
Beer drinks: brands, unlike beer

Beer or a mixture based on it - what is the difference between one and the other? The term "beer drinks" officially exists in Russia and has even been introduced into the GOST technical regulation. The thing is that this beer includes all beer in which the content of extraneous additives and unmalted grain is more than 20%. beer drinks

Beer educational program

In short, beer drinks differ from beer in that their recipe can use other ingredients besides the classic ones. Recall that a true foamy drink, according to standards, should be made only from germinated grain (malt, usually barley). Also involved in the production: hops, brewer's yeast, water. This is the invariable recipe for a true hop drink for centuries.

Non-Classic Beer Options

But after all, it is also boiled from unmalted sprouted grain (more precisely, with its additions). Such a change in the recipe is made both in order to save, and to obtain a specific taste - the original. Even in the USSR, such beers had the traditional prefixes: “special” or “original”, and in them the content of ungrown barley could be exceeded for 30-50% (by the way, this fact didn’t bother anyone then, and such beer was called beer according to GOST) . These original varieties, for example, in the Soviet Union included Klinsky and Leningradsky. There, for cooking, a section of rice groats was generally used. According to current rules in Russia, these types of foam would also be called "beer drinks." And this if we talk only about mass domestic products.what is the difference between beer and a beer drink

Paradoxes of Standards

What is the difference between beer and a beer drink? Such rather strict standards regarding malt lead to the fact that, according to current Russian laws, for example, Guinness and Corona are also not beer, because in the first case, ungrown burnt barley was used, and in the second - corn.


Now about the mixtures containing beer. They appeared in Russia not so long ago (except for the classic "ruff", which is truly a folk beer drink). In Europe, their history goes back many years, and I must say, such cocktails are very popular with the local public. The first in the invention is traditionally considered to be the French, who always treated the beer a little cool, considering it too bitter. However, under the influence of the Germans in France, beer was nevertheless introduced into a constant diet. Only it was proposed to combine in a proportion of 50/50 beer and effervescent lemonade. This drink was called "Panache", and it is still very popular in this country. In the clubs, the initial recipe is somewhat modified: lemonade gave way to the sprite, and for the raisins, more grenadine (syrup from red currant berries) is added there.sale of beer drinks

Der radler

In Germany, beer drinks also have their own history. Everything ingenious is simple, and a delicious foamy mixture called “Cyclist” (that is how Der Radler sounds in translation) was invented by chance. In Munich (1922) a massive tour of cyclists was opened. There was a tavern of one deli along the route of the tournament. Beer there was already running out, as there were a lot of people who wanted to quench their thirst. And the enterprising owner went on a trick, diluting the beer with available lemonade. So the famous "Cyclist" appeared. A characteristic quality of the drink is its lightness: no more than 3% alcohol.female beer

"Women's" beer

Such an idea - to create a light and gentle beer - came to the minds of several manufacturers at once. Women's beer has an exquisite taste, a small fortress, an elegant design of the container.And I must say, modern marketers have hit the nail on the head: such a beer is undoubtedly in high demand among women.

  1. Karla from Carlsberg is a new beer drink, according to the producers, which improves overall health and women's health (alcohol content - 1%). There are several variations. “Carla” with lemon balm and a soothing formula of herbal tincture. Carla with lecithin and folic acid, lowering cholesterol levels. Due to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is now the most popular in the EU countries, these beer drinks are already entering the world market level.
  2. EVE from the same Carlsberg is a women's beer based on rice and malt (3.1% fortress). Marketers tried to attract the attention of women to this product as much as possible: the sale of beer drinks was accompanied by advertising and tasting, and the result is obvious!
  3. Karmi from Poland is also aimed at a female audience: extraordinary packaging, an exquisite caramel flavor, including aromas of mango and raspberry. Among other things, it is also a very light drink in terms of alcohol content.
  4. The new glamorous product from Heineken does not lag behind competitors. In its composition, “Charlie” is fruit cider with the addition of barley malt. Therefore, it can also be attributed to beer drinks. This cocktail, according to the idea, is intended for those 63% of the female population who are negative about the main products of the manufacturer for various reasons.
  5. Redd’s beer and beer drink is designed specifically for young women. It appeared in Russia in 2003, and now it is very popular (4.5% fortress). It has a pleasant and light taste (variations: cherry, blackcurrant, apple).

beer and beer drink

What is the difference between beer and a beer drink? Birmiks, which has flooded the shelves and shop windows of many stores today, for example, according to the recipe should consist of juice and beer in a ratio of 50 to 50. True, modern manufacturers are increasingly departing from their original roots: they replace juice with artificial syrup. Also in this beer drink contains all kinds of additives, among which are not very useful preservatives and carbon dioxide, stabilizers and sweeteners. So, its roster does not bode well. However, there is always the opportunity to build the above drink with your own hands. To do this, you need freshly squeezed apple juice and light live beer, brewed in accordance with all the rules and without additives. We cool the ingredients and mix one to one, immediately serve to the table. You can add several pieces of ice to each glass.

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