
Fire safety rules at the enterprise

In its desire to save on fire-fighting equipment or special electronic devices that control the concentration of smoke, heat and fire in the room, the company risks not only the production, lives and health of its employees, but also environmental pollution. At the same time, the owners of fire safety often have one of the last places in importance.

That is why the owners and managers of each enterprise need to be responsive to issues of fire safety, installing the necessary equipment and conducting regular training for their staff.

Measures aimed at implementing fire prevention

Organization of fire safety at the enterprise includes:

  • Monitoring the proper operation of entrusted machines and machine tools, industrial vehicles and territories, as well as conducting regular fire safety briefings.
  • Regime measures are aimed at the prohibition of smoking in places not intended for this, as well as the ban on work associated with open fire or the risk of sparks in rooms where highly flammable substances are stored.

fire safety at the enterprise

  • Technical measures of fire safety at the enterprise require compliance with all established norms and rules at the design stage of the building, as well as professional, correct installation of electrical equipment, wiring, ventilation and water supply.
  • Operational measures include timely inspection and repair of equipment owned and owned by the enterprise.

Basic requirements for enterprise fire safety

For the enterprise, the following requirements must be met:

  • Identification of persons providing control and supervision over observance of fire safety rules, and establishment of their official duties.
  • The introduction of a fire regime.
  • Equipping the territory with fire-fighting devices, alarms, fire extinguishing objects, fire extinguishers, water taps and fire hoses.
  • Organization and training on fire safety rules for employees. Keeping a logbook of briefings. Notification of subordinates about the location of evacuation exits, circuit breakers for alarming and alarm activation buttons.
  • Approval of the procedure for notifying personnel in the event of an accident or fire, familiarizing employees with this system. Installation on the territory of the enterprise and on the premises of fire safety signs, plates with numbers of emergency services and telephone sets for their calling.

General rules

  • The responsibilities of the management include the organization of fire safety at the enterprise, the placement and installation of special equipment for fire fighting.
  • At all production facilities, regardless of their field of activity, briefings and controls on the safe storage, dispensing and reception of combustible materials are conducted.
  • The management of the enterprise should appoint persons responsible for organizing the training of newly hired employees on fire safety rules.
  • It is mandatory to carry out training and repeated periodic briefings with fixing them in special accounting journals, as well as checking the knowledge gained by a special commission and issuing a certificate of conformity.
  • The enterprise should be equipped with fire alarms, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency exits.
  • In case of leakage of flammable liquids, it is necessary to fill the spill site with sand, and then remove it to a safe place. The spill area is neutralized by formulations specifically designed for each specific substance.
  • Fire safety equipment at the enterprise involves cleaning office and industrial premises at least once per shift. Do not use flammable or flammable liquids.
  • Passages, stairwells, office space, emergency exits should not be cluttered with any objects or vehicles.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the space under the stairwells for the organization of pantries and warehouses.
  • Employees belonging to the administrative part must also strictly observe fire safety at the enterprise. Documents and papers must be kept away from possible sources of ignition.
  • Channels and trays of industrial premises should be separated by fire-resistant plates, which, if necessary, can be easily removed.
  • On the territory of enterprises it is forbidden to use open flame sources for heating or lighting premises.
  • Smoking in the territory of the enterprise is strictly prohibited, the exception may be specially equipped places or areas indicated by the corresponding plates.
  • Access to hydrants and panels with fire equipment should always be free. It is forbidden to pile objects and materials in front of them or overlap approaches with equipment.

Rules for working with equipment

When working with equipment it is forbidden:

  • produce heating by open flame sources;
  • commission faulty equipment;
  • repair or maintain equipment connected to the power supply network;
  • to clean equipment or its parts with flammable and flammable liquids;
  • work in explosive industries is carried out only with tools that exclude sparking.

Fire safety rules for employees

  • Employees who have not been instructed in fire safety with entering data into a special register for registration cannot be allowed to work.
  • Fire safety at the enterprise prohibits the presence of employees whose work is associated with the risks of fire in the workplace without protective clothing made of non-combustible material.
  • The company is obliged to give employees whose work is associated with the risks of fire or the use of combustible materials special clothing that is protected against melting and fire, and also complies with fire safety requirements.
  • Do not wash clothing with combustible or flammable products.
  • Work suit and should be stored in individual cabinets.
  • The oiled rags used in the work should be stored in tightly closed metal containers.
  • At the end of the shift, containers with oily rags should be emptied, and the contents should be removed to safe places specially designated for this.
  • Do not handle or wash your hands with solvents.
  • Employees are strictly forbidden to engage in work to which they do not have access or special training, as well as instruction in compliance with safety rules.

Fire Safety Rules in Emergencies

  • All premises, regardless of their purpose, must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Misuse of fire fighting equipment is strictly prohibited.
  • The staff of the enterprise when transferring the shift must make notes in the logbook about the availability and integrity of fire extinguishing equipment.
  • In the event of equipment breakdowns, sparks or fires, each employee must inform the immediate supervisor.
  • The employee must know and remember the phone numbers and other methods of communication with emergency services and be able to use them.
  • Employees should know the purpose of different types of fire extinguishing agents and be able to use them.
  • Prior to the arrival of the emergency service, workers are required to take measures to eliminate the accident or fire, as well as provide assistance to the injured.
  • In the event of a fire or accident, the worker must leave the building at the evacuation exits. In the aisles and above the doorways it is necessary to have guide signs.

Risks arising from non-compliance with fire safety

Production facilities are very vulnerable in terms of the possibility of fire, since both small and large facilities are equipped with a large number of high-power electrical appliances, use liquid and solid combustible substances in their work. According to statistics, there are some of the most common causes of fire in production:

  • Violation of the instructions for use and operation of equipment - 33%.
  • Untimely repair of electrical equipment - 16%.
  • Improperly organized workplace, poor staff training - 13%.
  • Spontaneous combustion of combustible substances, oiled rags - 10%.

fire safety measures

The source of ignition can be either open fire or hot parts of electrical equipment, sparks and static electricity. Careless handling of open fires, smoking in unspecified places, ignorance of the basic rules of fire safety, lack of control by the management - all this entails fire and, as a result, fires in production.

Competent fire safety at the enterprise, instructions clearly defining its implementation for each employee, will secure the team and the entire production as a whole.

Fire safety checks

Periodically, each company is tested for compliance with fire safety rules. There are several types of inspections conducted by the Ministry of Emergencies and fire inspectors. The enterprise’s research on fire safety includes many points that take into account both the organization of fire extinguishing and the verification of ongoing documentation, the availability and condition of fire equipment and emergency exits, as well as the literacy of the categories.

Even during the planning of construction, the category of the building is calculated, the laying of all communications, equipment for observing fire safety. The fire safety technique depends on which category the building in operation belongs to. An extraordinary check must be carried out in production shops, and if necessary, assistance is provided with the fire safety system of the occupied premises. At the same time, one should not expect penalties, troubles with services and the law.

Types of legal fire safety audits

Verification of fire safety at the enterprise is planned, documentary, field, repeat or unscheduled.

Scheduled inspections are carried out once every three years. They include an examination of all fire safety facilities and the territory of the enterprise, as well as the study of a package of documents.

Documentary verification is similar to planned. Before its beginning, an official warning arrives - no later than three days before the scheduled inspection. In the course of such verification, the control is subjected not so much to fire safety at the enterprise as a package of documents on it.

fire safety

On-site inspections are usually assigned in connection with a complaint or if there are suspicions of violations or problems with fire safety. The company will be notified of such checks in advance.They can last up to 20 calendar days, during which a thorough investigation will be carried out, all aspects of ensuring fire safety will be studied, and tests and examinations will be made.

Unscheduled inspections can be carried out with notification of the enterprise one day before the start or upon the arrival of the inspector. Such measures can be justified by the receipt of a complaint, and also be carried out as control over compliance with the fire safety rules of the enterprise.

Repeated inspections are carried out subject to the identification of violations during previous inspections. As a rule, they are held after the expiration of the time allotted for the correction of errors.

Fire safety at the enterprise. Documents

Documentation that must be present and stored at the enterprise:

  • Orders for the appointment of responsible persons for fire safety.
  • Order on the procedure for conducting special briefings and monitoring the knowledge of employees.
  • Programs for introductory and primary fire briefings.
  • The list of control questions on which the knowledge of employees is checked.
  • The logbook of the conduct of fire training of employees of the enterprise.
  • Expert opinion on the correctness and completeness of fire safety. Availability design estimates for construction, reconstruction, technical equipment.
  • Permission to carry out the activities of the enterprise, the rental of all premises, buildings and structures, as well as the commissioning of electrical equipment.
  • Certificate of Conformity for all types of fire fighting vehicles and equipment.
  • The list of duties assigned to persons responsible for fire safety.
  • Orders, orders, instructions on establishing a fire regime at the enterprise.
  • Plans and schemes for evacuation exits, duplicates of which should be located in production facilities.
  • Fire safety rules at the enterprise, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation.
  • Instructions for employees of the enterprise and the fire safety service.
  • Rules for the operation of equipment and production facilities taking into account fire safety.
  • Outfits and special approvals for hot work.
  • Schedules and acts of repair and preventive work.

fire safety requirements

Regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, as well as what kind of work it is engaged in, all employees, according to the order of the management, undergo primary and repeated trainings and briefings on fire safety in the workplace. Violation of these rules entails the onset of responsibility of both the employee and the manager. Only subject to compliance with all established standards, fire safety at the enterprise can be guaranteed.

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