
The concept of what is "labor protection"

Preserving the health and life of employees in the enterprise during the working day is a labor safety. The concept includes the following activities:

  • legal actions - the creation of a system of standards that establish safety standards and means to ensure them;
  • socio-economic event - state stimulation of employers to improve and increase the level of labor protection;
  • technical and organizational actions - the creation of services and commissions at the enterprise with the aim of monitoring compliance with safety rules, training personnel of the organization and evaluating jobs;
  • sanitary-hygienic work - labor protection with actions aimed at reducing occupational hazards and preventing occupational diseases of employees;
  • medical and preventive measures - primary, periodic medical commissions;
  • Rehabilitation actions - the obligation of the employer to transfer the employee to another type of activity for medical reasons.what is labor protection

The legislative framework

Labor protection rules are regulated by article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: any citizen has the right to work in conditions with safety and hygiene standards.

Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates that the administration of an organization is obliged to ensure:

  • production conditions at the workplace according to safety requirements;
  • workplace certification with certification for the organization of work;
  • informing employees about the conditions of the enterprise, the risk of damage to health, remedies and compensation due;
  • identification, registration of accidents;
  • social insurance employees
  • safety instruction.

occupational Safety and Health

If the employer and employee violate safety and labor protection, then the law establishes:

  • disciplinary liability - remark, reprimand with loss of bonus, dismissal;
  • administrative punishment - recovery from 5 to 50 minimum wages (minimum wage), repeat violation - disqualification by court;
  • criminal measure - a fine from 200 to 500 minimum wages, or disciplinary work for 2 years, or imprisonment for up to 5 years (death of an employee due to the fault of the employer or other employee due to violation of safety standards).

Labor protection at work, rights and obligations of an employee are regulated by articles 219 and 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Production factors

What is labor protection and its dangerous factors - harmful processes in the workplace that negatively affect the health of workers. Dangerous circumstances:

  • physical factor - machines and mechanisms, vibrations and a high degree of noise, electromagnetic radiation, poor illumination, increased static electricity;
  • chemical circumstances - compounds and substances with toxic, irritating, mutagenic effects on the human body;
  • biological reasons - pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products;
  • psychophysiological circumstances - monotony of work, mental and physical strain, emotional overload.

labor protection rules

Labor safety

What is labor protection and its provision - the basis of the productive and creative activities of employees with any form of ownership. The problem of worker safety is multifaceted, it affects various aspects of the life of labor collectives.

In order to meet the requirements for the protection of employees, an enterprise creates a service or a vacancy for a security specialist.

Labor protection is personally observed by the employer or another authorized employee, or by a specialist working under a civil law agreement if the company does not have a full-time specialist or employee safety service.

The structure of the security service, the number of employees is determined by the administration of the enterprise, taking into account the recommendations of the local executive authority.

Workplace certification

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation conducts state policy on safety at enterprises. Labor protection is an assessment of workplaces in production, certification of the conditions of activity of employees and approval of measures to eliminate inconsistencies.

safety and labor protectionCertification is carried out in the organization at least once every 5 years. Recertification is mandatory for the workplace after the replacement of equipment, process and at the request of certification services.

What is labor protection according to the results of the assessment - an action plan to increase and improve the conditions for the safety of activities in the workplace.

Certificate of conformity

The concept of "labor protection" includes a document of compliance with the organization of activities at the enterprise. The certificate confirms the actions taken by the administration in accordance with state safety standards in the company.

Certification directly protects the employee’s right to safe conditions, compensation for work in hazardous work. Article 146 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates that wages of an employee in an enterprise related to harmful and dangerous factors are made in an increased amount.

Labor protection and certification affect the mechanism of benefits and allowances for compulsory insurance against accident and occupational diseases.

What is labor safety? This is a set of standards ensuring the safety of workers and the safety of working conditions. Norms are prescribed at the legislative level and are contained in collective agreements, orders, instructions and rules industrial safety precautions.

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