
Assistant Judge: Responsibilities. Civil servants of the Russian Federation

Such a position as an assistant judge has become relatively popular in Russia recently. The emergence of this profession is due to a number of changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The assistant is a senior civil servant, but he reports directly to the judge. Its main task is business management and work with legal papers.

You can become an assistant judge through a rigorous selection process. One of the main requirements for candidates is a higher legal education. What other skills do you need to have in order to get the position of assistant judge? How is the interview going? How much pay? Let's try to find the answers to these questions.

What skills and qualities should an assistant judge have?

Assistant judge

High demands are made on the candidate for the position of assistant judge. This is due to the fact that a person should not only work with legal papers, but also indirectly participate in a verdict in civil and criminal cases.

A citizen who wants to try to get an interview as an assistant judge must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a law degree obtained in any form.
  • Work at least four years in the specialty. If the candidate was in the public service, the term is reduced to two years.
  • Have a negotiation skill.
  • Know the basics of paperwork.

The assistant judge should be able to systematize and analyze the information received. Work with regulations. He should monitor changes in legislation and trends in foreign legal proceedings.

The assistant judge should be able to plan his working day. To be contact, responsible, hardworking. The ability to keep calm during the workflow will not be superfluous.

What is the responsibility of the assistant judge?

Judge Assistant Salary

Before you try to get an interview, you need to find out what you have to do at work. The assistant judge will have to perform the following duties:

  • Examine claims and allegations that come. Prepare draft court cases on them. Suggest solutions.
  • Help organize hearings and preliminary meetings.
  • Prepare things for litigation.
  • Monitor the status of proceedings on which work has been suspended.
  • To study similar court cases in order to understand how they can be resolved within the framework of the law.
  • Prepare legal documents and reports related to ongoing proceedings.
  • Form answers to questions and suggestions received by the judge.
  • Engage in preparing reports for public progress reports.

If the organization does not have enough employees, the assistant can conduct the affairs of several judges. Or to act as secretary. For example, answer calls or send documentation.

Court apparatus: regulations

Court apparatus

In accordance with the rules of procedure, the assistant judge should:

  • comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • maintain their skills at the proper level;
  • to qualitatively fulfill the obligations established by the employment contract;
  • adhere to the work schedule;
  • when performing work, take into account the rights and interests of clients;
  • not give public information regarding court cases;
  • protect state property provided during work;
  • provide information on the change of citizenship of the Russian Federation on the day of receipt of documentary evidence.

What authority does the assistant judge have?

The list of duties of the assistant judge is wide.To carry out his work as efficiently as possible, he has the right:

  • To increase the level of their professional qualifications in state educational institutions. The court apparatus provides retraining courses for employees.
  • To study materials on office work stored in state archives.
  • Receive the information necessary for conducting a court case from law enforcement agencies or any other services.
  • To introduce ideas that will help to improve the work of the assistant judge.

Features of work in the world and arbitration court

Assistant Justice of the Peace

The assistant justice of the peace is involved in the investigation of cases on the following issues:

  • payment of alimony;
  • distribution of inheritance;
  • divorce;
  • termination of contracts;
  • criminal cases of mild severity, for example, causing minor harm to health or threats.

The assistant arbitrator is working on litigation related to disputes between legal entities and individuals. He is also involved in business matters.

What benefits do the assistant judges provide?

Like other civil servants, an employee of the court apparatus, whose work experience exceeds ten years, is entitled to a 42-day vacation. He also has the right to receive free medical care. And a discount on a treatment ticket to a sanatorium.

Pros and cons of the profession

Assistant Arbitrator

Assistant judge - the work is not easy. The advantages of the profession include:

  • formalization of an employment contract;
  • stable wages;
  • long vacation;
  • the opportunity to achieve the position of judge over time.

The minuses of the service as an assistant judge are also enough. One of the main ones is an unstable working day. Despite the fact that the employment contract stipulates a standard five-day schedule, sometimes there are so many cases that you have to deal with them on weekends or overtime. Time spent additionally at work is not paid.

Vacation has to be split into several parts. Rest 42 days in a row will not work. Also, leave can be taken only at the same time as the judge, so as not to violate the schedule of his work.

The assistant may be disrespectful to customers. Often you have to deal with rudeness or insults. Communicate with a conflict person will have to be calm and polite.

What salary?

Duties of the Assistant Judge

The salary of the assistant judge depends on the region in which he works. Average earnings - 15-20 thousand per month.

Four times a year this amount is supplemented by a quarterly bonus, which is equal to the size of the salary. Provided that the salary of the assistant judge is 16 thousand rubles, he will receive a bonus of 4-5 thousand. The amount of salary increases with experience.

Holidays and sick leave are paid in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to get the position of assistant judge?

It is best to start working in court proceedings as a secretary in the place where you intend to get a job in the future. After working for two years, you can apply for the position of assistant. By this time, you will already understand the intricacies of paperwork, get acquainted with the features of work in the judicial apparatus.

You can get a post of secretary at the last courses of study, then by the time you receive a diploma you will already have the necessary experience.

They take on work according to the results of the interview, during which the level of knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, various legal acts, and the latest decisions of the president is checked. They also find out if the candidate is familiar with the peculiarities of civil and legal cases. They look at his experience and personal qualities.

The work of the assistant judge is a tense and responsible matter. We have to constantly prepare documentation for reports on current processes. Look for materials that will help the judge successfully resolve the case. Organize negotiations, hearings and preliminary meetings. Sometimes you have to do Secretary's duties or collaborate with several judges, which confuses the workflow.

The salary of the assistant is low. The work schedule depends on the workload and the judge’s settings. But you can gain experience in clerical work and, in a good scenario, get a raise. Before getting this job, weigh all the pros and cons and decide if you want to regularly spend personal time on preparing documentation.

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