
Profitable business: barrel production. Technology and equipment for the production of oak barrels

One of the most interesting ideas that can be taken as the basis for a successfully developing business is the production of barrels. They found their application in ancient times, when they played the role of a vessel for storing wine and water. In addition, they were also used as bathtubs for bathing.

At present, wooden barrels are not as popular to use as they were before. The explanation for this is quite simple - the fact is that the production process of these products was greatly simplified after the advent of cheap modern technologies and materials.

As a result, now barrels are even made of metal and various types of plastics. Be that as it may, the production of barrels has not completely disappeared. Moreover, modern masters are able to create exact copies of copies that were produced by our ancestors. As practice shows, you can also make good money on this.

Barrel Production

Barrels for spirits

One of the most common areas of application of wooden barrels in our time is the storage of alcoholic beverages. Most often they are wine, brandy and whiskey. In this case, oak is considered the most successful material for them, since this tree allows you to save the aroma and taste of the drink. It is in such containers that elite and expensive wines are stored. In this regard, the production of oak barrels as a type of entrepreneurial activity looks very promising.

Barrels for pickles

Salts are the second most popular area of ​​application of these vessels. They perfectly store sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers. Moreover, in such containers it is very convenient to soak the meat before smoking or curing.

In this case, you can use both small barrels and more impressive vessels in which a large number of products are placed. In any case, their unforgettable taste is achieved precisely through the use of wooden barrels, and not glass jars.

Barrels in design

The production of barrels for interior decoration is a relatively new idea. Many modern designers who think creatively install such tanks even instead of the familiar familiar bathtubs.

Such an idea seems to transfer a person to the past, because it was precisely the barrels that were used many years ago in the form of a swimming tank. Especially such containers are in demand in cottages located outside the city. Be that as it may, the oak barrel, placed on a personal plot, in the living room, kitchen or other room, looks unusual and original.

Basic knowledge in cooperage

In order for the process to really bring good profit, first of all, this activity should be liked. And it is necessary to understand it. For which, in turn, it is recommended to obtain certain skills in the cooper craft. Do not regret for this time, since the lack of understanding of the intricacies associated with the manufacture of oak barrels will not lead to the desired result.

You can get them by learning from a professional cooper or getting a job at a company for some time, which specializes in this field of activity. As practice shows, in order to thoroughly study this process, you must independently collect at least a few dozen wooden barrels.

Workshop opening

In order to engage in the manufacture of wooden barrels as a business, you must initially register your company. In this case, you can obtain the status of a legal entity or private entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to be registered with tax authorities.

To open your own company, whose specialization is the production of barrels, you need a room, the size of which depends on the planned production volumes, a warehouse for storing finished products, as well as material. The role of the latter is wood and metal hoops, which are necessary for fastening barrels. In addition, staff will be required.

When organizing this type of entrepreneurial activity, the most difficult is the search for qualified specialists who will fulfill orders at the enterprise. As practice shows, in certain cities there are often cases when it is impossible or impossible to find them at all, or craftsmen from neighboring settlements simply do not agree to move. There is only one way out of this situation - to train your employees yourself.

Where does production begin?

The manufacturing technology of oak barrels is quite simple. At the initial stage, riveting is made, which is a small plaque that has a rectangular shape and a particularly pronounced texture. The most common raw material for them is oak.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact that, depending on the scope of application, other types of wood are often used. Based on the technology, each of the rivets must be dried for at least two years under an open canopy. Thanks to this, the barrel will turn out to be durable and high quality.

Barrel Production Equipment

Barrel assembly

At the second stage, the tank is directly assembled. Some special equipment for the production of wooden barrels is not used - just like two hundred years ago they are assembled manually. Based on the technology, it is first necessary to send for a while a riveting in a steam room specially designed for this purpose. After the wood is moistened and warmed up in it, it will become more flexible. Due to this, the risk of its breakdown during assembly is mitigated.

The final stage of production

The last stage of the manufacture of wooden barrels is the assembly of the skeleton. In this case, the boards are docked, as a result of which the product gets its shape (dozens of its options are read). After the lid and bottom are exposed, the structure is fixed by using metal or wooden hoops. Next, the barrel is fired for about 30 minutes on fire, after which it is polished and opened with specially designed compounds.

Making oak barrels


In words, the process of manufacturing wooden barrels looks a little easier than it really is. It is not so difficult to learn this craft - for this you only need desire. Such products are currently in demand in the market. At the same time, finding a professional master is not so simple. In this regard, it is not worth delaying the opening of a business, because having occupied a free niche in the market so far, you can make good money.

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