
Payment requirement: sample fill and form. Payment Request Form

A payment request, the sample of which will be described in the article, acts as a settlement document. It contains the obligation of the debtor to deduct a certain amount through a banking organization. Let’s further consider how to fill out a payment request. payment requirement

General information

A payment claim (form 0401061) can be used in the calculation of the delivered goods, the rendered service, the work performed. The document also applies in other cases provided for in the main contract between the debtor and the creditor. Paper is issued by the supplier.


The supplier may issue a payment request with or without acceptance. The latter option is used in cases provided for in the legislation or established in the main contract between the parties. When you include it in the agreement, the bank providing the payer should have the right to debit funds from the account without his consent. A payment request may be urgent or early. The first are used when making:

  • Down payment (before delivery of services, work, products).
  • Payments after delivery.
  • Partial payments in large transactions. payment request form

Transfer can be carried out in two ways. In the absence of the necessary amount on the payer's account, partial repayment of the debt is allowed. This is marked on the settlement document. In other cases, respectively, full payment is made.

Calculation scheme

  1. The buyer presents to the bank a payment request in 4 or 5 copies. He receives one of them back as a receipt from a financial institution.
  2. On the first copy of the document, the required amount is debited from the account.
  3. The bank servicing the buyer sends the payment request in 2 copies and the funds themselves to the financial organization of the creditor.
  4. The amount is credited to the account of the supplier (recipient).
  5. Banks give customers relevant statements.

Acceptance Requirement

The settlement document contains the column "Payment term". In it, the recipient (supplier) affixes "with acceptance". The deadline for its adoption is set by the parties to the transaction in accordance with the terms of the contract. Moreover, this period should not exceed five days. how to fill out a payment request


When entering information into the payment request, the recipient in the column "time for acceptance" sets the number of days determined by the parties. In the absence of agreement on this period, it is accepted for five days. On all copies accepted by the servicing bank, the authorized employee in the column "End of term" sets the date at which the expiration of the acceptance period for the offer of the supplier expires. Calculation is carried out on business days. At the same time, the date on which the payment request was received by the bank is not taken into account. The last copy of the settlement document is used as a notification to the debtor of the receipt of paper. It is transferred to the payer for acceptance no later than the next day from the date of its acceptance by the banking organization. The document is sent to the debtor in the manner prescribed by the bank account agreement.


A payment request is placed by the servicing bank in a file of settlement documents awaiting redemption. It is contained there until a response is received from the debtor (refusal or acceptance) or until the deadline (5 days).During the stipulated period, the payer submits to the banking organization a document on acceptance of the claim or on partial / full refusal of it. The grounds for the latter action are provided for in the main contract. Among them is the inconsistency of the calculation method used with the terms of the transaction agreement. The debtor in his response refers to the clause, date, contract number and indicates the reasons for his refusal. acceptance payment request

Bank right

The debtor may provide the servicing financial institution with the opportunity to write off the payment of claims submitted by creditors. It can be any suppliers or only specified by the buyer. The bank may use this right in case of failure to receive the document of acceptance (partial or full) from the debtor within the period established for this.


Upon acceptance, two copies are drawn up. The first is certified by signatures of employees with the appropriate authority, as well as a seal of the debtor. In case of full / partial refusal, the application is made in 3 copies. The first two are certified by signatures of persons with the appropriate authority, as well as a seal imprint of the payer. The responsible employee servicing the account checks the completeness and correctness of the information in the application, the existence of grounds for refusal, references to the date, number, clause of the main contract where they are provided. In addition, the correspondence of the number and the number specified in the requirement is established. After verification, the employee puts on all copies a stamp imprint, his signature and date. The last copy is transferred back to the buyer and acts as a receipt in receipt of the application. payment request sample

Posting Amounts

An accepted demand no later than the day following the date of receipt of the application is deducted from the off-balance sheet account for accounting the amounts of settlement documentation awaiting payment with a memorial order. A copy of the application and the first copy of the supplier's paper is placed on the card file of the day as a basis for withdrawing the amount from the account. In the case of a complete refusal of acceptance, the claim is written off in the same way. Further, no later than the business day following the date of acceptance of the application, the amount shall be returned to the issuing bank. Documents are placed in a card file as a basis for writing off funds from an off-balance sheet account and returning a settlement paper without payment. In case of partial refusal, the amount is debited no later than the next day in full with a memorial warrant. Then the payment declared by the debtor is made. The amount of the settlement document is circled and next to it is another one to be withdrawn. This record is certified by the signature of an authorized employee of the bank. One copy along with the first copy of the requirement is placed in the documentation as the basis for writing off funds from the account. Another application form no later than the next slave. days after its adoption, it is sent to the issuing bank, where funds are transferred. payment request sample fill

Payment requirement: sample

The basic requirements are established in the Regulation of the Central Bank dated 03.10.2002 N 2-P. According to paragraph 2.10 in the settlement paper shall be indicated:

  1. The name of the document and the code for OKUD OK 011-93.
  2. Claim number, discharge date.
  3. Type of calculation.
  4. Name of payer, KIO or TIN, account number.
  5. Name and location of the bank, BIC, subaccount number or correspondent. bills.
  6. Beneficiary's name, TIN, account number.
  7. Name and address of the supplier's bank, BIC, subaccount or correspondent. score.
  8. Purpose of payment.
  9. Amount (indicated by numbers and words).
  10. Priority of payment.
  11. Type of operation (affixed according to PBU).
  12. Signatures of authorized employees, seal imprint (if applicable).

In addition to the above details, the payment request contains:

  1. Terms of calculation.
  2. Acceptance term.
  3. The date of delivery (sending) to the debtor of the documents stipulated by the main contract (in established cases).

The column "purpose of payment" shall indicate the name of the product / name of the service or work, date and number of the contract, details of the documents that confirm the delivery and other essential information.

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