
Horse breeding as a business: A to Z

As you know, one of the most beautiful, smart and amazing animals on earth is a horse. Communication with her gives most people great joy. No wonder there was even a separate line of medicine called hippotherapy, which is a method of patient rehabilitation using horse riding. However, horse breeding as a business is quite difficult and costly. As a rule, only people truly passionate about these animals are capable of doing it. For them, business becomes a kind of hobby, a matter of life. If you classify yourself as such, then let's find out how to organize a business on horseback.

horse breeding as a business


If you plan to start horse breeding, a business plan will become an integral part of preparing for the start of your future business. However, before proceeding to its compilation, you should decide on the concept of your business. So, there are several areas in the organization of this case:

- Elite horse breeding, horse breeding for subsequent sale. Buyers for thoroughbred horses are usually found through auctions. In that case, if you get connections in the "upper circles", then your business will be successful, because many rich and influential people will gladly equip a luxurious stable with a pair of thoroughbred horses near their country house.

- Organization of a riding school.

- Horseback riding in picturesque places: forest, seashore, lake, etc.

Often, in order for horse breeding as a business to bring more profit, entrepreneurs combine all of these activities. Subsequently, one can concentrate on only one of the concepts.

Where does it make sense to breed horses?

I immediately want to note that such a business has prospects only in large cities, where there are a sufficient number of wealthy residents who can afford the pleasure of communicating with horses, which is far from cheap nowadays.

In small settlements, such a thing, as a rule, will be immediately doomed to failure. It makes sense to deal with it only if your town is a resort, and a sufficient number of tourists who are interested in horseback riding constantly come here.

horse breeding breeding


In order to start breeding horses as a business, you do not need to be puzzled by obtaining any specific permits or certificates. It is enough to rent or acquire a suitable piece of land and register as a legal entity.

Equipping a horse farm

If you have already taken care of renting or buying a suitable plot of land, then you can proceed to equip the stables for your wards. To do this, build a hangar-type room and equip it with stalls, each of which should be at least three meters wide.

At this stage, experts do not recommend making serious investments in stable equipment. After all, if horse breeding starts to bring you good income, then the room for your wards can always be understaffed (for example, install automatic food and water supply systems). At the initial stage, you can do with the simplest and most unpretentious stalls.

horse breeding

Buying animals

To organize horse breeding (horse breeding), you must first take care of the purchase of animals. Experts recommend starting with two or three adult individuals and several foals.This will allow you to immediately start providing services, while young animals will still grow up. It is advisable to immediately acquire pedigree horses that have a good pedigree. Of course, it will cost a lot, but they will contribute to the success of your business.


A very important point in the maintenance of any animals, and horses are not an exception to this, is to provide them with a balanced diet. Therefore, when preparing food for their four-legged wards, only reliable suppliers should be selected. In addition, it makes sense to consult with experts on the issue of what kind of diet your animals need, depending on the breed, age, state of health, etc.

horse breeding business plan


If you want to seriously engage in horse breeding, you should carefully approach the formation of the staff of your stud farm. So, if you yourself are not a specialist in horse breeding, it makes sense to hire a qualified and experienced manager.

You will also need a veterinarian who will regularly monitor the health of your animals, deal with vaccination issues, etc. In addition, you need to hire several experienced grooms. Depending on the direction of your work, they will be involved in horse riding, walking, and training visitors to the riding school. Do not forget about the need for auxiliary workers, whose duties will include cleaning the stables and the surrounding area, feeding animals, etc.

Horse rental

To obtain additional income, as well as to reduce maintenance costs, many stud farms offer to rent animals for a certain period (usually from a month). So the temporary owner gets the opportunity at any time to visit the horse, feed her, take care of her and ride. Often people who have tried themselves as temporary owners in the future acquire an animal in the property.

horse rental

Riding school

This direction can be both an additional and the main way to profit. In order to organize your own riding school, you should equip a special parade ground where classes will be held.

It is also necessary to responsibly approach the issue of selecting horses for training. So, beginners for classes should choose exclusively calm animals. After all, a person who first appeared in the saddle is not able to predict the behavior of the horse, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Additional income

In order to increase your profit, it makes sense to think about the possibilities of additional income. So, if there is a riding school on the territory of your stud farm, then it makes sense to open a store with the appropriate equipment (helmets, whips, gloves, gaiters, boots, etc.).

If you have free stalls, you can invite the owners of the horses to place their animals in your stable. In addition, such a method of rehabilitation of children and adults with neurological and other disorders as hippotherapy is becoming increasingly popular today. In this regard, you can very well organize similar classes on the basis of a riding school.

business on horseback

Financial side

Breeding horses as a business is very difficult and requires a lot of financial investment. So, to open your own stud farm you will need an amount of at least 30 million rubles. Most of this money will be spent on the purchase of land and equipment for the stables.

Significant funds will also have to be spent on the purchase of breeding animals for their subsequent breeding. However, with regard to profitability, this indicator with the right business is very high and can reach 300%. At the same time, the payback period of initial investments, as a rule, is at best 5-7 years.

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