
Rules of conduct in public transport. Passenger culture

Rules of conduct in public transport are extremely important because sometimes the journey to work or home can take up to 1 hour. In a month it turns out 40 hours. Quite a lot. How this time will be spent can radically affect our nerve cells. So it is best for people to have mutual respect and protect each other from a bad mood.

The main thing is to remain human

The rules of conduct in all types of public transport are directly related to etiquette. No matter how much I would like to deny it, but at the genetic level we are all animals, only recently, by the standards of planetary development, crawled out of the jungle. However, humanity is learning to curb its wildlife, as intelligence suggests a consequence of certain actions. It is for this that there are rules. rules of conduct in public transportA passenger in public transport is in danger of becoming a victim of someone's bad mood, running into rudeness or rudeness. It’s safe to say that you’ve observed someone’s scandal that goes far beyond logic, goes over to personalities and elevated tones.

Do not forget that we are all the same people and must act logically, comply with the rules of decency. The rules of behavior in public transport just prescribe the correct models of how to behave, and indicate those manifestations that should be left outside of human society.

Many even take the opportunity to get on the bus. A little push is enough to throw a scandal. The cause of the explosion may not even be this small inconvenience, but the stress that has accumulated in you before that.

Outbursts of negativity

It’s easier to get to a stranger and the consequences are less than if you expressed everything you think to your bosses or relatives. So basically in trolleybuses and trams the irritation reaches its peak and an explosion occurs.

As a rule, sediment on the soul after this is not pleasant. Injustice is felt in relation to oneself, nerves are pulled to a critical state.

Responsibilities of passengers include correct and adequate behavior. Some want to assert themselves by putting someone in their place. Everyone knows that it is necessary to give way to older people. But passengers of advanced age themselves sometimes approach the issue not quite correctly. Instead of just asking a young man (who has no legal obligation, and only moral standards contribute to a good cause) to stand up, phrases about the arrogance of youth, insults begin to sound.

passenger dutiesThis is also a kind of unmet need for respect and a desire to establish oneself at the expense of others. Perhaps the young man would have had nothing against and would have stood up with ease, but when the request turns into a rebuke and teachings of life, no one has enough patience. The rules of safe behavior in public transport are reduced to the provisions that we will discuss in the following sections of the article.

Respect for elders

Let's talk about how you need to behave in relation to people who need help. When you enter a vehicle, you should let older people go first. The same principle needs to be given attention when children, women and people with disabilities are nearby. The first ones usually get out of transport, and then new people come in already. Passengers in public transport, especially for young boys, should also help older people, pregnant women and young mothers.

 urban transport

Give way

The rules of conduct in public transport stipulate that older persons, women, children and persons with disabilities have the primary right to seats. Of course, this is not spelled out in any of the laws, but it is considered moral from the moral point of view.

Do not get up abruptly, let the person understand your intentions. Invite him to sit down. If the place is given to you, be sure to thank the person, as he does a good deed and shows a good attitude towards you. It is very important not only to defend the rights of passengers, but also to remember their moral duty to those who are courtesy of you.

The driver who did not leave, seeing how you run to the minibus, also deserves thanks. Enough of a simple human “Thank you” so that he understands how grateful you are, and he will certainly do the same in the future. After all, without receiving gratitude, a person will begin to lose interest in good deeds.

rules of safe behavior in public transport

Be able to politely ask

The rules of conduct in public transport for schoolchildren focus on the need to give way to women, the elderly and the disabled. If adolescents do not do this, there is no need to raise discussions on the topic of their irresponsibility, poor upbringing, flaws of the younger generation and other things.

Just ask the student to give way. As a rule, the guys do not resist, thinking on the principle of “Ask, I get up, they won’t ask, I’ll sit.” So waiting for the initiative from someone to whom it is not beneficial is somewhat presumptuous. However, nothing prevents you from manifesting it yourself.

Being under the gaze of people on the bus, the child is unlikely to bully and fight to the first blood for his place, he will calmly stand up. City transport is not a place where they want to admire your negative emotions. For this, it is better to go to the psychologist's office. Other people get tired too, they have their own problems. It is very likely that in response to your negativity, rivers of negative emotions will follow from all sides, in which you simply drown. So think a few times before breaking through this dam and letting its waters wash away all life in its path.

Perhaps, some of those around are showing bad manners. Do not put on a punisher and teach him life or even overtake physical punishment. Thus, you will not go very far from it in development.

The food will wait

The rules of conduct in public transport prohibit a meal in a moving vehicle. If the driver slows down sharply, a lump of food may fall into the wrong throat and you will regret that you haven’t reached the house with a bite.

It is also unhygienic. Crumbs crumble both on your clothes and on others.

A separate topic is the guidance of the marathon in a bus or minibus. Only you wonder how the ladies learned to paint their eyes and not get into them with a brush at sharp turns. The idea is quite risky, no matter how great dexterity would be, so it is also better to postpone it to a stop.

 passenger rules in public transport

Stay calm

Passenger duties include peaceful and calm behavior. If someone traveling alongside does not agree and decided to start a verbal duel in front of the entire bus, do not rush into the heat of battle, because, perhaps, he will switch to you.

Disputes arise either with the driver, or between old and young passengers. Usually in the transport is one or more voices of the mind, which without unnecessary emotions says: “Gentlemen, your behavior is illogical. If you have unresolved issues, take them up at the bus stop. ” It is such an unemotional presentation, for which it is extremely difficult to cling to a new scandal, that makes arguing people calm down and shut up. It is you who can become this person.

Respect someone else's personal space

City transport is open to a variety of people. Young and old, slim and full. Here with the latter, others occasionally have disagreements.Men like to widely spread their legs in such a way that they go far beyond the boundaries of their place, interfering with others. Some do not go into the middle of the cabin and stand at the door, which is why others cannot pass. The comments usually follow the answer: "Do not tram - go round." This, too, as you know, is not very polite.

passenger rights

Need to be more compact

Carriage of passengers and baggage prescribes such behavior that will not interfere with others. That is, if there is luggage, it should be compact. When you are standing, bags should be removed and lowered. This will not only free up space, but also save you from pickpockets. The same goes for the backpack so as not to hurt other people. Let others pass when they need it.

In the event that your stop is soon, take care in advance to be closer to the door. It will be extremely inconvenient to do this at the last moment. If you encounter some complications in the form of people standing in front, politely ask them to let you pass.

Less words

When making a phone call, you do not need to inform the entire minibus about what is happening in your life. There may be times when you see your friend in the cabin. Also, do not shout to him through the entire bus. Do not disturb other passengers. Loud screams can make their trip uncomfortable. It is not worth discussing personal topics while sitting in a trolleybus or tram. You don’t want the whole city to know about them.

If you go to work or study at the same time as the vast majority of the population, you will have to go through all the inconveniences of rush hour. But if you can choose the time, it is better to wait an hour or two and go when the trip is more calm and comfortable.

If the vehicle is jammed and you don’t have the opportunity to go into the interior, and people exit and land at each stop, go outside to allow this to happen. Then come back.

transportation of passengers and baggage

Take a break

You can read newspapers and books in such a way that it does not bother anyone. Although it’s also worth considering, because such a way to entertain yourself during a trip is harmful to eyesight. You can use your smartphone or reader. Audio books save many, then the eyes do not suffer at all.

Sometimes young people play the “sleeping beauty”, trying to protect themselves in this way from a request to give way. If you need a seat, do not be shy and wake such a person, nothing bad will happen to him. No need to be afraid to ask for help. Despite the nervous situation, there are still a lot of normal, adequate people in transport. If necessary, they will help you. So let others know about the need for help.

All of the above applies to the subway. When using the escalator, stand on the right. Keep a sufficient distance from the apron.

Adhering to these simple rules, you will maintain a good mood both for yourself and others. Sometimes in life you have to experience inconvenience. But just how well you adapt and tolerate them characterizes you as a person. So be human beings.

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