
Types of safety briefings: introductory, primary, unscheduled, target

Compliance with the requirements regarding the order of the training process on labor protection issues and the verification of knowledge of employees (including managers) is mandatory for all organizations, regardless of the legal form. An important step in this activity is the various types of safety briefings. They differ in nature, goals, dates and the official authorized to carry them out. A specialist or an engineer with the appropriate qualifications is responsible for ensuring a safe work process. Let us dwell on each of the species in more detail.Types of safety briefings.

Induction training

The responsibility for carrying it out lies with the specialist in labor protection or the person to whom these functions are assigned in accordance with the order. In large organizations, in addition to him, employees responsible for fire, medical safety, etc. can be involved. Instruction is provided with all new entrants to work, regardless of education, age, or length of service. Including with students and students (for example, undergoing practical training or industrial training), temporary and seconded employees. The program, which provides induction training, is developed on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the specific aspects of the organization’s activities, it is approved by authorized persons or the employer in the prescribed manner.

Key issues covered in the briefing

Induction training.

First of all, these are the following important points:

  1. Information about the enterprise of a general nature and production features.
  2. Basic norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection and local regulatory legal acts.
  3. Inner order rules labor in the organization and responsibility for their violation, as well as compensation and benefits provided to the employee.
  4. The main harmful factors in production.
  5. An introductory working briefing should reflect information on personal and collective protective equipment, and the procedure for issuing them.
  6. First aid issues for people injured in accidents, fires, injuries, etc.

Introductory briefing with employees is carried out in the office for labor protection with the use of visual aids and technical training tools. Duration must be consistent with the approved program.

Primary on-the-job training

Magazine of registration registration

Types of safety briefings in any organization include, including primary, conducted directly at the workplace. Legislatively established are the persons obliged to undergo it: newly hired employees (including part-time workers, homeworkers working under fixed-term employment contracts, seasonal workers), transferred from one structural unit to another, seconded from external organizations, students in industrial practice and practical training , other persons who participate in the production activities of the enterprise. By order of the head, certain categories of workers can be exempted from the procedure for the primary type of briefing. For example, accountants, clerks, secretary, etc. That is, those persons whose work is not related to the maintenance, operation, repair and commissioning of equipment, storage, processing, use of materials and various raw materials, electrified tools.It is carried out directly at the workplace prior to the start of professional activities individually or with a group of persons.

In addition, the types of safety briefings include repeated, which is carried out at least once every six months. The program operates the same as for the primary, the list of employees is similar.

Unscheduled briefing

It is carried out in the presence of specific circumstances, namely:

  • the entry into force of legislative changes regarding labor protection;
  • changes in technological processes, modernization of equipment, tools, fixtures and other facts that have influenced labor safety;
  • violation of the requirements of safe work by employees, which entailed the creation of a real threat of serious consequences (accident, accident, etc.);
  • requirement of officials and supervisory authorities;
  • more than a thirty-day break in work for positions with dangerous and harmful factors and a 2-month break for other employees;
  • by decision of the employer or a person authorized by him.

Conducting an unscheduled briefing is the responsibility of the heads of structural divisions, work at a specific place. It is carried out only in relation to those employees concerned, the above circumstances. Be sure to make a note in the logbook of briefings.

Target briefing

Work briefing.

The procedure for conducting it is similar to the previous one, but the reasons are different. Targeted briefing is carried out in the following circumstances: one-time work, holding mass events at the enterprise, work with the execution of the work permit, or to eliminate the consequences of emergencies, accidents. Its scope and content is determined depending on specific circumstances.

Magazine Requirements

Whatever types of safety briefings are conducted by a specialist and other trained employees of the enterprise, all of them should be reflected in special magazines of a standard form. The form, number of columns and their contents are recommended by GOST 12.0.004-90. So, in particular, for an introductory briefing, you must specify the date, full name with the year of birth of the instructor, his profession or position, the name of the structural or production unit, as well as the specialist who conducts the training. In conclusion, everyone should put his signature.

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