
Principles, objectives and essence of planning. Strategic planning process

In the activities of the enterprise or in any areas of human life, certain goals are constantly present, to achieve which a clear sequence of actions should be outlined. The essence of planning is to develop a high-quality algorithm that will achieve specific results on time.

What is planning?

The essence of planning is the allocation of time and material resources, as well as the development of an algorithm of actions to achieve the goals. If we consider this concept in relation to the enterprise, then this is one of the main functions of management. In this case, the planning process will look like this:

  • mission statement of the enterprise;
  • in accordance with the previous paragraph, goals are being developed that are planned to be achieved;
  • drawing up a general program of action;
  • search for resources needed to implement the plan;
  • determination of the circle of program performers and bringing comprehensive information to them;
  • recording the results in the form of a certified document of the established form.

Thus, the essence of planning can be interpreted as the development of a system of goals, as well as ways to achieve them. An object is a specific organization or its structural unit for which a promising program is being compiled. As for the subjects of planning, these are persons or specific departments that carry out this activity.

essence of planning

Basic principles

The following basic principles of planning are distinguished:

  • the principle of unity is that all the small tasks included in the plan should be aimed at achieving the ultimate global goal;
  • the principle of participation implies that in one way or another, all persons who will work on the implementation of the project should be involved in the planning process;
  • the principle of continuity states that the implementation of plans should not be stopped due to unforeseen circumstances (you should limit yourself to making adjustments);
  • the principle of flexibility implies the possibility of changing the plan, in order to adapt it to constantly changing conditions;
  • scientific principle - all provisions must be clearly justified in accordance with well-known theories;
  • The principle of accuracy is to describe the final and intermediate results as objectively as possible.

All of these requirements are binding. Observing these planning principles, you will be able to draw up a high-quality and effective program of action.

planning tasks

Basic Resource Planning Methods

Resource planning at the enterprise can be carried out in accordance with the following basic methods:

  • the balance method involves finding a balance between the needs for resources, as well as their sources;
  • the calculation and analytical method allows you to take into account all the factors affecting the achievement of the final result, as well as their dynamics;
  • economic and mathematical methods involve the use of specially designed models that allow you to get the most accurate results;
  • graph-analytical method consists in using special means of presenting intermediate and final results;
  • program-target method involves the development of a set of measures and tasks, the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the final result.

The choice of planning methods depends not only on the specifics of the enterprise, but also on the situation that has developed in the internal and external environment for a specific period of time.

strategic planning process

The main objectives of planning

In order for the achievement of goals to be real, it is necessary to draw up high-quality programs and action algorithms. Thus, planning tasks can be formulated as follows:

  • formation of a list of problems to be solved in the planning period;
  • search for scenarios in accordance with which the situation may develop;
  • substantiation of goals and determination of the degree of their significance;
  • search for sources of resources, as well as the development of a plan for their use;
  • designation of the final and intermediate results, in accordance with which the monitoring of the achievement of goals will be carried out.

After developing a global plan, it is important to break it down into local tasks. They act as a kind of stages, the implementation of which brings the organization closer to achieving the ultimate goal.

Why do you need to make plans?

The need for planning in all areas of activity is due to a number of reasons:

  • economic development is characterized by a high level of uncertainty, and optimizing the use of resources by drawing up a clear plan helps to smooth out crisis moments;
  • planning helps to create competitive advantages due to the fact that in prospective documents it is possible to provide for fluctuations in the external environment, interruptions in the supply of resources and other issues;
  • planning system allows you to implement programs for the application of innovations and achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • a stable company operating on the basis of a clearly planned program is more attractive for investment;
  • gradual structural transformations that ensure the systematic achievement of tactical and strategic goals;
  • drawing up real programs by correlating current opportunities and long-term plans;
  • purposeful development of the organization and movement in the chosen direction;
  • the ability to anticipate possible problems;
  • stimulating effect for employees of all levels;
  • streamlining management actions and other activities.

Properly drawn up plan allows the leader and his subordinates to systematically move towards achieving the goal. Following a clear algorithm, you will not have to be distracted by extraneous actions. In addition, the plan often provides options for responding to unforeseen situations, and therefore it will be possible to level the situation without significant material and time losses.

personnel planning

What should be an effective plan

In order for the planning process to be effective, a number of requirements are put forward to it, namely:

  • the program should be appropriate and appropriate in a specific situation;
  • the plans lay realistic achievable goals and indicators;
  • the documents reflect comprehensive information regarding the current situation, as well as the future situation;
  • the plan is drawn up in accordance with clear standards and rules;
  • compilation of promising programs should be systematic;
  • in the framework of the plan it is necessary to operate with clear numbers and specific expressions.

It is worth noting that the algorithm of actions for the enterprise is significantly different from the one that a person makes up for himself. In the case of an organization, the plan is more stringent and only allows for adjustments in emergency situations.

planning principles

The role of strategic planning

Strategic planning has the following advantages for the enterprise:

  • determines the general direction of development, in accordance with which a program of further marketing and other studies is drawn up;
  • determination of the global goal with which local programs of all departments of the enterprise will be linked;
  • It is the basis for the search and distribution of resources;
  • involves the development of a number of alternatives that the company can take in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  • long-term prospects force management to analyze weaknesses and also look for ways to address them.

It is worth noting that strategic planning is a prerequisite for the functioning of the enterprise. It determines the general guidelines of activities, as well as the position of the organization in the future.

The planning process

Planning Types

The classification of planning types is carried out in accordance with the following features:

  • According to the planning period:
    • long-term (over 5 years);
    • medium term (up to 5 years);
    • short-term (less than 1 year).
  • According to the planning level:
    • for the organization as a whole (determines the general direction of activity);
    • for a specific unit;
    • on the project;
    • for the duties of a particular employee.
  • In accordance with the subject:
    • research planning;
    • production process planning;
    • determination of volumes and distribution channels;
    • HR planning;
    • supply of material and financial resources.
  • In accordance with the purpose of:
    • operational;
    • strategic.

tactical planning

Strategic planning process

For normal functioning, each enterprise should have long-term guidelines. So, the strategic planning process includes the following sequence of steps:

  • the definition of the mission, which serves as a general direction for the development of the organization;
  • analysis of strengths and weaknesses within the organization, as well as threats and opportunities that are present in the external environment;
  • formulation of long-term goals;
  • development of alternatives in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  • selection of the basic strategy on the basis of which the enterprise will operate.

Staff planning

Personnel planning is a purposeful and reasonable activity of the organization, which consists in the formation of a full-fledged staff of employees at a certain point in time. This is one of the most important tasks, because it is the employees who ensure the stable operation of the enterprise. So, the goals of staff planning can be formulated as follows:

  • HR policy development;
  • determination of the need for quantitative and qualitative staff;
  • promotion of promising employees on the career ladder;
  • development of an emergency response scenario;
  • bringing the goals of the organization and each specific employee in line;
  • determination of costs for the maintenance and development of personnel.

Personnel is the basis of the work of any enterprise as one of the most important resources. That is why it is necessary to approach personnel planning with all responsibility, providing for full-fledged work both in the present and in the future period of time.

The essence of tactical planning

Tactical planning can be defined as the specification of the global strategy of the organization. We can say that these are actions that ensure the effective achievement of long-term goals. Tactical planning has the following features:

  • implies the development of detailed programs indicating a step-by-step algorithm of actions;
  • has a short-term nature;
  • for this type of planning is the responsibility of staff from the middle management;
  • involves resolving homogeneous issues that are often repeated;
  • actions should be carried out in accordance with a specific schedule;
  • limited number of alternative solutions.

Thus, we can say that tactics are a means of achieving strategic goals. These are specific steps, the implementation of which brings the organization closer to achieving the final result.


The essence of planning is the rational distribution of time and material resources, as well as the preparation of a clear algorithm of actions to achieve a specific goal. It is worth noting that this is not just a mandatory process, but also one of the fundamental functions of management. In order for the plan to be not declarative, but mandatory, they will certainly give it the form of an official document. Its execution is supervised by senior management. Monitoring the achievement of planned indicators should be carried out not only at the final stage of work, but also throughout the entire period. This allows you to timely respond to deviations and make adjustments to the timing and methods of work.

When making plans, you must be guided by a number of mandatory principles. All goals and objectives should not contradict each other, but have a single direction. It is also worth noting that it is desirable to involve all persons who will be responsible for its implementation in the process of drawing up the plan. It is important to understand that no matter the circumstances, the program should not be suspended. Corrections must be made in accordance with the current situation to ensure the continuation of full-fledged work. Plans must be flexible. Algorithms of actions should have a scientific basis, and the indicated results should be characterized by maximum accuracy.

Planning is one of the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise. This is primarily due to the fact that the economy is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty. A well-designed plan allows you to anticipate and smooth out negative aspects in advance. There is also an opportunity to get significant advantages among competitors. With the help of a detailed plan, the latest developments and technologies can be systematically introduced into production. In addition, it is important to provide for structural changes in the organization. The planning strategy should provide for the possibility of certain problems, as well as ways to respond to them. We can say that this is not just an algorithm of actions, but also a tool for motivating employees.

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