
Rights and duties of a labor protection specialist

Responsibilities of Specialists labor protection are a necessary part of the control and organization of workers. All these principles and requirements are in the form of job descriptions and are located at each enterprise, regardless of profile.

Reasons why the instruction is relevant

For any company and especially production, the accurate and coordinated work of all employees is important. Well-defined principles of the labor process of each individual group of specialists help to achieve this goal. When all facets of duties and rights are fixed on paper, correctly organizing activities becomes much easier.

duties of a labor safety specialist

Another advantage provided by the job description is the knowledge of what a particular employee is entitled to. And if the employer decides to step aside from fulfilling certain standards, he will be able to make fair claims based on this document. The leader has the same opportunities in relation to subordinates.

So the rights and obligations of a labor protection specialist should be registered at each enterprise. In order for company managers not to reinvent the wheel, the Ministry of Labor of Russia took care of the availability of a qualification directory of the positions of various employees. It sets out all relevant norms and requirements.

General Provisions

This is the first section of the job description, which sets out information about who the labor safety specialist is, what kind of education he should have, and how he is appointed to the position.

Moreover, attention is paid to what exactly the employee who is responsible for observing labor safety standards will be guided in his work. We are talking about a collective agreement, charter, job description, plans and programs for the implementation of various activities within this area of ​​responsibility, etc.

General provisions include employee qualification requirements. The duties of a labor safety specialist include knowledge of the following information blocks:

  • terms and procedure for reporting, which reflects data on monitoring the implementation of relevant activities;
  • means of communication, communication and computer equipment used to comply with labor protection standards;
  • methods and technologies for checking the technical condition of equipment for compliance with safety requirements;
  • structural features, profile and specialization of the enterprise;
  • local regulatory acts and regulatory and methodological documents of the company, through which all activities related to labor protection are regulated;
  • system of labor safety standards;
  • norms and rules of labor protection, etc.

labor protection specialist

This section also contains information on how exactly a specialist of the corresponding category is hired and how he is dismissed.

Post Relationships

In order for the duties of a labor safety specialist at the enterprise to be carried out as required by the instruction, it is necessary to interact with other employees involved in organizing the safety of the labor process. It will be necessary to cooperate with the heads of departments and public labor protection inspectors. With the latter, as a rule, questions of their competence are discussed on the basis of the provisions adopted by the company.

As you can see, the achievement of the necessary goals in the framework of controlling the issue is carried out by integrated efforts.

The rights

Before considering the duties of a labor protection specialist, it makes sense to pay attention to his rights, since this section is an obligatory part of the job description.

So, the employee of the company who is responsible for observing the safety standards of the labor process has the opportunity to take the following actions:

  • prepare draft orders concerning labor protection issues;
  • make decisions that can be considered reasonable within the framework of their specialization;
  • take part in protocol events, the purpose of which is to consider labor protection issues, as well as their own work;
  • make demands to relevant officials on matters related to ensuring the safety of the labor process at the enterprise;
  • to make suggestions regarding the improvement of work on ensuring labor protection and to contact them with the person responsible for industrial safety process
  • a specialist in this category can monitor the timely high-quality and full implementation of orders by officials, etc.

duties of a labor safety specialist in the organization

That is, the job description assumes the presence of all the necessary tools of influence in order for the duties of a labor protection specialist to be fully implemented.

A responsibility

For more efficient performance of their work, a specialist who monitors the safety of the work process must clearly understand which claims can be made against him and for which he is, by and large, responsible.

So, an employee of this profile can be called to account because of three key problems:

  • non-fulfillment of orders that were given by the head of the labor protection service, or decisions made by the director;
  • causing material damage to the enterprise within the limits established by the Labor Code;
  • violation of the provisions that are recorded in the guidelines regarding labor safety.

Required participation

In order to better understand what the basic duties of a labor protection specialist are, it makes sense to conditionally divide them into three categories: participation, control and implementation of various events. And if we talk about the first of them, it should be noted that an employee of appropriate qualification is required to participate in the organization of competent interaction of various inspectors related to the labor process during the implementation of specific activities.

functional responsibilities of labor protection specialist

An occupational safety specialist is required to participate in work that is related to determining the enterprise’s strategy in the field of employee safety (creating the necessary conditions), as well as generating relevant reports and developing draft business plans (those sections that relate to OS).

It is also mandatory to participate in various surveys, inspections of the technical condition of all elements of production and the premises in which people work. Attention must also be paid to the fact that all necessary protective equipment, both individual and collective, are available on the working sites.

The duties of a labor protection specialist include bringing to a state, which is determined by regulatory enactments, of all equipment and all systems that do not meet these requirements. For this, it may be necessary to develop certain measures in order to prevent a threat to the health and life of workers.

What you need to control

The one who is involved in labor safety at the enterprise should first of all ensure that all relevant legislation in his area of ​​responsibility is respected. Control over the implementation of the requirements set forth in local regulations and regulatory and methodological documents on labor protection. This is especially true during the performance of certain activities by specific officials or structural units.

The functional duties of a labor protection specialist also include checking the timeliness and correctness of development and the subsequent implementation of all necessary means to ensure the safety of employees. This category of responsibilities includes the analysis of data relating to working conditions at workplaces. Using the results of such an analysis, it is necessary to prepare proposals that will improve working conditions. In other words, the specialist responsible for health and safety is obligated to monitor the condition of equipment, facilities, work of specific employees in order to prevent accidents and property damage. He needs to be able to anticipate possible problems and communicate such prospects to key individuals.

rights and obligations of labor protection specialist

There is another group of factors that a labor protection specialist should control. The duties of this employee include checking that specific services conduct relevant technical examinations, as well as testing the status of machinery and equipment mechanisms.

Necessary Activities

The duties of an OSH specialist in an organization include conducting an expert assessment of decisions that have been made regarding OSH. Moreover, he can evaluate both independently and with the involvement of other qualified workers.

It is necessary to conduct consultations with company management regarding the organization of labor protection and planning the necessary events directly at workplaces. The duties of an OH specialist include studying local regulations and normative and methodological documentation related to ensuring the safety of the labor process, as well as foreign and advanced domestic experience in this field. In fact, we are talking about stable continuing education.

duties of a specialist in labor protection at the enterprise

You can not ignore the progressive methods that are used for the competent and effective organization of labor protection at the enterprise.

Labor protection at school

Here the situation is approximately the same as in the enterprise. An OH specialist is appointed by order of the immediate supervisor. After that, he is already considered an authorized representative of a particular educational institution.

The security officer himself reports to the head of the school. But for his part, he may demand the subordination of the entire staff that is present in the educational institution, of course, in matters related to his specialization.

The duties of a labor safety specialist at the school include monitoring not only the state of the workplace, but also the observance of legitimate interests, as well as the rights of employees in the field of safety and health. To do this, he can carry out all necessary measures and checks, and do this together with a special commission and administration.

Legislative changes

It makes sense to know that since 2013 the position of labor protection engineer that existed for a long time has been abolished. OT departments also remained in the past, so those who were their superiors could not continue their activities in their former labor status.
duties of a labor safety specialist at school

Instead of the profiles mentioned above, new specializations have come. This is a specialist in labor protection and head of the OT service. But job descriptions, in which the term "engineer" was used, have not lost their relevance. So their replacement is optional. The only exceptions are those when it comes to compensation and benefits. Then the company needs to follow the relevant documentation update.


It is important to understand that every company should have such an employee as a labor protection specialist.The duties of an employee are not just a set of formal rules, but principles and measures that will help preserve the health of employees and the property of the enterprise.

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