
The concept of power. The concept of state power. Executive Concept

Power is one of the most entertaining phenomena of human relations. The concept of power is a key one in political science, because it lays a kind of foundation for the definition and designation of such phenomena as political institutions, movements and the essence of politics itself. A study of its nature makes it possible to isolate politics from the general totality of social relations into a separate step in the hierarchy, which also closes the pyramid of relationships. And in this sense, it is extremely important to study the basic elements that make up the concept of state power from the point of view of the mechanisms for its separation. And this issue is especially relevant in Russia.

concept of power

Origins of learning

The concept of power, philosophers have tried to explore since time immemorial. The first attempts to determine the essence of the phenomenon were made, of course, in the East, namely in China and India. In Western ideology, attempts to penetrate into the essence and content of the phenomenon of power were undertaken in ancient Greece by almost all leading philosophers. Absolutely on every segment of historical time, first philosophers and writers, then historians and political scientists wondered what it is, what determines it, why some are capable of being political leaders, while others are not, does it carry continuity in itself, correlation with divine and so on.

Today, in political science thought, the definition of power is accepted, according to which, this is “a special strong-willed attitude of the subject to the object of this relationship”. The peculiarity is manifested in the ability to induce the second subject to act according to the will and desire of the first. In addition, researchers agree that the concept and essence of power comes down to a very simple formula: power is subject to submission. In other words, this is the opportunity and the right of one or a group of entities to make decisions that are binding on other entities.


Concept and power structure begin with the definition of its object and subject. The immediate tool for the administration of power is the means, or resources. The subject is the one who sends it. This may be a specific person, organization, organ, and so on. The person who is its bearer must possess not only the desire to rule, but also the will. In addition, she must have the appropriate competencies and unconditional authority.

The merging of power with its carrier, which has absolute distribution, confirms the primacy of the individual. That is why such mythologemes as actions, arbitrariness, decisions of the authorities and so on are widely used, of course, when we mean specific individuals and administrative bodies.

The holder of power manifests it in several ways. Orders or orders imply the need for submission. Submission is expressed in the corresponding behavior of private will in relation to the universal will of power. Punishment is expressed in exerting influence when one does not want to submit to the dominant will. The fourth element involves the normalization of human behavior. This means that there is a certain set of rules that subordinates people's behavior to common interests.

concept of state power

Object of power

The concept of power will be incomplete if one does not fully describe who the power is directed at. Power is unthinkable and impossible without an object.Understanding the direct dependence of the bearer of power on the level of submission was expressed in the formation of the institution of civil disobedience. In the twentieth century, this revealed pattern began to be widely used as a non-violent struggle against the ruling regime and the existing order. The proof that this method is an absolutely working tool is the liberation from the colonial position of India and several other countries in the Middle East and Africa.

The relationship between the object and the subject of power is determined by diametrically opposite aspects. This may be fierce resistance or complete and voluntary submission. According to scientists, a number of criteria affect the depth of subordination: the quality of the one to whom the power is directed, and the particulars of the requirements imposed on it, the level of authority of the sender of power, and how exhaustive the amount of resources and means of influence is.

The Basics of Power

The addressee is determined, first of all, by the quality of the political culture of the context in which it is located. The most profound subordination is characteristic of patriarchal and subservient systems of values ​​and cultural contexts. Awareness of this is an extremely important element in the concept of power. Forms of power, such as authoritarian and totalitarian, are perceived precisely where the habit of living in obedience has strengthened, where most people crave a solid hand and only see in it the possibility of a relatively just society.

The main lever inducing total submission is fear. As a rule, it is he who is almost the main foundation of tyrannical control systems. At the same time, psychologists are inclined to argue that this basis is very fragile, since such foundations easily fall apart under the probability of avoiding punishment for violating the prohibitions.

executive concept

Stable staples

According to experts in the field of law and political science, the stability of power is ensured by personal interest. It is this factor that allows those to whom it is directed to voluntarily obey and execute orders, eliminates the need for excessive control and sophisticated punishment systems.

A serious motivation for voluntary submission can also be the authority of the manager, worship of which is due to exceptional respect for his experience, intelligence and other qualities. In this case, mutual interest and authority make the government more efficient and lasting. Moreover, at some stage, subordinates begin to identify themselves with their leading leader.

Subject and object are diametrical poles. Meanwhile, the concept and structure of power are determined not only by these poles, but also by their connecting element - resources.

Resources as the key to power

The basis of relationships based on submission is a resource allocation mechanism, which, in the opinion of the social majority, is absolutely unfair and uneven. However, it is precisely the system and distribution mechanism, especially in the modern world, that ensures the finiteness or inclusiveness of power.

In this sense, resources are understood as values ​​important to the addressee, which include money or other material goods. Resources also include non-material means that can affect the moral side of a person: for example, television, the press - any communication and informational means. In addition, tools play an important role, which provide the manager with the opportunity to deprive of any values ​​for disobedience, the most important of which are life and freedom. Such tools include the institution of punitive organs.

judicial concept


According to one of the classifications accepted in science, designated resources can be designated as utilitarian, normative and compulsory.Another classification implies differentiation according to the main types of activity: economic, social, political-power and cultural-informational.

Economic resources are included as one of the basic elements in the concept of power and state. They ensure the loyalty of not only politicians, but also entire layers of the population. They can be used both for encouragement and for punishment. Social resources are characterized by mobility along the social hierarchy and the functioning of the so-called social elevator. Information, as well as knowledge in the modern historical period, acquired a completely different significance and content. The importance of cultural and informational resources is growing every day and today it is pushing power and economic resources noticeably back. However, power resources still hold the position of the most important source of power.

concept and signs of state power

Typology of power

In the scientific literature, several types of classifications of power are accepted, depending on the basic aspects. By area of ​​action, power can be political, ideological, economic, legal, social, secular or spiritual. The scope of prerogatives determines the power of state, international, family, commercial and other. The addressee of power determines social, class, party or personal power. The concept of power also presupposes a division according to the method of management into democracy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, despotism, and so on. The social type of government implies slavery, feudalism, bourgeois, liberal and other forms of government.

And at the same time, specialists are inclined to consider the most complete classification, which takes into account resources as a basic ranking. In this case, economic, social, spiritual-informational, compulsory and political power is singled out.

the concept of power is a form of power

The state as a bulwark of power

The concept of state power implies that the dominant structural element in the form of the state subordinates other social structural elements to its will using a system of coercion and encouragement. The principle of separation of powers is almost basic, designed to ensure the freedom, legality and justice of society. The concept and signs of state power are based, first of all, on this dominant principle.

State power in a sense is correlated with political power. They are both significant and necessary from a public point of view and are public. At the same time, these are various phenomena. And here one of the main things that defines the concept and signs of state power is the scale of the impact. It applies to the entire territory of the country, without exception, as well as to the entire population, not only to its subjects, but also to visitors. The only exception in this sense is the foreign diplomatic corps. Political power includes the scale of one political party.

Signs of state power

These include: the mandatory presence of the subject and object; legislatively fixed powers of the subject; prescribed implementation mechanism; separation of powers; legitimacy of power.

The last symptom has two aspects. Actually legitimacy, which means the approval of power by society. This is precisely the state power that corresponds to the ideas of citizens living in this country. Obviously, these ideas are not based on legal norms, but on material, social and other conditions.

The legal justification of power is achieved through its legalization. This is an absolutely legal aspect. In democratic and parliamentary states, the legality of power is ensured by constitutions.

concept of power and state

Divide and rule

The principle of separation of powers was thought over more than two centuries ago.The French Enlightenment, in particular, argued that the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive should be separable and independent from each other in order to ensure freedom and justice. Combining them in one hand will lead to abuse. The implicit execution of laws adopted in the state is the basis of the concept of the executive branch. Legislative law accordingly provides for the formulation of binding laws by all citizens. The concept of the judiciary, in turn, involves the fair delivery of verdicts in full accordance with the letter of the law.

The bearer of legislative power is parliament. It is he who passes laws, changes to the main state document - the Constitution, in addition, approves the composition of the government, the budget, adopts amendments to the Tax Code, ratifies international documents, makes decisions on declaring war. In Russia, it is represented by the Federal Assembly, which has two chambers: the upper one is the Federation Council, and the lower one is the State Duma.

The concept of executive power is based on independence and autonomy. This branch has a number of powers in public administration. Powers are exercised through a network of government bodies. These bodies include ministries, federal departments, services and agencies. In the regions, in addition to ministries, these functions are also performed by state committees. They carry out the policy of state power in the life of society.

The application of law, enshrined in law, in judicial practice is one of the main elements included in the concept of the judiciary. In Russia, it is carried out only by courts. The competence includes the resolution of administrative and criminal offenses, arbitration disputes between organizations and people. In addition, in the judicial framework, there is also a contest of regulatory documents regarding their compliance with the highest law - the Constitution.

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