
Signs of executive power. Signs of federal executive bodies

Executive power, concept and the signs of which will be considered later, appeared together with the emergence of statehood. However, already in the primitive communal system its features are visible. It manifested itself as the power of a leader and assistants over the rest. Its foundation was courage and strength. Next, we consider what today is the executive branch: the concept, features, content of this phenomenon. signs of executive power

General information

The signs and functions of the executive branch are fully manifested in the state. Here she relies on taxes, the armed forces, the apparatus of officials. Earlier at the highest level, it was concentrated in the hands of the monarchs. Then she acted as the only state power at the same time administering justice and lawmaking. The development of the state contributes to a sharp increase in the number and size of the managed territories, the strengthening of the division of labor and other factors in the formation of civil society. State power today is served by ministers, governors and other administrative figures. All of them are implementing important decisions regarding society.

Basic goals

Signs executive power of the Russian Federation quite clearly manifested in the tasks that confront her. The main goals of this institute are:

  • Ensuring the security of the state, society and citizens.
  • Formation of conditions that contribute to social well-being and economic progress.
  • Assistance in the exercise by citizens and enterprises of their freedoms and rights; the development of political, spiritual, cultural, socio-economic life.signs of executive power are

The state administrative apparatus independently ensures security in the country, protects the weak, and forms a system of custody of citizens. She creates conditions conducive to the activity of self-regulation mechanisms in all areas of social life.

Sign of activity of executive authorities

The considered category of state power acts as an instrument for protecting and preserving the interests of both society as a whole and its individual citizens in particular. The society, forming the administrative structure, pays for its content, fulfills its requirements. At the same time, the company expects that the activity of the system will be effective, that is, the goals that are set for it will be realized at the lowest cost and in the optimal time.

In order to become an effective tool, the administrative apparatus must carry out its activities wisely, using the powers given to it and the available resources most rationally. Along with this, in carrying out its tasks, it is obliged to comply with the law. The main principle of administrative activity is precisely expediency within the framework of the rule of law. The more consistent it is, the more active it will be.

Relationship Categories

The scope of management of the state apparatus goes quite far beyond. Based on it, certain groups of relevant relations of the executive branch are formed and:

  • Citizen and society.
  • Diverse and numerous associations. In this case, we are talking about political parties, public organizations and other entities, which include citizens who want to participate in political and social life, communicate with colleagues in the profession, develop various initiatives, and more. This, in turn, forms one of the conditions for the development of the country as a whole.
  • Subjects involved in social, economic, law enforcement, foreign policy spheres. All these areas are in one way or another designed and expressed in the organizational plan.So, there are governing bodies of state property, enterprises and institutions, culture, science, education, healthcare and so on. In other areas, departments and ministries of internal affairs, defense, security, foreign economic relations and others have been formed.
  • Institutions, enterprises and other organizations that do not have these statuses. The state apparatus also interacts with the work collectives of these organizations. signs of the executive branch of the Russian Federation

Executive authorities: concept, signs

The state administration apparatus has specific features. The main features of the executive branch reflect the essence and content of this institution. Thanks to them, this structure has a significant difference from other branches. The first major feature of the executive branch is its secondary nature. She is in a subordinate position and depends on the higher structure.

The second main feature is the organizing nature of the system. Such a structure helps to establish a complex network of social interactions in the social, cultural, economic, administrative and political fields, as well as in law enforcement and creative spheres. The executive branch focuses all the real work of putting into practice the laws and regulations of senior management. The system translates political tasks into organizational ones. executive concept and signsThe administrative structure should combine efforts, the energy of citizens, be able to restore and maintain order in both normal and extreme conditions. At the same time, the law acts as an exclusively abstract norm, by means of which a behavioral model of people is outlined. To implement a legal act, controlling, coordinating and organizing state actions are required. They are carried out by the administrative apparatus, connected with relations with real life phenomena and fulfilling the tasks of purposeful constant control of the behavior of people, and through it - social processes and property.


Such signs of executive power as the systematic and continuous organization characterize the institution as a structure that penetrates into all spheres of life. The administrative apparatus organizes direct protection of the country, preservation of public and state security. These signs of executive power are also manifested in the management of institutions and enterprises, the management of non-state companies (control, taxation, licensing, registration). The impact on citizens' behavior in this case is made through norms. Universality and continuity as signs of executive authorities are noted in existing methods of influencing people. This, in particular, is not only about bringing to justice and suppression, but also about such means as encouragement, persuasion, registration, contract and others.


Various means are concentrated in the hands of the executive branch. In particular, these are economic, legal, informational, technical, organizational, ideological resources. It concentrates the actual state power. Only she, in fact, can give certain subjects rights, allocate resources to them. Moreover, having such capacities, the state apparatus does not directly use them: it does not produce products, does not teach, does not cure. Signs of federal executive bodies are manifested in a different activity. The state apparatus manages the behavior of people, natural and other resources in order to organize production, health, education, cultural, economic and other development. main features of the executive branchAdministrative power is an executive-administrative institution.In the process of exercising her powers at the behest of a higher authority, she issues a huge number of normative acts - orders on penalties, appeal, acceptance, separation, encouragement and others.

The composition of the administrative apparatus

In addition to the above, the signs of the executive branch are the branching and extensive structure. Directly administered by the administrative state apparatus are:

  • Police.
  • Military establishment.
  • State Security Agencies.
  • Forced specialized agencies.

Signs of federal executive bodies, manifested in the ability to apply organizational, physical and other coercive measures, are no longer characteristic of any public sphere. The administrative apparatus uses them independently within the framework of legality. Reliance on force, coercion, the availability of legal and factual opportunities for administrative, out-of-court coercion are the most important signs of the executive branch.

Structural unity

The above signs of the executive branch - coercion, universality, an organizing character - determine its form. It is presented in the form of a large, single, hierarchically built state structure. It is known that neither the judicial nor the legislative branches of government have a hierarchy, subordination of lower elements to higher ones. For the implementation of direct daily organization of various public relations, as well as the actual implementation of coercion, a large number of employees are needed. sign of activity of executive authoritiesThe number of employees involved in the state apparatus is many times greater than in all other state bodies. Accomplishing tasks requires attracting professionals and streamlining their work. The official is the main figure in the administration. As world experience shows, the management apparatus always seeks to expand its sphere of influence, increase authority, and the number of employees. Uncontrolledness in this case can lead to administrative arbitrariness, corruption, and bureaucratization of society. In this regard, in the process of the consistent implementation of the principle of power separation in practice, the professional hierarchical, organizing, universal system acquires features such as accountability and legality.

Compliance with legal requirements

The executive branch acts as secondary to the legislature. They determine the administrative structure, authority. This provision applies even to cases when officials are elected by popular vote (Governor, President and others). Legislative bodies specify, detail and develop acts issued by officials. Administrative activity cannot be contrary to the norms, because it is their implementation. In a state of law, the public structure is subordinated not to another branch, but to the law. In this regard, the executive branch is considered a by-law.


Its volumes and forms undergo significant changes in the rule of law. Today, accountability is characterized by a qualitatively new character. In the past, oversight was carried out by the monarch and officials authorized by prosecutors and other representatives. It was control over subordinates, which came from above. As a rule, supervision was carried out by higher officials of lower ones. Under the legal regime, the executive branch is not subordinate to other branches. However, it can be controlled by all existing government agencies. These, for example, include the courts, the Parliament, as well as bodies that are not related to any of the existing branches of government: the prosecutor’s office, human rights ombudsmen, the accounting chamber, and so on. The President has huge control powers in Russia.He occupies a special position in the domestic system of power separation.

Tasks of the administrative apparatus

The state executive power can be characterized as a complex of professional employees and as a system of authorized bodies. Both those and others implement certain tasks. Both the system of bodies and the aggregate of employees are engaged in executive and administrative activities. Its content is the daily, direct and continuous organization of the implementation of internal and external state tasks.the main attribute of the executive Objectively, there is no doubt about the need for administrative management. According to the current legislative acts regulating the division of labor, the whole structure is divided into simpler, special types of organizational activity. They are usually called the functions of the executive (administrative) power. In the legal literature, this definition is disclosed in two senses. In the first case, functions are associated with administrative objects. In the second sense, they act as one of the general methods of organizing the impact on subordinate systems.

Classification of tasks by objects of influence

The following functions are distinguished in this category:

  • Providing defense.
  • Perform counterintelligence and intelligence.
  • Ensuring order in society.
  • Preservation of the state border.
  • Industry management.
  • The management of transport.
  • Agricultural Management.
  • Tax fees.
  • Antitrust activities.
  • Small business promotion.
  • Organization of education, healthcare, social protection, research and more.

In addition, this category should include tasks to ensure relations with other countries, international associations.

Varieties of tasks as methods of organizing impact

These functions are considered common typical techniques of informational relationships between subjects and objects of social management. In general, they are considered relatively independent, stable, specialized types of administrative activities. Common tasks include:

  • Normative regulation.
  • Planning.
  • Forecasting.
  • HR work.
  • Methodical guide.
  • Control.
  • Accounting and others.

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