
International universities in Moscow: list

Internships abroad and student exchange programs are common forms of cooperation with universities in other countries, which are developed by many Moscow universities.

When choosing the future path, applicants put international universities in Moscow a priority, as they are famous for their good teachers, quality of education and a large selection of areas. These universities include RUDN University, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, MUM, MSTU. Bauman, MIIT, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Higher School of Economics and a number of other universities.

Further you will learn about some of them.

Moscow State University (MV Lomonosov Moscow State University)

If you recall the international universities in Moscow, then MSU is one of the first to come to mind. Moscow State University is not unreasonably considered one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The first Russian university was founded by the great scientist M.V. Lomonosov and the adjutant general, philanthropist I.I. Shuvalov in 1755.

International universities in MoscowMoscow State University is a multidisciplinary university that provides great opportunities for obtaining a worthy higher education. The university has more than 50 partner universities in many European countries (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, USA, Japan).

Moscow State University together with the University of Tokyo is conducting a student exchange program, the purpose of which is the development of the natural, social and human sciences to improve the latest production technologies. Also, the German company Bayer AG annually announces a competition in which MSU students participate to receive scholarships for participation in a scientific project of one of the German universities in the field of medicine and natural sciences.

Students can take part in many other contests and programs supported by Moscow State University.

MUM (International University in Moscow)

In August 1991, USSR President M.S. Gorbachev, together with US President George W. Bush (Sr.) decided to create a Soviet-American educational project. At the end of the year, the then current president, B.N. Yeltsin, signed the documents on the establishment of a new university.

The creator of the university was the first mayor of Moscow and a prominent economist and politician - G.Kh. Popov. International University in Moscow was founded in the year of the collapse of the USSR. Russia has begun the transition to a post-industrial society, command economics replaced by market.

International University in Moscow, Kaliningrad branchThe country needed a new social layer - entrepreneurs who maintain the status of a great power in international society and ensure the great future of the state. This mission was assigned to Moscow International University in Moscow and is still successfully fulfilled by him.

In MUM there are faculties of journalism, management of large cities, foreign languages, entrepreneurship in culture and management. International University in Moscow implements the principle of internationality in many aspects.

The university invites teachers from other countries, it is mandatory to study one or two foreign languages, educational programs comply with international standards. International University in Moscow (Kaliningrad branch) is also popular among applicants. And now we will discuss MGIMO in more detail.

MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations)

If you ask foreigners what prestigious international universities in Moscow they know, then most likely you will hear MGIMO in response. This is one of the most popular universities in Russia.The university is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a higher educational institution with the largest number of foreign languages ​​taught (53).

The most frequently chosen areas from year to year are the faculties of international relations, political science, journalism, the world economy and others. At MGIMO military training linguists.

International University (Moscow)The university became a member of the Bologna process (the union of European universities to create a common space of higher education). Every year, MGIMO receives more and more foreign students, which indicates the growing prestige of the university.

MGIMO supports several language and international centers, a school of business and international competencies, which provides great opportunities for further training and self-development.

RUDN (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)

RUDN University is an international university (Moscow), uniting representatives of different nationalities, races and faiths with the aim of training young specialists in the most popular fields.

The university educates students in humanism, introduces the general cultural values ​​and ideals of democracy. RUDN University is one of the few universities that unites students from 140-150 countries. Within the walls of the educational institution, the latest education programs are successfully used, 2-3 foreign languages ​​are studied.

International University in MoscowStudents are offered ample opportunities for exchange training, as RUDN University cooperates with leading universities in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and other countries. Close relations are also maintained with Asian universities, especially with Chinese and Indian.

National Research Technological University of MISiS

In addition to humanitarian and linguistic universities, international universities in Moscow also include the MISiS National Research Technological University on their list.

The university practices academic mobility - students study in other educational institutions (both in Russia and in other countries of the world) for a certain period, most often up to a year.

A well-known technical university maintains relations with American, English, Italian, French, Swiss and Spanish higher educational institutions. But special attention deserves a continuous connection with German universities and companies.

Moscow International University in MoscowMany MISiS students who have completed internships give a positive assessment and argue that the experience and knowledge gained have been very valuable and useful!


In this article, we discussed the 5 best international universities in Moscow that deserve the attention of each applicant. Good luck

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