
Suspension and resumption of payment of labor pensions: grounds, terms and requirements

Among types of pensions in Russia, the most common insurance payments. Citizens with a minimum working experience can apply for this type of material support. The state transfers funds exclusively to persons unable to work and independently provide for themselves. Upon confirmation of the opposite, citizens lose the right to receive money from the FIU.

Next, we analyze the processes of suspension. The cessation of the payment of a retirement pension includes the identification of circumstances that may become the basis for depriving individuals of material support from the state, as well as the conditions under which it can be returned.

The concept

A retirement pension is the payment that citizens receive every month as compensation for income after they lose their ability to work. The reason for this may be reaching a certain age or gaining a disability group. Disabled people also receive an insurance pension, which is provided by one of their family members.

Thus, three types of compensation can be distinguished:

  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • by the loss of a breadwinner.

There are conditions under which the suspension and resumption of payment of labor pensions, as well as the complete cessation of the transfer of funds. If such circumstances are absent, the citizen cannot be deprived of material support. In addition to this, there is also another type - payments for state. pension provision.

Suspension and resumption of payment of labor pensions


Payments for old age are charged to individuals upon reaching a certain age. At the moment, it is 60 full years for a man and 55 for a woman. Calculation, assignment and payment of pensions occur if a citizen has five or more years of insurance experience.

Also, material support is given to people recognized in a federal institution as disabled persons of any group - I, II or III. It does not matter when a citizen has lost his ability to work: during the working period, before or after it. The reason for the disability also does not matter, unless the person injured himself intentionally or during the commission of the crime.

Unemployed citizens can receive a retirement pension due to the death of the breadwinner if they have not committed actions that entailed his death. Payments can be received by the following persons:

  • grandchildren, children, sisters and brothers of the deceased who have not reached the age of 18 (or 23 if they are studying full-time);
  • grandmother, grandfather, parent or spouse who have reached retirement age or are disabled;
  • they are, if they care for the children of a breadwinner under the age of 14 years.

The size

The purpose of pension payments is the material support of citizens, and therefore, in calculating funds, the real value of goods plays an important role. When food prices increase, an additional amount is added to the monthly paid funds. This process is called indexing.

When a retirement pension is suspended and renewed, the exchange rate difference is not the only justification for the recalculation of funds. If new circumstances arise during the break, the amount of material security may decrease or increase. This occurs in the following cases:

  • a person has reached the age of 80;
  • the appearance or loss of dependents;
  • disability group change;
  • relocation;
  • start of work.

The purpose of payment and indexation of pensions is based on legislation through the FIU.

Legislative Pensions Procedure

Under what circumstances is the transfer of money suspended?

Suspension and resumption of payment of labor pensions may occur under one of the following conditions:

  • a person has not received money for 6 months;
  • disabled person did not appear for re-examination at the appointed time.

In such cases, the calculation of payments does not stop, but stops for a certain time. The FIU has accurate information on the progress of re-examination of persons with disabilities. Upon elimination of the circumstances that led to the suspension of payments, it is possible to continue the material support of pensioners. Most often, the FIU warns of the need to withdraw money or undergo re-examination so that they can correct the situation before the termination of transfers.

Non-receipt of funds

Suspension and resumption of payment of labor pensions for old age or disability occurs if a person has not received funds for 6 consecutive months. This fact is recorded in the documents provided by the company that is engaged in the transfer of money. The FIU receives up-to-date information on the receipt of material support by a pensioner.

However, if a person withdraws money from a bank card, the situation is different. In this case, non-receipt of the amount for 6 months or more is not a reason for the suspension of payments. The Bank does not provide PFR information on the financial operations of retirees. Nevertheless, he is obliged to inform the state authorities about the death of a person who received material support.

Features of the resumption of pension payments

Failure to attend re-examination

The reason for the suspension and resumption of the payment of labor pensions to persons with disabilities may be a failure to appear for re-examination. The period during which a person may not be in a medical institution is 3 months.

The frequency and date of the next re-examination can be found in the documents.

An extract on the passage of re-examination is in the pension file. If a disabled person is unable to get to a state institution and can confirm this with a doctor’s opinion, the examination is carried out at home or in a hospital.

Purpose of payment and indexation of pensions


The above circumstances can be corrected, after which the transfer of funds continues. There are such features of the resumption of pension payments:

  • when receiving money after a half-year break, funds are transferred from the 1st of the next month after submitting an application for renewal;
  • after re-examination, the person was again recognized as disabled, the transfer of funds continues from this day;
  • if the pass of medical and social examination occurred for important reasons established by the state institution, a person can receive money for the whole time;
  • the application is considered by the Pension Fund no longer than 5 days;
  • if during the break conditions have arisen for changing the size of the pension, from the 1st of the next month the payments are recalculated.

Other cases

Persons with or without foreign citizenship cease to receive support if their residence permit has expired. Suspension of funds transfer also occurs when a person travels abroad, if:

  • according to an international treaty, a foreign state undertakes to provide for it;
  • the person has not submitted an application for departure to another country, unless an international agreement is concluded with her;
  • from the pensioner did not receive a certificate confirming residence outside the Russian Federation.

The transfer of money is stopped on the 1st day of the month following the date of the above conditions.The resumption of payment of a retirement pension, part of the retirement pension, disability or loss of a breadwinner occurs after the provision of the necessary papers for this.

Calculation, assignment and payment of pensions

Termination and Recovery

There are circumstances in which the payment of funds stops completely. In such cases, a person cannot resume receiving assistance, but he has the right to apply again to state bodies, where the procedure for assigning pensions under the law is repeated.

For the termination of material support there are such justifications:

  • the death of a person or his recognition as missing;
  • failure to accept funds for six months;
  • loss of the right to a retirement pension.

A complete stop of payments occurs at the request of the recipient or with the initiative of the FIU, on the basis of documents confirming the existence of circumstances for depriving a person of the right to material support.


The termination of payment occurs after a pensioner is declared dead. If there is no information about the whereabouts of a person for a year, he must be declared missing by the court. This status also leads to a halt in monthly payments. The termination of pension accrual occurs on the 1st day of the month following the recognition of a person as dead or absent.

If such a decision is canceled, receipt of payments resumes. This happens when an unknown person makes itself felt and regains his rights. On the first day of the month following the cancellation of the decision, the pensioner may again receive financial support.

Upon expiration

As already mentioned, the transfer of money is suspended when a person has not withdrawn funds for six months. In this case, payments are resumed after the money is received again. If a person has not taken a pension over the next six months, the transfer of funds is completely stopped. Thus, the rationale for stopping payments is not receiving money for one year.

To restore the pension, a person must confirm previous or new circumstances providing the right to material support, draw up an appropriate application. At the same time, it is possible to indicate the previous grounds for receiving funds only if no more than ten years have passed after the termination of payments. As in previous situations, the transfer of money occurs on the first day of the month that occurs after the pensioner submits an application for the restoration of payments.

Analysis of suspension processes, termination of labor pension payments

Other conditions

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the following circumstances lead to the loss of the right to an insurance pension:

  • the provision of false documents that served as the basis for the purpose of payments;
  • the appearance of disability in a person who received support in connection with the death of a breadwinner;
  • the end of the period during which the person was considered disabled;
  • job entry.

In such cases, the issuance of the pension ceases on the first day of the month following the identification of the above conditions.

Confirmation of circumstances

The grounds and terms for the suspension, renewal, termination and restoration of the payment of labor pensions are clearly regulated by law. The circumstances for stopping the transfer of funds must be confirmed by official documents:

  • death certificate;
  • death certificate from the registry office;
  • a court decision recognizing a person as dead or absent is unknown, etc.

renewal of the retirement pension payment of a part of the retirement pension


The payment of pensions, the appointment procedure and the features of their recalculation are regulated by the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”. The FIU is a state organization for the provision of social services to citizens.

For the timely and justified suspension and termination of payments, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation keeps records of recipients of material support, notifies them of the need to submit certain documents, assists them in processing the necessary papers.

The FIU maintains contacts with the civil registry offices, the migration service, institutions conducting medical and social examinations, and others for the timely receipt of reliable information about pensioners. At the request of the FIU, legal entities and individuals are required to provide data that may serve as a basis for termination or suspension of payments.

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