
Rules of conduct in nature. How to behave on vacation

Outdoor recreation can be different: on the banks of a river or lake, hiking in the forest, mountains, etc. But wherever a person is, he needs to follow certain rules.


Looking under your feet is a must. And not only so as not to trample mushrooms and flowers, but so as not to get off the slope, not step on a snake, etc. If there are paths on the terrain to be walked on, then it is best to follow them. If a large group of tourists has gathered in the clearing, it is better to disperse so as not to disturb the vegetation cover.

In order not to damage the lichen and moss, it is better to move on them when they are wet. It is forbidden to go down the slopes in a straight line. Ideally, you need to move with low speed and zigzags.rules of behavior in nature

Camp device

Certain rules of behavior in nature are also available for camping and camping. You need to install them in a safe and open place, but not in the clearing with moss. If it is planned to break them near the water, then it is better to do this outside the water protection zone. For tent racks, dead wood is used. Or you can take racks with you, as well as pegs for attaching to the ground.

For the toilet and food waste, you need to dig a hole, but no closer than 50 meters from the reservoir. When leaving, you should bury it, or cover it with removed turf, and all the garbage should be burned. What does not burn out is to carry away (plastic, iron and glass products).


Rules of behavior in nature provide for a careful attitude to water bodies. It is not recommended to make a fire directly in its vicinity. In streams and lakes you must not wash dishes, rinse with soap and wash. To do this, you can draw water and perform all the necessary procedures on the shore. It is forbidden to dig land near springs.rules of conduct outdoors

How to store food

You can’t store food for a long time, they must be eaten before departure. What is left cannot be thrown away, but must be carried back with you. In order not to take too much rest, it is easier to calculate in advance how many products are needed.

Animals and birds

Wild animals cannot be fed. The foods that humans eat are not always safe for animals and birds. You can’t ruin anthills. Many ants are listed in the Red Book.

Rules of behavior in nature prohibit picking up and touching young animals and chicks. Do not touch the eggs in the nests. After that, their parents abandon them and they die. It is also forbidden to take wild animals and birds to the village. It is not recommended to take dogs with you on holiday when wild animals raise offspring. In addition, they will not protect from a meeting with a bear, and barking the beast, can anger him and lead him to the owners.

How to pick mushrooms and berries

You can pick berries and mushrooms only in the allowed months. You need to pick berries without damaging branches and leaves. Before going to the forest, you need to know the list of plants that are in the Red Book. They must not be collected and destroyed. Mushrooms are cut only with a knife. To uproot them is unacceptable. This also applies to poisonous and inedible mushrooms.camping

What kind of fish can I catch

When fishing, you can use only fishing rods. Networks - strictly with a license. Forbidden:

  • fishing during spawning;
  • the use of explosives;
  • the use of prison, seine, "cat", electric current.

How to handle fire in nature

It is especially important that the rules of behavior in nature are observed in the handling of fire. In the forest you can’t smoke, launch rockets and shoot in dry weather. Burning grass is also prohibited. If you need to make a fire, you need to dig a hole for it.Before leaving, vacationers should extinguish the fire well (fill it with water or fill it with earth).

You can’t fire:

  • on peat bogs;
  • in clearings with dry moss or grass;
  • among the thickets of young fir and pine;
  • next to living trees;
  • on stone placers, under which there is dry grass or moss.

Rules of conduct in nature: a memo to vacationers

In nature, there are a number of basic rules that all vacationers must observe:

  • you can’t break anything or tear it unnecessarily;
  • care should be taken of shrubs, trees, animals, birds and insects;
  • for a fire it is necessary to collect only dead wood;
  • you can not pluck unripe fruits;
  • you need to cut the mushrooms only with a knife, without damaging the root system;
  • it is impossible to pollute water bodies, rivers (throw garbage, stones and food debris into them);
  • it is forbidden to destroy springs and wells;
  • it is impossible to mutilate living trees (chop, make inscriptions);
  • do not leave garbage and food debris;
  • Do not destroy beaver dams;
  • do not touch snakes, as well as cubs of animals and birds;
  • it is necessary to take a first-aid kit with you, in which everything necessary for first aid must be collected.children in nature

How should children behave in nature

Kids are very curious and can get into life-threatening situations. Before resting, adults should explain to them the rules of behavior in nature. What children should not do:

  • touch unfamiliar plants;
  • try berries, mushrooms and other wild fruits without permission;
  • go far from adults (out of sight);
  • drink raw water;
  • litter.

Adults should make sure that the child’s clothing is with long sleeves (if they go to the forest). And you must take a hat with you.

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