
How soon and where to get a birth certificate?

The birth of a baby is a joyful event for any family. In addition to worries about the necessary dowry, parents must take care of the issue of mandatory bureaucratic procedures. The primary task that dads and mothers will have to solve immediately upon returning to normal life is how and where to get a birth certificate? At first glance, an absolutely simple procedure actually has a lot of pitfalls and nuances, which we will try to study in the most detailed way.

Why is it necessary to get a certificate?

Obtaining a birth certificate is one of the most important steps you have to take. The process of obtaining a document is quite simple and does not require any costs, significant physical effort, time or money from parents. It is not worth neglecting to receive such a paper, because for the next few years it will be the main and main one. The absence of a document threatens the family with very unpleasant consequences, which many parents do not even think about in advance. Future difficulties will lie not only in the need to pay a fine, but also in the impossibility of obtaining additional necessary documents, as well as state subsidies and subsidies, which is associated with the risk of loss of financial resources. So, let's specify the list of existing risks. First of all, the impossibility of obtaining:

  • citizenship for the child (requires a certificate and passports of parents);
  • maternity capital (per second child);
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • registration at the place of residence.

Along with the birth certificate, newly-made parents will receive a special certificate, in the future you will need it for registration of various benefits for the baby. In addition, you will definitely need a document for registration in a kindergarten or school. where to get a birth certificate

Where is it recommended to apply for clearance?

Which institution issues and issues a birth certificate for a child? The registry office is where you should go first and foremost. To help you resolve the issue associated with obtaining such a document, you will be able to:

  • REGISTRY OFFICE at the place of registration of any of the parents.
  • REGISTRY OFFICE at the birthplace of your child.
  • In any other department of civil registration of your city.
  • At the consular post (relevant for babies born outside our homeland).

If there is no civil registry office in your village, it is recommended that you contact the nearest village council for detailed advice on your next steps.

How soon should I apply for a document?

It is also extremely important to know in what time frame the birth certificate of a child should be made. The period for applying for a document is one month from the day the newborn is born. The specified time period is determined by Federal Law No. 143, which is called “On Civil Status Acts”. Pay attention to the fact that the certificate issued in the maternity hospital is valid for a similar amount of time.

When submitting an application for paperwork through the court, you should also focus on one calendar month. obtaining a birth certificate

Short list of required documents

What certificates must be collected in order to receive a birth certificate? Documents (just in case, get originals and copies, so you can quite successfully reduce the time for various bureaucratic red tape) should be submitted:

  • medical certificate of the birth of a child;
  • passports of father and mother or only mother;
  • marriage certificate (if any).

A little more about the necessary help

The issue of a child’s birth certificate is based on the above documents. Let's talk in more detail about the requirements for them. So, a medical certificate stating that the baby was born is issued either in the maternity hospital or by a specialist who takes birth outside the walls of the medical facility. The paper in both cases is official and is valid for 30 days (one calendar month). If the emergency permission from the burden occurred without representatives of the medical field, it is recommended to enlist the support of witnesses, on the basis of whose testimony an official statement will be drawn up.

The main nuances of obtaining a certificate

The name and patronymic of the child are assigned based on the agreement of the parents. If the relationship between mother and father is legalized in accordance with existing standards, any of them can apply for a certificate alone. In this case, the spouse becomes the authorized representative of the second half, and all entries are made exclusively from their words. If the marriage between mom and dad is not registered, both parents must attend the procedure for issuing a certificate. Data on the child will be recorded on the basis of the compiled paternity deed. A single action algorithm is provided for a single mother. When designing the main document of the baby, the woman should know that information about the father is indicated only with her words or not at all. The kid receives the mother's last name, and the middle name will be recorded according to her testimony (any). birth certificate of the registry office

The nuances of filling out a certificate

Now that you know where to get the birth certificate of a child, we’ll talk about what are the requirements for its registration. The document itself is an A4 light green paper. Its distinctive features are the presence of a personal number, series, as well as watermarks, which can be seen by lifting the sheet to the light. The document is filled out both by hand and with the help of a machine kit. In the first of these cases, it allows the use of black or blue ink, the entered data should be as legible as possible, the text should not have blots, blurry areas. If the document is filled with the machine, only black ink is allowed. Please note that only one of the indicated methods can be applied for filling, any combination of fonts is not allowed. Another important requirement is that the data in the paper must be entered in full. birth certificate citizenship

What to do if an error is detected?

After you have received the long-awaited document in your hands, be sure to check the data specified in it. If you find distorted information at the time of receipt of the paper or at any time after that, try to immediately contact the registry office (where the initial execution was made) to correct the existing error. The faster you do it, the better. Remember: incorrect information in the birth certificate will entail difficulties in obtaining other necessary documents. registration of a birth certificate of a child citizenship

Re-receipt of the document

Where to get a birth certificate again? After all, quite often it happens that the original was lost or damaged. The situation is unpleasant, but not the most critical, the document can be quite easily restored.So, you will have to go to the registry office again and provide the necessary list of documents (similar to the primary registration procedure), in addition, you will need to pay a fee and wait a certain amount of time. If the certificate was originally issued at the registry office, which is not possible to apply to, you will have to wait a considerable period until the data is restored.

When should I go to court?

Where can I get a child’s birth certificate if there are no papers required for paperwork and cannot be provided? In this situation, there can be only one way out. Within a month, the parents file a court application, and the certificate is issued on the basis of the decision of the meetings.registration of a birth certificate

How to apply for citizenship?

What should be done after you have received a birth certificate? Citizenship is your next step. Registration of such a civil component has become mandatory since 2002. A similar procedure begins with a visit to the FMS. You need to provide the passport institution (both mother and father), as well as a ready certificate, on the back of which the corresponding stamp will be printed.

How to apply for a policy?

Issuing a child’s birth certificate will allow you to receive and medical policy. Free healthcare is a reliable support for every young family. In the first few months, the baby will be examined for free and without a policy, but in the future the document will be vital. You can get it in a regular clinic at your place of residence - large insurance companies that provide their services often work on the basis of a state institution. The necessary documents for obtaining a policy are the passports of the parents or parent, in which there is a registration mark, as well as a birth certificate of the child. Which, of course, you should have received at this point.

Where to get a birth certificate? In most cases, it is enough to contact the regional registry office. The paperwork procedure itself is extremely simple and does not require you to collect a large number of documents. Married couples can arrange a baby one by one, but parents living in civil marriage are obliged to come to the registration procedure together. Recovery and correction of data in the document is also carried out in the civil registry department.

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