
Fire risk: concept, calculation and independent assessment

In fires, many people are constantly dying. The reason for such phenomena may be negligence, but often this is due to someone else's mistakes. To prevent a fire, it is necessary to be able to assess the probability, and for this analysis is performed. Calculation of risks can prevent many adverse consequences. Using this procedure, errors in fire safety are determined and eliminated, because people's lives depend on this.

The concept

Fire risk - the probability of a fire situation. An audit allows you to evaluate cases, especially when the company ignores state security controls.

fire risk

An independent fire risk assessment allows you to avoid liability, fines. After the procedure, the state of fire safety will be understood. An audit allows you to determine the level of financing and insurance.

When is a procedure required?

Fire risk should be assessed with:

  • incomplete compliance with fire safety;
  • the need to create protection against hazardous factors;
  • the importance of drafting a declaration;
  • the need for justification of fire safety requirements.

risk calculation

During the procedure, it will be possible to find out the escape routes, ways to use protection systems, area fire compartments. After the audit, you can select the appropriate fire extinguishing systems. Calculation of the probability of a fire allows you to optimize the cost of safety.

Why is the procedure necessary for the owner?

An independent fire risk assessment is carried out at various enterprises. Its need for leadership is due to the following factors:

  • issue of full information on fire safety;
  • creating a plan to eliminate violations;
  • removal from control in the State Fire Inspection;
  • receipt of insurance payments;
  • cost savings;
  • professional advice;
  • calm conduct of business.

So, with the receipt of the necessary information, the owner of the enterprise plans all actions, increases the degree of safety, optimizes the costs of operating fire-fighting equipment. If you do not perform an independent assessment, then there will be checks by the State Fire Inspection.

Execution Rules

Risk calculation is carried out on the basis of the approved documentation of the Ministry of Emergencies. The rules of the procedure must be observed by those enterprises that carry out a fire audit and carry out capital construction projects. The analysis should be carried out in accordance with all prescribed principles.

independent fire risk assessment

An independent risk assessment allows you to compare the calculated value with the required indicator. But there are many nuances in this matter. For filing fire safety declaration Risk calculation of all buildings that are part of the functional safety classes is required.

Safety classes

Fire risk allows you to assess the condition of the premises, as well as select the appropriate protection system. Class F1 includes buildings for the life and temporary stay of people. F2 includes facilities for cultural and educational work. F3 consists of premises in which services are provided to the public.

Scientific, educational organizations are included in class F4. And F5 are production and storage facilities. Each type of building has its own security measures to ensure the safety of buildings and people's lives.

Calculation stages

There is a methodology for determining fire risk, which is used everywhere. First you need to perform an analysis of the planning decisions of the object. Then you can proceed to the study of methods of protection against fire.Then, the frequency of occurrence of fire situations is calculated. The next type of work is the analysis of escape routes and emergency exits.

fire risk determination technique

After this, the evacuation period is determined, technological solutions are analyzed. Then you can evaluate the fire risks. The conclusion is the preparation of advice and conclusions. To identify the risk, the frequency of the action of negative fire factors is calculated.

Hazardous factors

Fire risk involves identifying hazardous factors, which include elements that can harm people and property. It can be flame, smoke, high temperature, toxic substances of combustion, low oxygen content.

It must be borne in mind that there is a second wave of exposure to negative factors. It is presented as radioactive substances electric current, various toxins, equipment that can harm human health, as well as damage property.

fire risk value

Intense fire causes an explosion. When fire safety risks are identified, pressure, temperature, high-explosive properties, pressure increase, explosive shock wave are taken into account.

By calculating risks, it is possible to prevent disaster. It will be possible to do this by distributing raw materials, creating fire protection, equipping dust and water barriers. An equally important role is played by a steam curtain and water locks.

During a set of measures, the organization’s management will be aware of the responsibility for safety, as well as carefully choose devices, assemblies and equipment. Another advantage of the calculation is the optimization of the funds allocated for the fire system. Therefore, the assessment is considered a suitable tool for ensuring safety.

What is the difference between visiting an inspector and an audit?

Compared with inspections of the State Fire Inspection, audit has several advantages:

  • auditors perform their work efficiently, using the principles of an individual approach to each client: such activity is necessary in order not to lose accreditation in the Russian Ministry of Emergencies;
  • expert auditors carry out their work within the terms approved by the contract;
  • The supervision work of the State Fire Inspection is planned, therefore inspections can be performed at any time, which increases the risk of finding violations;
  • the auditor identifies violations, and then provides recommendations for their elimination, and also monitors this work;
  • the auditor cannot hold the management of the enterprise administratively liable for violations, and the State Fire Inspection has the right to write a fine.

An audit helps establish the condition of the enterprise, which reduces the risk of punishment from the regulatory authorities. It is only necessary to choose a company that is professionally engaged in this activity.

Fire report

When the magnitude of the fire risk is identified, a conclusion is created. The document is provided only in case of an acceptable level of violation. An expert firm draws up an action plan to eliminate the shortcomings with the timing of their implementation. When this work is done, a conclusion with conclusions is created.

fire safety risks

The following information is entered into the document:

  • details of the parties and the contract;
  • description of the object;
  • information about experts;
  • results of work and conclusions.

The conclusion is drawn up in 3 copies. They are signed by experts, managers, after which the documents are sealed with the seal of the enterprise. Within 5 days, the report is sent to the owner, the second copy - for the registration procedure in the Central Dental Office of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, and the third - remains at the company. On this procedure is considered fully completed.

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