
The main natural reserves of Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world. It has everything: hot sea resorts, snowy mountain peaks, deep lakes, crystal clear rivers, fairy taiga, amazing animals. However, this unusually rich nature needs protection and care.In order to preserve the ecosystem, specially protected natural reserves of Russia were created. In total, there are 103 protected areas on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are scattered throughout the country. They occupy an area of ​​27.38 million hectares excluding the water area. Russia's nature reserves are the basis for research: studying animals in their normal habitat, observing plants, and preserving the animal and plant worlds.

Barguzinsky Reserve

natural reserves of Russia

The oldest reserve in Russia is Barguzinsky. It was founded on 12/29/1916. Located in Buryatia in the North Baikal region. It was founded as a sable reserve, the main idea of ​​which was the preservation of these little animals. At the time of its foundation, the reserve could boast only 20-30 individuals. At the moment, the number of these mammals has increased markedly and now amounts to 1-2 individuals per 1 km2.

Since 1996, the Barguzinsky Reserve has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today, the animal world of this wonderful place is incredibly diverse. Here you can meet moose, hares, bears, marmots and many other interesting representatives of the fauna. In total, 41 species of mammals live here. Also in the reserve there are many rivers and lakes, in the waters of which you can see a lot of fish. Further, we learn about other state nature reserves of Russia.

Great Arctic Reserve

state natural reserves of Russia

At the moment, it is the largest not only in Russia, but throughout Eurasia. Located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Taimyr region. Founded May 11, 1993. The area of ​​this incredible place is more than 4 million hectares! The reserve includes some islands, peninsulas, mainland and archipelagos. Basically, all of its territory is located on the territory of perennial winters. For example, on Cape Chelyuskin, which is part of the reserve, snow lies 300 days a year. The temperature in the Great Arctic never rises above -7 ° C. This beautiful place has more than 160 species of plants, 120 - birds, about 20 - mammals and 30 - fish.

Reserve "Kivach"

protected areas of Russia reserves

Speaking about the nature reserves of Russia, one cannot forget about “Kivach” - the small and oldest protected natural area in the Russian Federation. It was founded in June 1931 in Karelia, in the Kondopoga region. The total area of ​​this place is almost 11 thousand hectares, 80% of the territories are forested and deep thickets. These are mainly spruce and pine trees. This reserve received its name thanks to the eponymous waterfall, which is located on the territory. He is the main attraction of this place. There is also the world famous Sopokhskiy Bor. Here trees grow, whose age reaches three and a half centuries. Such centenarians can only be envied! More than 200 species of birds live in the reserve, about 50 - mammals, 3 - reptiles, 5 - amphibians and 18 - fish.

Altai Reserve

specially protected natural reserves of Russia

What other protected areas of Russia are there? In fact, they are not all listed. Altai Nature Reserve - one of the most famous and most visited in Russia. It is located in the mountains of Southern Siberia in the Altai Republic. It was discovered in 1932. The area of ​​this wonderful place is 881,238 ha. The climate here is continental. As mentioned above, it is located in the mountains, so there are no hot days. Summer is cool, however, it is completely absent on the peaks, and winter is mild, not severe.

All nature reserves of Russia, like Altai, have an amazing and unusually rich flora. 1,500 species of plants grow on this territory, 22 of which are listed in the Red Book. And you can meet them only in this beautiful place. The fauna of the region is a real treasure. Here lives 59 species of rare animals that were threatened with extinction from the face of the Earth.

Wrangel Island

natural reserves of Russia

Wrangel Island - one of the largest and very famous nature reserves in Russia, is located in the Chukotka Autonomous Region. It covers an area of ​​2.2 million hectares. About 70% of the entire territory is mountain ranges. About 150 small rivers flow along the entire area of ​​this reserve, and in the Wrangel mountains you can stumble upon 900 shallow lakes. The climate is cold, rather pungent. Summer lasts no longer than 25 days a year and is cool enough. Speaking about the protected natural areas of Russia, nature reserves should be mentioned first. And this island is truly beautiful.

Flora Wrangel in its wealth has no analogues in the Arctic. Here 417 species of plants grow, 169 - birds, a huge number of mammals. On the island of Wrangell, 130 thousand walruses were counted! In honor of this reserve, a commemorative coin of the Bank of Russia and a postage stamp were issued. In a word, for those tourists who love nature, silence, beauty and animals, Russia's nature reserves are the best place to visit. All the places described above and many others will be happy to take you into the bosom of beauty and grandeur.

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