
Where and how to check the correctness of pension accrual: calculation features, accrual scheme and recommendations

Upon reaching the appropriate age, disability and in other cases established by law, a citizen receives a certain remuneration from insurance, pension and other funds. Simply put, retirement.

Are there accrual errors?

Pensioners and people with disabilities are socially vulnerable groups. The social security of such persons is guaranteed by the state. Recalculation and revision of pensions is a frequent phenomenon, while no one is immune from incorrect accrual.

how to check the correctness of pension accrual

Most of these errors are related to the human factor, but this is not the only reason. There may be malfunctions in the software with which the calculations are made. That is why the question arises as to whether it is possible to verify the correctness of pension accrual.

The pension that Russians accrue after the recent reform consists of two parts: insurance and funded. Since this system is relatively new, not all of its features are understandable, so sometimes doubts arise about the correctness of its accrual.

If a pensioner is not sure that the amount of his pension payments is determined correctly, he has the opportunity to demand adjustment if errors are discovered.

Where to check

First of all, you should figure out where to check the correctness of the calculation of the pension. If a pensioner has doubts whether he is receiving the correctly calculated amount, he will have to contact directly Pension Fund Of Russia. The application should indicate the request to re-verify the correctness of the calculations of the amount of pension payments and submit it to the PFR branch, in accordance with the pensioner's registration address.

how to check the correctness of accrual of old-age pension

Within five days from the date the application was made, where a citizen asks for the correctness of the calculation of the old-age pension, employees of the FIU are required to clarify whether the pension has been correctly calculated and notify the applicant of the results of the verification. If it becomes clear that the size of the payments was indeed calculated with errors, then, in accordance with the current legislation, it will be adjusted automatically.

Quick Verification Guide

In addition to applying to the FIU, it is advisable to know how to verify the correctness of accrual of a pension yourself. For this you will need: a work book and a calculator, a certificate of the amount of monthly average earnings for 5 consecutive years, or for the period from the beginning to the end of the year.

where to check the correctness of pension accrual

Now it's time to do some math operations:

  1. First you need to find out the size of the probation coefficient. Based on 55%. For women, such a coefficient is established for work experience equal to twenty years, for men - for 25 years of work. Every year, if a person continues to work further, the length of service coefficient increases by 1% (but not more than 20%).
  2. The average income for one month is calculated. This can be done by dividing the amount of income for five consecutive years by the number of months in five years (sixty).
  3. Information on the average salary per month established in the Russian Federation for the period that was adopted in the calculations in paragraph 2 will be required.
  4. The average salary in the Russian Federation, which was calculated in the third quarter of 2001 and approved by the government as the basis for calculating pension payments, is 1,671 rubles.
  5. The ratio of the number obtained in paragraph 2 to the figure in paragraph 3 is calculated. If we are not talking about residents of the Far North, then we need to take into account a ratio of 1.2 or less.
  6. The estimated amount of payments will be: the probationary coefficient (from clause 1) multiplied by the number from clause 5 and by 1,671 of clause 4.
  7. Pension capital is calculated. To do this, the following actions are performed:
    • 450 rubles (the basic part of the pension as of January 1, 2002) should be subtracted from the value obtained in paragraph 6;
    • what happened is multiplied by the estimated time period during which the payment of the old-age allowance is planned (for example, from January 1, 2010 it will be 192 months).
  8. The amount obtained in paragraph 7 must be indexed by multiplying by a multiplying factor corresponding to the year. It can be clarified, including on electronic portals, on which information is available on how to check the correctness of accrual of an old-age pension.
  9. The part of the benefit, which is called insurance, will be equal to the result of dividing the pension capital by the estimated period during which the benefit will be paid.
  10. The result of dividing the total value of insurance premiums by the date of assignment of benefits for the same period that was used for calculations in clause 9 is added.
  11. To the result obtained in paragraph 10, you need to add the amount of the basic payment established by the government from the insurance fund. This is the desired amount of pension.

By comparing the calculation result with the amount of the pension assigned in the Pension Fund, you can understand whether you should apply for recalculation. Having carefully studied the instructions on how to check the correctness of pension accrual, you can independently find out if the FIU is right.

Payout by age

To understand how to verify the correctness of accrual of pensions, it is important to know about all current changes in this matter. So, 2015 is notable for the fact that from this date it is planned to gradually increase the minimum value of the total length of service that will be required for calculating the retirement benefit. Previously, he was five years old. Starting from the date of introduction of changes, over the next ten years 1 will be added each year, and by 2025 the minimum that needs to be worked out will be equal to fifteen years.

is it possible to check the correctness of the calculation of the pension

If the total number of years worked for calculating an old-age pension is not enough, then it is possible to apply for a social pension. Beginning in 2025, it will have to be paid to women who have reached the age of 60, and to men from the age of 65.

Harmful pension: useful information

According to statistics, almost 50% of all enterprises whose work is related to industry are classified as harmful. Early completion of work and access to a well-deserved rest are a kind of compensation to people who are constantly at risk. That is why the question of how to verify the correctness of the calculation of the harmfulness pension is relevant.

how to check the correctness of the calculation of the harmfulness pension

But first of all, you need to find out what conditions are considered harmful or dangerous:

  • high level of humidity;
  • low degree of illumination;
  • high degree of environmental pollution (gases, dust, etc.);
  • increased noise level;
  • labor obligations associated with the use or stay in close proximity to harmful or toxic substances (for example, in the chemical industry).

Before checking the correctness of accrual of a pension, it is important to know some of its features. In order to retire ahead of schedule, the total length of service of a representative of the weaker sex should be at least twenty years, of which at least 10 years a potential pensioner must be an employee of harmful production. For men, the minimum total length of service is 25 years, of which labor activity under conditions recognized as harmful should be twelve and a half years or more.

In this case, two list of harmful professions. For representatives of professions, which can be found in list No. 1, the retirement age will come earlier by another five years.

List No. 1 is quite small, it includes people whose labor activity was directly related to underground work, work in hot shops or in production in hazardous conditions.

List number 2 is much wider, they included: employees of educational and medical institutions, workers in the food and light industry, engaged in mining and transport works.

Advice on applying for a harmful pension

For applying for a pension for harmfulness, it is enough to contact the PFR branch, which is located at the place of residence, with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming that the person worked in conditions that give the right to early exit on a well-deserved rest;
  • certificate of salary;
  • men will also need a military ID.

The basis for calculating pension payments will be: the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund and work experience. The provision of additional benefits, as well as lists of industries related to harmful, are reviewed and supplemented regularly.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the list of people eligible for early retirement now also includes people of art (for example, actors), as well as those who have earned experience in enterprises of the Far North.

A bit about social co-payments

To understand how to verify the correctness of the calculation of the old-age pension, you should know that the pensioner may be charged social benefits from the federal or regional budget. where to check the correctness of old-age pension accrualTo do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • a pensioner should not work;
  • the amount of the pension is less than the subsistence minimum established for the region where the pensioner lives.

In this case, the amount of the supplement and the pension proper is equal to the cost of living.

If the latter in a certain region is higher than that established generally in the country, then a regional surcharge may be charged.

Instead of a conclusion

where you can check the correctness of the calculation of the pensionPensioners are considered socially vulnerable citizens. It’s difficult to live on their income, and sometimes even impossible. That is why, in case of any doubts, you should contact the place where you can check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.

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Reason for complaint
Alexander Novgorodov
There are such tricks where a card sharpie, asking simple questions, leads his opponent to the desired result (sharpie). In this case, the opponent thinks that he owns the situation! As a result, it turns out to be fools, because The result is known to the sharpie in advance! The calculation of the pension (ours or not our FIU?) Is completely copied from this scheme.
Natalya Rodionova
Those. or will be checked by those who charged initially and, if mistaken, writes that there is no error. Or by ourselves, but not with the program, as in the FIU, but with a piece of paper and a pen according to completely incomprehensible schemes (I personally did not understand anything at all). And why you can not order accrual in an independent office and compare? I have 33 years of working experience, but my pension is less than that of a friend who worked for five years and then sat at home with children. This is normal? So working at all is not profitable?
valentine baldina
all right one scammers here in Krasnoyarsk pension lawyers for Peace work so many pensioners stand in line and pay fabulous money and not a single organization checks them to share whether you don’t know where to go for the truth and whether it exists:
Vladimir Davydov
He wrote in the UPF of the Russian Federation and in the PF of the Republic of Belarus and the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Bashkortostan. and their answer is all correctly credited to this circle closed. so check to no one we do not need.
Raisa Larina
Good evening. I’m retired since 2012, I was immediately confused by the small amount. Addressed more than once. Last year, she wrote on the website of the State Services, refused, after half a year. I’m thinking of contacting the region.
I’m retired since 2015. And I completely figured out how to calculate the amount of pension. How to calculate the number of points for the worked year. Here we will see how they will recalculate me after leaving!
I was appointed 1340 rubles from February 1, 2002. This year I asked to be counted, maybe they were mistaken. They answered, we won’t even. We calculated everything correctly
A madhouse and only it’s some kind of a fool there is in its PF who admits that it didn’t accrue the pension correctly. We all endow one person with the minimum wage where you didn’t work and everything is fine.
Pension calculation is the work of the FIU. And I should be able to check this work, not recount, but check. For verification, I need a pension calculation in writing with the name of the calculation officer. Now they give out only one digit. I am sure this is not casual
I completely agree with the opinion of Sergey!
There is no point in asking in your department. Neutral organ should check. But it’s very difficult.


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