
The concept and main types of logistics

Logistics is a fairly broad and ambiguous concept, which is used in the field of economics, production, trade and transport.

The concept of logistics

The concept and types of logistics in general are presented as a set of measures aimed at organizing the rational movement of goods from producer to buyer. Each business entity is represented as a logical chain or a series of logistics systems that interact with each other.

types of logistics

With the development of this economic concept, a need arose for its systematization. Types of logistics, unfortunately, are still imperfect and therefore subject to constant updating. However, today it can be argued that their main division is macro- and micro-logical. The first types of logistics work at the international level of the economy. The second - at the level of an individual enterprise or trade and industrial complex. It is in these complexes that types of logistics can be used, each of which corresponds to a structural unit of a business entity.

Priority areas of logistics

Thus, the types of logistics are quite diverse, and their range is constantly expanding. To identify priority areas, it is necessary to consider the classification of logistics:

  • production;
  • purchasing;
  • stock logistics;
  • informational;
  • transport;
  • railway;
  • customs.

logistics types of logistics

All these directions are in close interconnection. For example, production logistics will not function without information or transport. Maritime logistics is closely related to customs. A stock logistics can not do without procurement. All the above types of logistics are aimed at optimizing the management of both material and intangible flows, regardless of whether it is a product or information. Close interaction between them and their coordinated functioning is the key to successful and efficient work of both individual business entities and macroeconomic systems as a whole.

Production logistics

Types of logistics reflect the scope of the enterprise. So, this subspecies of management manages the material flow when it moves along the path “source of raw materials - production of finished products”. In this case, it is obvious that such types of logistics are associated specifically with enterprises that produce goods. The main goal of production logistics is to achieve a reduction in the cost of finished products while improving their quality. It should be noted that the types of logistics activities of this type do not provide for the existence of any commodity-money relations.

Procurement logistics

concept and types of logistics

This type of management is designed to find answers to questions such as “Which suppliers should I choose?”, “How to optimize inventory in the warehouse?”, “How to reduce costs when purchasing goods?”, Etc. This management industry should be aimed at expanding the supplier base , the organization of the deliveries with the simultaneous optimization of the costs of the purchase and subsequent storage of goods.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish the following types of logistics: traditional and operational. The first type involves a one-time purchase of goods for a specific period. If we are talking about an operational procurement scheme, then the acquisition of goods is carried out depending on the degree of expenditure of the goods or raw materials, which minimizes the simple goods in the warehouse. Each of these species is characterized by both advantages and disadvantages.That is why the scheme should be individually developed taking into account the needs of the business entity.

Thus, procurement logistics helps to ensure uninterrupted supplies of goods and raw materials with minimal stocks. The main objective of this industry is to synchronize supply and use while optimizing storage and procurement costs.

Stock Logistics

Any area of ​​production and commercial activity should imply the rational use of stocks, which are formed at each stage of the enterprise’s functioning. These or other types of stocks in logistics can optimize production processes, so that managers turn to this type of management.


types of transport in logistics

The first advantage is the provision of major discounts at most bulk purchases of the necessary raw materials. That is why business entities make purchases of products in huge batches. Thus, the question arises of how to correctly and efficiently introduce surplus into production. For this, various types of flows in logistics are responsible.

The second advantage is the purchase of large consignments of consumables if they are expected to jump in prices in the future (for example, a drop in the value of the ruble). In this case, the main types of inventory logistics used will allow us to develop an optimal scheme for managing purchased materials.

The third advantage is the need to use stock logistics in the activities of construction companies. So, providing construction sites with necessary raw materials plays an important role. If certain mistakes are made in the supply, this can lead to a shortage of materials, which will increase additional costs. In this case, operating costs will increase. Only logistics can rid the company of such troubles.

The types of inventory logistics used by enterprises of various fields of activity have a fourth advantage, expressed in the ability of optimal inventory management to significantly affect competitiveness. In other words, surplus stocks with an effective approach can represent a large reserve for economic development.

Transport logistics

The types of such logistics are responsible for reducing the various costs of transporting certain material values.

In this case we are talking about the transportation of goods, deliveries, delivery of documents or goods. In other words, these are the functioning areas for which certain types of transport are responsible. Logistics in this case should manage the cost of moving such goods in order to minimize their cost in the end.

Tasks of transport logistics

Logistics of this type in the organization of transportation should be engaged in such tasks:

  1. choice of transport;
  2. route planning;
  3. synchronization of all transportation processes;
  4. management of a specific information flow, accompanied by the movement of goods.

The modern functioning of business entities involves the use of automation of processes that are associated with transportation. Therefore, the relevant specialists must “keep up to date” and have innovations in the field of special programs and developments. Such innovations are also significantly affected by various types of transport in logistics, the rational use of which helps to reduce delivery times, choose the best route, and generate timely reporting on the movement of goods. It is this important factor that will reduce the time and financial costs of transportation.

Information Logistics

This is the area of ​​activity of the enterprise, which is responsible for managing the flow of various information. Its main task is to collect with subsequent processing, storage and distribution information flows business entity. The competent and efficient organization of such information flows ensures the efficiency of the enterprise due to the optimal interaction of its structural divisions. The specified type of logistics is becoming popular among business entities with a huge document flow. First of all, we are talking about companies that are engaged in wholesale trade and production.

Information logistics is closely interconnected with the material flow, the management of which with the development of common standards for working with each individual direction will allow timely notification of the enterprise units.

One of the tasks of information logistics is to manage the relevant systems that are widely used in modern companies. Software and hardware with the development of new solutions are priority areas in this type of management.

Railway logistics

Cargo transportation by rail is a fairly popular, reliable and inexpensive way to deliver goods to almost any destination. This type of logistics allows the transportation of goods fairly quickly and at low cost.

logistics activities

Railway logistics is responsible for organizing transportation both domestically and internationally.

The main objectives of this type of logistics are:

  1. development of an optimal cargo transportation scheme;
  2. selection of the appropriate type of train (for example, transportation by wagons, containers or gondola cars);
  3. organization of the process of loading and unloading;
  4. execution of all necessary documentation.

Customs Logistics

This type of logistics is necessary for companies engaged in the movement of goods at the international level. Solve optimization issues foreign economic activity business entity, it allows customs logistics. This is a rather important area of ​​activity, which includes measures aimed at organizing the supply of raw materials and goods between states.

types of stocks in logistics

Checking cargo with the necessary documentation, as well as organizing flights - these are the areas of activity that are responsible for customs logistics professionals. Its main objectives are:

  • customs clearance of goods;
  • cargo assessment by experts;
  • execution of declarations on the movement of goods;
  • obtaining appropriate licenses;
  • synchronization of information flows accompanying transported goods.

In other words, customs logistics should coordinate material, information and financial flows with the derivation of the optimal formula for the organization of trade with minimum costs.

Summing up the material presented in this article, it should be noted that logistics is a diverse area of ​​activity of the enterprise, which is responsible for the formation and management of goods flows.

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