
What constitutes a government structure? Government structure in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries

The government of the Russian Federation acts as the most important body of state power. The tasks and features of the formation of this institution characterize its social orientation, reflect the specifics of its activities. Next, we consider in more detail what are the composition and structure of the Government of the Russian Federation. government structure

General classification: parliamentary form

Depending on the state system, a government can be formed in a parliamentary and extra-parliamentary way. The first option is used in countries with a parliamentary form (a mixed republic for example). The right to create a government in such states has that political party, which has the majority of seats in the lower house. The order in which the body is formed in such states is traditional, despite the fact that it is expressed in somewhat incorrect form in the constitutions. The government is created in several stages. First, the head of state appoints its chairman. In India, he is the Prime Minister, and in Germany, for example, it is the Federal Chancellor. Then the chairman forms the government itself and proposes its members to the parliament. The latter can most express distrust. In this case, the dissolution of parliament is likely. Until a new one is convened, the head of state forms an official government.

Extra-parliamentary method

It is used in the presidential and some mixed republics, in a number of monarchies. In this case, the electoral corps has the right to form a government, since the choice is made by the president. In some republics, parliament nevertheless takes a certain part. For example, a president in the United States appoints Cabinet members with the consent and recommendation of the Senate. In the Philippines, the head of the country must obtain the consent of the Nominating Commission existing in Parliament. structure of the Russian governmentDespite this, in both countries the method of forming a government is considered extra-parliamentary. This is due to the fact that control over appointments is not political in nature. The candidates are examined for their moral character and competency. Such control does not depend on the outcome of the parliamentary elections.

Government structure in foreign countries

In different states, these bodies are very diverse. In some countries, the structure and composition of government is not regulated in any way (for example, this is characteristic of the UK). This, in turn, allows the new head to independently choose which ministries he needs and with what terms of reference. In France, Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany, the government structure is formed by all the heads of central departments, despite the fact that this point is not stipulated in the constitutions. These include, in particular, state secretaries, heads of departments, and ministers. In other states, on the contrary, the structure is regulated by law. This situation takes place in Poland, Switzerland, USA, Spain. In the latter, for example, the government includes a chairman, deputies, and ministers. It has other members, which are determined by law.

The structure of the government of the Russian Federation

The legal status of this institution is established in chap. 6 of the Constitution and the corresponding Federal Law. According to Art. 110, part 2 of the Basic Law, the structure of the Russian government is formed:

  1. The chairman.
  2. Deputies.
  3. Federal ministers.structure of the government of the Russian Federation

The first offers candidates for all other posts to the president of the country.

History reference

What was the structure like before? The Russian government has undergone constant changes throughout the period since the adoption of the new Constitution. The first adjustments were authorized by the Head of State. Presidential Decree of Dec 23 1993 led to the transformation and reorganization of the Council of Ministers. As a result of the changes, the heads of the executive bodies of the entities were removed from the government. This made it possible to exclude their simultaneous presence in the legislative and executive branches. There was also another aspect of the transformation. In particular, the direct dependence of the executive bodies of the regions on the federal center was eliminated. Russian government structure


During this period, the structure of government also changed repeatedly. On the eve of administrative reform, 30 people were present in this body, except for the chairman. There were six deputies. Two of them led the ministries (finance and agriculture). After the administrative reform carried out in the spring of 2004, the composition of the government was reduced. From that moment, only one deputy prime minister was envisaged. Of the 15 federal ministers, there was one without a portfolio. This was the head of the government apparatus. In May 2004, the changes affected executive bodies. Instead of one Ministry of Transport and Communications, two were created. The first is for transport, and the second is for communications and information technology. As a result, another 1 federal minister joined the Government. composition and structure of the government of the russian federationIn September 2004, the Ministry of Regional Development was created. In this regard, the government has become one member more. In November 2005, the next transformation took place. In particular, the changes concerned the establishment of the post of First Deputy Prime Minister, and the Minister of Defense was promoted to the rank of Deputy Prime Minister. As a result, the chairman became 3 deputies.

2008 year

This year, the government structure was again reorganized. During the reforms, new ministries were formed, and the number of vice-chairmen increased. There were seven of them, including the first two, the chief of staff and the Minister of Finance. Explaining this reorganization, which the government structure underwent, V.V. Putin explained that in the course of optimization and adjustment, the main focus was to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing state administration mechanism and the personnel potential of the system.

Situation today

At present, the chairman has eight deputies. The former ones were joined by the Deputy Prime Minister, who oversaw preparations for the Sochi Olympics. Medvedev explained the essence of this decision by the fact that in the immediate plans of the state at that time there was not only the construction of the Olympic capital, but also the creation of one of the best resorts in the world. It was supposed to give both Sochi residents and residents of other cities developed infrastructure. The number of vice-chairmen is not limited by the provisions of the Constitution. The total number is determined by the president of the state at his sole discretion. government structure

Activity specifics

Presidential decrees authorize the abolition, creation, merger, separation of departments and ministries. Based on the instructions, they are also renamed and transformed. In accordance with this, the government establishes the powers and functions of the created and reorganized executive federal bodies, and clarifies the existing provisions on existing institutions. In this way, state policy is ensured and implemented within the framework of established spheres of influence. Usually, a common system of executive federal bodies is developed and approved during the formation of the government after the election of the president. Subsequently, it can be changed and supplemented, in some cases very significantly.  government structure in foreign countries

The Bureau

The government structure includes a standing body authorized to resolve operational issues. It is the Bureau. It includes the chairman of the government, deputies, federal ministers (defense, finance, economics and others). The president himself may chair the meetings. In accordance with the composition of the Government, the structure of the Presidium may change. The meetings discuss a variety of issues. They all relate to the scope of government. As a result of the consideration, decisions are made, including regulatory acts.

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