
Arctic belt: climate features, temperature, natural phenomena, flora and fauna

The Arctic belt is a climatic zone that occupies the poles of the planet. It is characterized by extremely low temperatures and special natural phenomena: northern lights, polar nights and days, the formation of hummocks and pack ice.

The largest area of ​​the Arctic belt is in Antarctica, spreading to the entire mainland. In the north of the planet, it includes the northern parts of the Eurasian and North American continents, Baffin Island, Greenland, the Taimyr Peninsula, the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, the island of Svalbard and other islands of the Arctic Ocean. Partially, it includes the most northern areas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

arctic belt


These places are characterized by a constant climate. Low temperatures are the main feature that distinguishes the Arctic belt. The temperature in January and July is negative, even to zero the air almost never warms up. Meteorological indicators of this area are caused by cold air masses. The sun's rays falling on the planet at an angle do not heat permafrost.

Especially severe winters in Antarctica. At the Soviet Vostok station, a record low temperature of -89 ° C was recorded here. So far, this figure remains a record.

Precipitation at the poles of the planet is very small - less than 250 mm per year. The Arctic belt is occupied by the Arctic and Antarctic deserts. They are a multi-kilometer shell of glaciers.

Arctic belt temperature in January and July amplitude

Day and night

Most earthlings are accustomed to the fact that daylight hours last from half to a third of the day. Night and day for half a year is a common phenomenon that is characteristic of territories belonging to the Arctic zone. Temperature in January and July, the amplitude of which is about 50 aboutC, almost never rises above zero. Her performance ranges from -10 to -60 aboutC, sometimes dropping to -70 or even lower. The tilt of the axis of the planet causes this unique phenomenon, characteristic exclusively for the poles. Therefore, semi-annual day and night are called polar.


The Arctic belt lacks flashy luxury. His beauty is stern and restrained, but is this not true greatness? Researchers in the Arctic and Antarctic write about these places without stinting on expressions in superlative degree. Huge ice deserts, sparkling icebergs, drifting hummocks and treacherous pack ice - all this causes fear and admiration at the same time.

Arctic belt temperature in January and July

Ice forms the relief of Antarctica, the southernmost continent. They cover most of the North Pole. The Arctic, singing Rozhdestvensky in its most moving terms, is occupied by powerful glaciers. Most of the Arctic Ocean consists of ice. Their seasonal melting is characteristic only for the southern latitudes of the belt, bordering the Eurasian continent. Summer in these latitudes is short, but it still exists. At this time, coastal mainland ice begins to thaw, losing up to 10% of the volume. With the onset of winter, everything returns to normal.

Flora and fauna

How monumental the nature of the Arctic belt is, its inhabitants are so magnificent. The top of the food chain is a dangerous predator - a polar bear. He even wanders into human settlements; he is often seen, for example, by the inhabitants of Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya. The real king of the Arctic, he does not have a single natural enemy, except man. Today this beast is under protection, ecologists are watching the number of populations.

Huge whales, walruses, and narwhals are found in these parts. Coastal zones are a favorite abode of seals.

There are more modest inhabitants in the polar zone. For example, lemmings are agile rodents that are not afraid of low temperatures. In some areas, huge deer herds are found. The most dangerous predators after a polar bear are wolves and polar foxes - Arctic foxes.

Arctic belt temperature in summer and winter

The Arctic belt cannot boast of a huge variety of flora. But even flowers grow here! Polar poppy and saxifrage are found in the southern latitudes of the belt. And in some places in the mountains you can even find edelweiss.

The greatest importance belongs to lichens and mosses, they cover areas not occupied by glaciers.

Oxygen-saturated air is another feature that characterizes the Arctic belt. The temperature in summer and winter in the southern border is rarely positive, but beautiful air and clear water are the best factors for the development of the inhabitants of the water kingdom. In Arctic waters there is a huge amount of valuable fish.

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