
Recalculation of pensions. Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

Every year, starting in May 2003, working pensioners they have the right to apply to the pension fund with a request to recalculate the pension according to the information that was provided by the employer individually, and actually paid insurance contributions. The Pension Fund, in turn, makes a recalculation, but it is not always clear by what rules. How is pension recalculation carried out for a working pensioner? How is the expected time to pay the pension determined? Before you begin to answer these questions, you should find out how the primary assignment of labor pensions is carried out.

Appointment of a retirement pension

pension recalculation

The insurer in the pension insurance system is a pension fund. Since 1997, citizens are registered with the FIU and receive individual accounts, to which the employer transfers the mandatory contributions. From this time to the end of 2001, on this account of a person, all information on income received and work hours for all reporting periods for each of the employers separately was recorded.

What is recorded on personal accounts?

Since the beginning of 2002, all insurance contributions available in the pension fund have already been taken into account on an individual personal account, despite the fact that over the entire time the employer has provided this individual individual relevant information for each of the employees to the appropriate authority. All data reflected in the account from the moment of registration of a citizen is taken into account during the appointment and calculation of the retirement pension. All information from 1997 to 2001 is certainly taken into account before pension rights are assessed and a pension is awarded. Such an assessment is carried out based on the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

pension law

According to the law, old-age, disability and survivor pensions are granted. In addition, this law also provides formulas for the transfer of labor (insurance) experience in the monetary unit, and also determines the total pension capital, so that you can calculate the first component of the insurance part of the labor pension.

What does the insurance experience consist of?

It represents the time when a citizen worked for which contributions were made to the pension fund. The second component is determined by assessed and paid contributions from the beginning of 2002 until the time of the right to receive a pension.

recalculation of pensions to pensioners

What can the extract tell?

Understanding how pension is calculated and recalculated for pensioners will be much easier if you receive an extract from an individual account. To do this, you need to contact the department that takes into account all charges in the FIU. The statement for each year reflects information about employers for whom the insured person has worked since registration in the system.

was there a recalculation of pension

At the end of the statement, two tables are given that reflect all the contributions paid, where the total fixed amount of estimated pension capital, which is calculated on the basis of all contributions paid, has been indicated for the growing since 2002.

If the insured person is a pensioner, then in these tables will be shown the date when the Pension Fund was assigned, and whether the labor pension was recalculated. In the very last column in the tables on the date of appointment of the pension since 2002, the pension action is indicated, that is, the purpose of the payments.The amount of settlement capital, which is reflected in the personal account, is taken into account in the expenditure side of the PFR budget and in the pension case, and in the personal account, after the pension is assigned, at the beginning of the next reporting period, the settlement capital will be zero.

How is the increase in estimated capital?

Determination of the monthly size of the second component pension insurance old age is made somewhat differently. The amount of settlement capital, which is reflected in the personal account, upon the onset of the right to receive a pension, is divided by the expected time of payment - T (called the period of survival, when calculating the pension, it is calculated in months). An old-age labor pension is assigned for life. In January 2013, a constant value of 228 months was established, or 19 years.

new pension recalculation

Already today, the insured person who has not yet reached retirement age can, taking into account the amount of the settlement capital and T, which are reflected in the personal account, upon receipt of the statement, understand exactly what size of the insurance part will be established according to these indicators, and exercise control over the growth of its estimated capital secured by employer insurance premiums. The Pension Fund, in turn, indexes settlement capital.

Pension recalculation rights

So, since 2000 or a little later, the pension fund began to accrue old-age pension. After its appointment, the balance of the settlement capital reflected in the personal account at the beginning of next year will be zero. But with continued work, the pension law provides for the recalculation of the labor part of the pension. Since 2003, each pensioner who continues to work can use his own right to recalculation by applying to the pension fund no earlier than a year after the initial appointment.

Will the pension increase after recalculation?

recalculation of pension by years

When applying for a recalculation of a pension by years, a citizen can expect an increase in payments if the employer accrued and paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for previous reporting periods, as well as timely provision of the necessary information. Then the next year’s personal account of the insured will be reflected in the amount of the settlement capital, which takes part in the allocation. This amount, as well as when assigning a pension, will be transferred from the personal account and will be reflected in the case. And this will continue annually, while the pensioner will work, and the employer will charge and pay the necessary contributions for it.

What happens if a pension is not yet assigned?

If the assignment and recalculation of pensions have not yet been made, then the amount of the settlement capital, taking into account its indexation, which is indicated on the personal account at the end of the year, is transferred to the beginning of the next until the appointment is made. In the extract from the personal account, the last line reflects the corresponding action of the pension fund - the purpose of the pension, its recalculation, the end of the year, or the date when the extract was received.

How is pension recalculation carried out?

Earlier, according to applications submitted by working pensioners in January - June, mass recounts were carried out annually. Those who applied later than this period, a new recalculation of the pension was carried out individually. This is due to the technology of individual information on the personal account. In January-February, individual information and applications are received, after which a thorough check is carried out and credited to the accounts of the insured. Such work basically came to an end only in May. You can find out if there was a recalculation of pensions at all directly in the pension fund. In June, for all accepted applications, an order was made for extracts from personal accounts taking into account new data, they were loaded into the program, then the pension was recalculated independently.Payment in a new amount was already made in July, listing the difference from the first day of the month that followed the month of circulation. Until August 2009, those pensioners who did not declare a recalculation, it simply was not made.

recalculation of labor pension

Today, some changes have already been made to the pension law, according to which all pensioners who continue to work have the right to adjust without a statement. Now recalculation is carried out every year from August 1, taking into account the settlement capital, which is reflected in the personal account on July 31 of the year of the adjustment. For those pensioners who recalculated according to the application at the beginning of the year, there was no additional adjustment. In addition, the right to recalculate according to the application was also reserved, and now everyone can independently decide whether or not to apply to the pension department, or wait on the first of August.

How is pension growth implemented?

Now it is necessary to talk about how exactly the determination of the size by which the insurance part is increased when the recalculation or adjustment is carried out.

From the question it can be understood that pensioners who first applied for recalculation in 2003 received a retirement pension in 2002 or earlier. But since 2002, pension rights have also been evaluated, and a labor pension now consists of a base and a labor part. The last one all this time according to the statements was recounted according to the data available on the personal account.

It’s worth saying right away that it’s impossible to get universal explanations that apply to all pensioners who recalculate pensions. For example, the expected payment time, which is taken into account when recalculating the insurance part, depends on a similar indicator, which is involved in the calculation, that is, on the time the labor pension is assigned.

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