the transaction is made out by the following transactions:

  • DT91-3 KT91-9 - accounting for transaction income;
  • DT91-9 KT99 - profit from liquidation.

The loss from the operation is made out as follows:

  • DT91-9 KT91-3 - cost accounting;
  • DT99 KT91-9 - a loss from liquidation was received.


Equipment with an initial cost of 100,000 rubles. It was sold to another company for 50,000 rubles. We issue the disposal of fixed assets:

  • DT02 KT01 - 20,000 (accumulated depreciation);
  • DT91-3 KT01 - 80 000 (the residual value is reflected);
  • DT62 (76) KT91-3 - 50,000 (revenue accrued);
  • DT91-3 KT68 - 9000 (VAT charged).

Other charges

The disposal of fixed assets as a result of their transfer in the form of a contribution to the capital of another organization is made out as follows:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 - the initial cost is written off;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT91-3 KT01 - the residual value is reflected;
  • DT91-3 KT76 (23) - cost accounting for the transfer of the facility;
  • DT58 “Investments” KT91-3 - accounting for contributions to the authorized capital at contractual value.

Profit is made out as follows:

  • DT91-3 KT91-9 - write-off of income.
  • DT91-9 KT99 - making a profit.

Loss should be made out as follows:

  • DT91-9 KT91-3 - write-off of expenses.
  • DT99 KT91-9 - loss taken into account.

disposal of fixed assets

Retirement of fixed assets as a result of gratuitous transfer - how to arrange it? According to DT 91, the residual value will be displayed, and according to CT - the costs, for example, VAT, calculated at the market price of a similar object. There will be no income from the operation, and the financial result will be displayed as a loss. It looks like this:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 - the initial cost is written off;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT91-3 KT01 - the residual value is reflected;
  • DT91-3 KT68 - VAT is charged on the transferred facilities;
  • DT91-3 KT76 (23) - accounted for the costs of the operation;
  • DT91-9 KT91-3 - write-off of losses from gratuitous transfer;
  • DT99 KT91-9 - loss taken into account.

Now we will consider how, in the event of natural disasters or accidents, the disposal of fixed assets is made out. The postings will be as follows:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 - the initial cost is written off;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT91-3 KT01 - the residual value is reflected;
  • DT94 “Lack of damage to values” KT91-3 - reflects the loss resulting from natural disasters;
  • DT76 (73) KT94-3 - reflects the loss incurred through the fault of the employee;
  • DT82 "Reserve capital" KT94 - the loss was written off due to the reserve capital.
  • DT76-1 “Settlements for insurance” KT94 - the losses and damage to property were written off due to the amounts transferred from insurance companies (receipt of funds is documented by posting DT51 KT76);
  • DT 91-9 KT94 - the shortage is written off to the expenses of the organization;
  • DT 99 KT91-9 - reflected the loss from the operation.

The peculiarity of accounting for OS disposal as a result of an accident or emergency is that expenses can be attributed not only to the total costs, but also due to the reserve Ford, insurance, or to the guilty persons. These amounts are preliminarily accounted for in account 94 and then credited with other expense items.

The disposal of fixed assets as a result of the theft is formalized depending on whether the object was insured or not.In the first case, all losses are debited to account 94, and if it is not found, then to 99. Postings look as follows:

  • DT01-2 KT01-1 - the initial cost is written off;
  • DT02 KT01 - accumulated depreciation;
  • DT94 KT01 - shows the residual value;
  • DT99 KT94 - the cost of the object is reflected in losses.

If the object was insured, then after writing off the initial, residual value and depreciation, the postings will be formed in this way:

  • DT51 KT76 - capitalization of insurance compensation;
  • DT76 KT91-3 - the amount of compensation is reflected as profit on the object (if it is more than losses incurred).

If the object is found, then you need to restore its value (DT01 KT94) and accrued depreciation (DT01 KT02).

This is how the disposal of fixed assets is recorded.

The nuances of taxation

The financial result from the liquidation of the means of labor is reflected in non-operating income (expenses). These amounts, as well as under-accrued depreciation, are written off to expenses at the same time with disposal of fixed assets. In the balance, the numbers are displayed in the same period when the operation occurred. Write-off of fixed assets as a result of depreciation is taken into account in the financial results from operating activities. Tax authorities may request that the amount of “input” VAT be restored. This request can be challenged, referring to the decisions of the arbitral tribunal No. A56-32943 / 01, No. A29-9113 / 01A.

In accordance with Art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-operating expenses include:

  • the cost of eliminating all types of fixed assets;
  • Amounts of under-accrued depreciation and capitalized materials that were received after dismantling the equipment.


When making operations for the disposal of fixed assets, it is necessary to take into account the data on the residual value in the accounting and accounting records. If they match, then additional calculations are not required. But most often there is a constant, deductible or taxable difference. Let's consider them with examples.

Suppose the equipment was eliminated in September. The residual value in BU is 12 thousand rubles, and in NU - 10,000. The liquidated object was capitalized as a contribution to capital. The initial cost in the control unit was formed according to the statutory documents - 100 thousand rubles, and in the control unit - according to the data received from the supplier (80 000 rubles). This difference is constant. A tax of 24% is paid from it: 2000 * 0.24 = 480 rubles. This operation is executed by wiring DT 99 CT 68.

subaccount retirement of fixed assets

Change the conditions of the original problem. The book value of the liquidated object, according to the data of NU, is 12,000 rubles, and the BU - 10,000 rubles. At the time of arrival, the numbers were the same. Monthly depreciation was charged in the amount of 1000 rubles. But during the period of use the equipment for 2 months was transferred to gratuitous use. During this time, depreciation was not charged at OU. The result was a deductible difference and a tax asset (480 rubles). At the time of liquidation, it must be repaid: ДТ68 КТ09.

Here is how the disposal of fixed assets occurs in this case.

Reconstruction and repair

Sooner or later, each accountant is faced with these two business transactions. Repair costs are accounted for in the current period in full, and reconstruction costs increase the cost of equipment and are written off through depreciation. This is the difference between the concepts in the control unit. Transactions must be confirmed:

  • by the order of the head to carry out repairs, which indicates who will perform the work (independently or an external organization), a commission is appointed, terms, ways of ensuring safety;
  • defective statement which contains the name of the OS, its TIN, the reason for the repair;
  • contract for work with a third party.

These processes are made out as follows:

  • DT20 KT60-1 - allocation of repair costs to cost;
  • DT19-3 KT60-1 - VAT included for work;
  • DT60-1 KT51 - a calculation has been made with the supplier;
  • DT68 KT19-3 - the “input” VAT has been adopted.

Reflection of operations to complete the work is as follows:

  • DT23 KT10 - materials are written off;
  • DT23 KT70 - accrued remuneration to employees who performed repair work;
  • DT23 KT69 - insurance premiums for salaries;
  • DT20 KT23 - allocation of costs to production costs.

OS modernization is as follows:

  • DT08-3 KT60-1 - reflected the cost of repairs;
  • DT19-3 KT60-1 - “input” VAT;
  • DT68-2 KT19-3 - the tax is accepted for deduction;
  • DT60-1 KT51 - settlements with the supplier-executor;
  • DT01-1 KT08-3 - the cost of the OS has been changed.

fixed asset retirement accounting

For property worth less than 40,000 rubles. no depreciation is charged. Therefore, all costs associated with the repair and modernization are fully accounted for as expenses.


Consider this example. Equipment with an initial and residual value of 25 and 15 thousand dollars, accumulated depreciation of 10 thousand dollars was revalued. As a result, in the balance sheet the amount increased by 3,000, and the unappreciated depreciation increased by 2,000. Then the equipment was sold for $ 22,000.

You need to issue this like this:

  • DT01 KT83 - 5000 (cost increase);
  • DT83 KT02 - 2000 (increase in depreciation);
  • DT76 KT91-1 - 22000 (invoice presented to the buyer);
  • DT91-2 KT01 - 18000 (book value written off);
  • DT02 KT01 - 12000 (depreciation written off);
  • DT91-1 KT91-2 - 18000 (the value of the object reduces sales revenue);
  • DT83 KT84 - 3000 (revaluation reserve has been written off);
  • DT51 KT76 - funds were credited to the account.

Upon disposal of an asset, the accumulated revaluation reserve is charged to retained earnings in the amount that is determined as the difference between depreciation calculated at the carrying amount and its value before revaluation.

receipt and disposal of fixed assets

One more example. The cost of the object before revaluation was 120 thousand. e., after - 160.0 thousand at e. Depreciation was charged on a straight-line basis at a rate of 5%. At first, the amount of depreciation was 6 thousand. e., then it increased to 8 thousand cu The difference will be transferred annually to retained earnings by posting DT83 KT84.


OS movement can be calculated according to certain indicators.

The update rate shows the share of funds introduced by the company in the current period. It calculates by the formula:

TO update = OS value entered / OS value at the end of the year.

A similar gain rate reflects the proportion of new equipment.

TO pic = Cost of new OS / Cost of OS at the end of the year.

The difference between these indicators is that in the first case, the repaired equipment is taken into account, and in the second - new, received from a third-party organization.

The fixed asset retirement rate reflects the proportion of assets written off in the current period. Unlike other indicators, it is calculated based on the cost of equipment at the beginning of the period.

The coefficient of disposal of fixed assets is: fixed assets written off \ fixed assets as of 01.01.

To find out how many percent the book value of equipment has increased, you can use the growth indicator. Its formula is as follows:

TO growth = (OS new - OS retired) \ OS at the beginning of the year.

The refresh rate is: K int = Retired OS / Received OS.

The liquidation rate is calculated according to the formula: K liquid = Fixed assets liquidated / fixed assets as of 01.01.

The replacement ratio is calculated as follows: K deputy = OS liquidated / OS new.


  • The value of funds as of 01.01 is 60 thousand.
  • Depreciation - 12 thousand
  • Over the year, new facilities were commissioned in the amount of 11.1 thousand.
  • Out of service equipment worth 9.6 thousand.
  • The depreciation amount until full recovery is 6 thousand.

OS at the end of the year is calculated according to the formula: OS as of 01.01 + Incoming - Outgoing = 60 + 11.1 - 9.6 = 61.5 thousand rubles.

The input coefficient must be calculated by the formula: K input = 11.1 / 61.5 = 0.18. So, 18% of the equipment was introduced during the year.

The disposal rate is considered as follows: K retirement = 9.6 / 60 = 0.16. This means that 16% of the equipment was eliminated during the year.


Fixed assets are subject to tax and accounting. In the process of using the equipment, it can be transferred to other persons and repaired. Its cost is partially transferred to manufactured products. After full use or as a result of a breakdown or sale of OS objects, they should be written off.

The decision on the liquidation of equipment is taken by a specially created commission. She finds guilty if the retirement happened prematurely. Profit or loss from the transaction is recognized in the operating activities of the organization. All funds spent on restoring the cost of equipment are recorded in retained earnings.

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