
Rural tourism as a business. Agritourism in Russia and Europe. Business ideas from scratch in the countryside

Profitable business in the village - This is a rather complicated question. And if there is no developed transport infrastructure, then it is practically insoluble. It is impossible to sell the same products grown on the ground, as they cannot be delivered to the consumer. Another thing is rural tourism! This idea is interesting in every way. Let's look in detail.

rural tourism

What is the meaning of the idea for a vacationer

What is rural tourism? This expression refers to a certain type of vacation for residents of megalopolises, during which they take part in agricultural work. That is, the townspeople go to the village with the aim of breathing air, eating fresh natural products, and at the same time also trying to live a completely different life - rural. I must say that this idea, on the one hand, is simple, since many people buy it for this purpose, on the other hand, it expands the possibilities of “vacationers”.

This means that rural tourism is not just a trip to a suburban area, but an opportunity to visit other countries, get acquainted with the way of life and lifestyle of other peoples. This is different from another type of recreation by the ability to fully penetrate that way of life that is inaccessible to the city dweller, to feel like a full-fledged resident of the village.

rural business

Benefits for the host

Here it must be said that the idea gives literally unlimited possibilities to rural residents! Developing your own business in the countryside is not easy. Not because there is not enough hard work or resources. Rather, due to lack of consumer. For a successful business you need a constant influx of people who want to buy its result, otherwise the idea will not pay off.

Thus, rural tourism becomes a lifesaver for those who are actively involved in the construction of their own business. But that is not all! Who will refuse extra hands! This can be understood only by a peasant who has many deeds, and time is running out. And if these “hands” also pay for their accommodation ... Such a rural business becomes not only profitable, but also enjoyable! The peasant (landlord) receives such benefits: profit from a tourist, help with farming, an influx of new communication and information. This is a great example of a business idea from scratch in the countryside.

A bit of history

Rural tourism was born in Europe. This was due to the desire of people with small means to relax in nature. Moreover, they wanted to get all the “charms” of expensive hotels, together with the pleasure of feeling like a “master” of the land.

To meet the demand, people began to offer accommodation in the families of the villagers for a moderate fee. I liked the service. Among the clients now are not only families with low incomes, but also young people, especially students, people who seek privacy and a natural life. The demand for holidays in the village has not been falling for many years, bringing up to twenty percent of gross tourist income in some European countries.

rural tourism business plan

Agritourism in Russia

The idea, despite its promise, has not yet found mass development in the country. It should be noted that the Kaliningrad region began to practice it first (to invite foreigners). Due to its popularity among the esotericists, Altai joined it. It is believed that this particular area of ​​the country will become the most promising in terms of rural tourism.

This is due to the fact that many people from all over the world want to live in this modern Mecca.And indeed, Siberia now seems to be one of the best places to implement the idea of ​​business in the countryside. This territory is sparsely populated, and there are a lot of people wishing to settle here (at least temporarily) around the world.

Signs of rural tourism

Such is considered a type of vacation outside the city, completely eco-friendly and beneficial to local residents. That is, there are three signs: in the village, without harm to nature, usefulness for the economy. It is necessary for a tourist to create conditions so that he can comfortably enjoy the chosen type of vacation. That is, in the area where this type of service is developing, a special infrastructure is being created.

It includes places of residence, transportation, places of "work", shops, cafes and so on. Tourists here are called "guests." They try to create a completely home environment. In addition, psychological comfort is an integral part (if not the main) of this type of recreation. Often people go not only for impressions and physical activity, but for “rest of the soul”. It is known that in rural areas communication is more open and sincere, which has a beneficial effect on the guests' nervous system.

rural business ideas

Features of rural tourism

This type of business is quite beneficial for municipal authorities. It does not require government investment, and the return with proper organization will be decent. The only thing that may be required from the budget is the construction (repair) of roads. But this is already their responsibility. The rest of the infrastructure is created by business owners. There are some risks.

So, an excessive influx of tourists can contribute to the pollution of the area (cars, garbage, and so on). This problem is solvable. The construction of transport service enterprises, as well as paid parking lots, may be another idea for villagers or municipal authorities. True, such a business in the countryside will pay off only in case of a large influx of guests.

What can be offered to tourists

I must say that guests come most often in the summer. At this time, they are offered a series of pleasures that they are deprived of because of their urban lifestyle. Among them:

  • the measured and quiet village life;
  • vegetables, berries, greens directly from the garden;
  • walks in the open air;
  • the ability to drink water from natural sources;
  • swimming in natural reservoirs;
  • work on the ground;
  • animal care;
  • fresh milk and meat;
  • an individual approach to each guest;
  • the opportunity to relax with your pets;
  • participation in public holidays and entertainment;
  • homely atmosphere and much more that nature gives without stint.

In the fall there are those who want to learn how to harvest and do homework, dry herbs and berries. And all the townspeople just dream about mushrooms! Thus, rural tourism can become the most popular type of vacation in the world. He lacks stronger advertising. But this is a matter of time.

rural tourism business plan

Where to start (prerequisites)

For rural people who have no other source of income, rural tourism is becoming increasingly attractive. The business plan for the development of such a case is not too complicated (in any case, at the first stage). But still has some prerequisites.

It is necessary not only to burn with the idea, but to have some “starting” capital. Fixed assets: land, a house suitable for receiving guests, transport (car, boat and so on), pets, vegetable garden or garden. For the first time, it will be possible to allocate part of their own living space. It must be equipped with a separate entrance. It is necessary to take care of the dining room, the place where guests will eat. It should be comfortable, spacious and comfortable. You will have to cook in a separate, specially equipped room. Note that this issue is monitored by special services.

It is desirable that there was a pond, forest, meadows nearby. That is, that area that would be attractive to tourists.Also, prerequisites include the desire and ability to work, communicate, learn new skills (even professions). You need to consider that guests will need to be taken care of as family members, cook, clean, entertain. This is a serious and hard work.

Desired Conditions

Having decided that this type of activity suits you, consider the following. Business ideas from scratch in rural areas have not only the necessary conditions for implementation. There are also intangible resources that you need to possess in order to make your tourist corner competitive. What is meant? Guests will have to not only accept, but also entertain.

Agritourism in Russia

This requires skills in organizing public holidays, knowledge of local traditions and rituals, mastery of crafts (any business that is done with natural materials) and so on. Guests will be grateful if you will sometimes tell them about the history of the area, the features of culture.

This is not as primary as material resources, but competitiveness is strongly affected. It is advisable to create your own corporate identity. It can be ethnic adventures or fun holidays. Choose the business that you like. Then it will be much easier to interest guests.


How to arrange a reception

To arrange accommodation you will need a separate room (or building). Usually a house (or part of it) with a separate entrance is used. The room should be equipped taking into account the comfort of the guests. That is, you will need to take care of beds, bedding, dishes.

A prerequisite is the availability of a TV, computer (with Internet), telephone connection. Do not forget that rural tourism focuses not only on local, but also on foreigners. Therefore, you will need conversational skills (minimum - English). In addition, you will need to feed guests. To do this, you will have to master dishes not only of local, but also of some other cuisines (not everyone will agree on a "rustic" table).

In this regard, there is a need to have a supply of food. It is necessary to select it so that guests do not feel any inconvenience. It is advisable to inquire about their wishes in advance. Keep in mind that adverse reviews (there are enough fans to write them on the Internet) can nullify all your efforts.

The main condition is respect for the interests of guests

In order for the business to go wrong, you need to be able to attract a client. This is indicated by all marketing textbooks. Since rural tourism makes home coziness and comfort the cornerstone, creating an atmosphere of benevolence and good nature becomes the first condition for success.

Guests should feel welcome and loved. You need to be able to accept strangers, in fact, people so that they feel not just “buyers” of services, but members of your family. To do this, you need to learn the flexibility of behavior, the ability to prevent the development of conflicts in the bud, to develop the ability to understand what the interlocutors want.

Some guests will need additional furniture (maybe toys for children). Others will want a lot of excursions. In any case, all guests will walk around the village, communicate with the local population.

profitable business in the village

And in order for this not to turn into a problem, you will have to negotiate with your neighbors, maybe attract them to provide additional services (fishing, holidays, excursions). Since rural tourism involves not only recreation, but also work, you need to plan ahead what you will offer guests.

It is not necessary to put them on heavy and dirty work without prior agreement. Yes, and demand the "norm" from the guests is not accepted. It is best to give them the opportunity to try themselves in the types of work that they choose for themselves. But this requires patience and the ability to teach.

Rural tourism is a promising direction. Its development does not require huge investments in the first stage. You can start with the available resources, and only then increase the momentum.Moreover, state registration of such activities is required. It will be necessary to comply with all requirements of the legislation governing the reception of guests and their stay in the local territory.

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