
Kostomuksha reserve: where is it located?

Where is Kostomuksha reserve located? It is located on the eastern slope of the West Karelian Upland. In the west, it extends just a few kilometers from the border with Finland. And from the southwest it borders on Kamenny Lake. They created the Kostomuksha reserve on December 14, 1983. His mailing address is as follows: Republic of Karelia, the city of Kostomuksha, Priozernaya street, 2.

What is the climate in the area?

The territory of the reserve belongs to the temperate climatic zone. For several months you can admire the white nights. There are no severe frosts, winters are quite mild, warm and snowy, with prevailing westerly or south-westerly winds.

Kostomuksha reserveHowever, a rather large amount of precipitation falls. In summer, on the contrary, it is cool, and most often north-east or south-west winds blow.

River and soil

The main goal pursued by the Kostomuksha reserve is to preserve natural complex as well as monitoring the natural course of development of its components.

The Kamennaya River Valley is one of the oldest here. Glacier meltwater constantly flowed into it, due to which bizarre forms in the relief formed. The soil is a marsh or bog-podzolic species.


The largest lake in the territory of the Kostomuksha reserve is Kamennoye.

Kostomuksha addressThis is a very beautiful place, belonging to the White Sea basin. It has about ninety-eight islands. The next largest lake, which is included in the Kostomuksha reserve, is Minozero. There is also one river here - the Stone. Its length is twenty-five kilometers. It flows from the lake of the same name. The river needs special protection, as this is the main place for spawning of fish of salmon species.


Kostomuksha State Nature Reserve has a rich flora and fauna. The natural landscape of these places totals no more than four hundred species of vascular plants and about one hundred species of mosses and lichens. The largest number of them are protected by the Red Book, for example, such as Dortman's lobelia, Kemsky cornflower, leafless chin and others.

Kostomuksha reserveMost of the territory, which is about eighty percent, is occupied by wood types of forests of which 12 types of pine are distinguished, 9 of which consist of spruce. Also have 8 types of forests consisting mainly of birches. Due to the fact that the predominant soil is stony, plantings on the territory of the reserve consist mostly of conifers that grow on the upper and middle parts of the slopes. But in the neighborhood with them you can also find blueberry bushes, lingonberries, ordinary mountain ash and others grow here. The grass cover is composed mainly of green mosses. They are predominant in this area.

Kostomuksha State Nature ReserveWhere the soil is more fertile, at the foot of the slopes, mostly spruce forests grow. Spruce of the Finnish or European variety prevails in them. Coniferous forests with blueberry bushes or green-spruce spruce forests are very widespread. Where spruce forests are located next to streams or rivers, lingonberry shrubs, rowan and blackcurrant bushes predominate.

And closer to the borders of the reserve, where part of the spruce trees has been cut down, birch forests begin to form, but there are fewer of them in the reserve.
Mires occupy a lot of space. The area of ​​their territory is about seven and a half hectares. Their shape is completely different, but basically they have an elongated shape.They are in the lowlands. The smallest part in the reserve is meadows. Only one percent.

Kostomuksha reserve: photo and description of the animal world of this zone

The fauna of the reserve has about two hundred species of birds, thirty species of mammals. Among the predators, the population of American mink and wolverine is numerous, although its number has been declining recently.

The habitual inhabitant of the reserve is a brown bear. The Kostomuksha nature reserve is also inhabited by other predatory inhabitants, such as pine marten, weasel, fox, lynx and others. Every ten to eleven years, the number of proteins changes.

What other animals inhabit the Kostomuksha reserve? This flying squirrel, field mouse, Canadian beavers and others. Along the shores of water bodies - habitats of hares, squirrels. The number of hares can vary from four to seven times a year. The Kostomuksha nature reserve is the habitat of rodents such as shrews of various species. The largest animals in the area are elk and wild reindeer.

Kostomuksha reserve photo

However, the moose population is not so great in most of the reserve. And there are about three hundred wild reindeer in the reserve area and in the surrounding districts. What amphibians live here? Gray toad and grass frog. There are also reptiles, such as the common viper and the viviparous lizard.

Birds and fish

A white-tailed eagle and other species of birds of prey, such as osprey, golden eagle and peregrine falcon, have chosen a place here and nest. On the lakes you can find nests of geese and swans. The highest is the number of hazel grouse, capercaillie, partridge, and waterfowl.
where is the Kostomuksha reserveSalmon, pike, perch and other fish species settled in the clear waters of the lake, and a population of European grayling, as well as dace and bleak, are found in the river.

Route “The Chapman's Trail”

Kostomuksha nature reserve for tourists is also a very attractive place. There are several types of routes. Let's start with the “Paths of the Chapman”.

This is a historical type of route, during which it is described how peddlers traveled in the 18th century. What kind of activity they conducted and how they made campaigns in order to sell their goods. The guide will introduce the history of the city and the region itself. The length of the route is ten and a half kilometers. Such tours are held from May to October.

Equipment should be of the following type: shoes and clothing appropriate for the season. Binoculars, firewood, bowlers, information booklets are also issued. A guide will accompany you on the route.

An important condition for passing is the observance of all the rules without fail. The route runs in one day in small groups of up to 12 people. You can’t collect plants and souvenirs, make bonfires.

The second route - "In the fairy forest"

Here, tourists pass through the magnificent landscapes of the reserve, such as the Kamenny Gate canyon, white-pine forests, the Kamennaya river, Tsar threshold. The seasonality of the route is from May to October, and the length is thirty-six kilometers.

Equipment: seasonally appropriate shoes and clothes.
Kostomuksha reserve for touristsBinoculars, firewood, information booklets are provided. A guide will accompany the tour group.

This is a multi day trip. Therefore, unprepared tourists such a route is not recommended. It is necessary to follow the rules: groups should be small - up to 10 people, you can not pick mushrooms, berries and more. To pass the trail you need to have a passport and a pass permitting you to enter the Kostomuksha reserve.

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