
Selling kvass as a business from A to Z. Production and sale of kvass - a business plan

selling kvass as a business

Selling kvass as a business is a very profitable business, which can be opened even by novice entrepreneurs who do not have large financial resources. Another integral advantage of such an activity is the lack of fierce competition. This situation is due to the low interest of large manufacturers in this segment due to its seasonality.

As for the consumers of this drink, their number is steadily increasing every year, which allows us to talk about good prospects for the business selling kvass. All this makes it possible to organize a business that brings good income.

Key business options

If you are interested in the sale of kvass as a business, we offer you to learn about the main possible directions of its functioning:

- purchase or rental of barrels or thermal tanks for the sale of the drink on the streets in the summer season (tentatively, from May to August);

- Sale of kvass from keg throughout the year;

- Organization of own production.

Consider each of the items in more detail.

Trade from barrels or thermal tanks

This way of earning is ideal for small entrepreneurs. If you are considering the possibility of creating such a kvass business, we recommend that you begin preparing for the summer season from about December, so that by May you will be fully equipped, as they say.

After all, that is exactly how much time you will need on average to collect all the necessary documents, organize and search for workers. In general, the preparation process includes the following stages: selection of a place for the location of the barrel with a drink, obtaining permission in the sanitary and epidemiological station, searching for equipment and suppliers, as well as hiring personnel.

Seat selection

The locations of kvass sales outlets are allocated on a competitive basis. Of course, sellers that have proven themselves in the last season have priority in this business.

Barrels for kvass

Now we will pay a little attention to the tanks themselves, from which the drink will be sold. Today, there are two types of barrels to choose from - the old and the new sample. A tank of the second type will cost you about 3 thousand dollars, but you can store a drink in it not for two days, as in an old type, but up to five or more days. By the way, buying kvass barrels is not necessary - you can rent them.

Staff recruitment

Selling kvass as a business involves hiring seasonal workers. Despite the fact that the work is not too complicated and does not require special skills, it is necessary to approach the recruitment process with all responsibility. So, the minimum requirement for employees is that they have sanitary book. It is also not recommended to hire nonresident employees, as there are frequent cases when they run away from the workplace, taking all the proceeds.

Business on kvass barrels: additional points

Especially good sales of this drink go on warm days when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees. If there is heavy rain outside, then the barrels, as a rule, do not fill, as a result of which the outlets are idle.

As for the cost, you can earn about 30 cents on the sale of one liter of kvass.

Keg spill trade

The indisputable advantage of such a business is the ability to sell all year round, and not just in summer. In addition, kvass can be stored in kegs for a very long time - from two to four months.

This business compares favorably with the “barrel” sale due to the following advantages:

- kvass from kegs is sold faster, which avoids pouring spoiled product residues;

- the probability of a decrease in turnover even in rainy weather is much lower;

- At points of sale, filled kegs are simply transported, and empty ones are taken away. Barrels have to be transported to the factory.

kvass barrels

Kvass production as a business

This case requires more serious investments, as a result of which it is more suitable for average entrepreneurs. The approximate cost of opening a small workshop for the production of this drink will range from 80 to 120 thousand dollars. If you are seriously considering the possibility of starting such an enterprise, then you must first draw up a business plan.

Kvass is a very popular product today, so there should not be any problems with its implementation (of course, if you make a high-quality drink). As for profitability, this indicator in this business is 100% or more.

Organization of a kvass production workshop

We suggest considering what it takes to put into operation a workshop for the production of five thousand liters of drink per day.

First of all, you need to rent or build a room. Its area should be at least 40 square meters. meters. It should be equipped with sewage and have a water supply with both cold and hot water.

As for equipment, we will need the following:

- fermentation and blending containers;

- a boiler for syrup making;

- a tank for wort breeding;

- measuring tank of syrup;

- refrigeration machine;

- heat exchanger;

- a set of pumps;

- washing and refueling.

After you select the premises, purchase the necessary equipment, pass the inspection of the SES and the fire service, you can hire workers and start production.

If you plan to sell your own products at retail outlets, you will also need to stock up on containers in the form of kegs or barrels. If you do not want to do this, then you need to find companies that sell kvass at retail, and conclude agreements with them.

Problems that an entrepreneur in this field may face

business plan kvass

The production and sale of kvass as a business is undoubtedly a profitable and uncomplicated business. However, the main difficulty that entrepreneurs face in this area is the pronounced seasonality of product sales. This is due to the fact that most people consider kvass exclusively as a summer drink.

In winter, the number of buyers of these products decreases several times. However, do not despair. So that your business does not stand idle, for the winter period you can transfer the point of sale, for example, to a large shopping and entertainment center. Indeed, often people come to such places for a long time with whole families or companies, and they are unlikely to refuse to taste the most delicious and aromatic kvass.

Another problem that a producer or seller of kvass may encounter in the process of work is myths and rumors related to barrel trade. In society, there is an opinion that such kvass should not be used categorically, since tanks are poorly washed and are literally "teeming" with dangerous bacteria.

In fact, this is completely wrong, because all the processes of production and bottling of the drink are carefully monitored by both the workers of the workshop and representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Of course, as in any business, there is a certain percentage of dishonest entrepreneurs who neglect any norms and rules of hygiene, because of which such myths appear. Therefore, it will take some time before your customers realize that your product is not only fragrant and very tasty, but also exceptionally high quality.

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