
Profession beautician: pros and cons

Today the profession "beautician" will be presented to our attention. What are the pros and cons of it? Where to study to work in specialized beauty salons? How much does a beautician earn and what does he do? We have to talk about all this today. Do not be afraid that everything is very bad. The profession of "cosmetologist" has recently been in demand on the labor market, but is not particularly popular among applicants. Why it happens? This will also be discussed.

profession beautician

What is it

Let's start by studying the profession as a whole. Recently, probably, every adult (and even a teenager) talked with this employee of a beauty salon.

The profession "beautician", a description of which we will learn, is very useful. The fact is that such workers study the skin of the face and body of the client, as well as carry out various manipulations to help improve and correct their condition and appearance.

Beauticians, as a rule, are in many private clinics and beauty salons. If you suddenly have skin problems (for example, acne), then this specialist will help you cope with the disaster. In addition, this employee is engaged in masks, body wraps, massage, hair removal, eyelash extensions, facial cleansing and, in principle, has the skills of a makeup artist. That is, he is responsible for the appearance of a person, but without the use of cosmetics. For example, through the same masks, adjusting and coloring eyebrows, tattooing the face, etc.profession cosmetologist where he studies

Where to study

Are you interested in the profession of "cosmetologist"? Where does such a specialist study - do not know? Then try looking for specialized cosmetology centers. It is in them that girls (mainly they) are trained in this specialty. With all this, cosmetologists also become in many schools.

The main advantage of the chosen profession is that you can enter it after the 9th grade. So, from about 16 years the profession of a cosmetologist is available. Training is not required very long - approximately 1.5-2 years. In some educational institutions, and all 3. Plus, after graduation, you will also get a workplace - this opportunity, as a rule, is realized by various schools.

Nevertheless, the most popular development scenario to this day is individual training in private cosmetology centers. They are available in every city, even the smallest. This method was chosen due to the fact that it can be combined with higher education. Here is such an interesting profession - a cosmetologist.

In truth, sometimes you can find this direction in some medical universities. Only usually students are not particularly interested in him. Therefore, it is easier to enter any field of medicine, and then study at the cosmetologist in parallel. This approach is considered the most practical.profession doctor cosmetologist

Prestige profession

Now it is very difficult to judge how prestigious the profession of "cosmetologist" is. The thing is that it depends on your place of work. In principle, as in most cases.

This profession is considered prestigious if you work for yourself (private beautician), in a well-known hospital or beauty salon. In these places, as a rule, wages are quite high, but there is not much work. Especially when you consider that it is "not dusty." In most cases, of course.

But if you are going to work in a small beauty salon or even as a state (budget) cosmetologist, you will have to be prepared for the fact that you will be considered almost a failure. Thus, the profession of "cosmetologist" has many of its pros and cons.Which, in addition to the eternal question of the prestige of the vacancy? In fact, this position has a lot of nuances that we have to learn.


The duties of a cosmetologist are usually diverse. But they are all quite simple. If you are well trained and become a certified specialist, then working in the profession will be only a pleasure.

The main occupation of a cosmetologist is work on problematic skin and correction of appearance. Of course, including all sorts of additional procedures - tattooing, "plucking", building, etc. Beautician profession

Nevertheless, there is one drawback in the duties - these are rare cases of really complex and time-consuming procedures. For example, if you were contacted about body shaping or with severe skin diseases. Fortunately, such cases are quite rare. And at the present moment, more and more modern, fast and universal methods of treatment are being invented for such problems. Naturally, they make life easier for the beautician.


The profession of "beautician", the pros and cons of which we are currently studying, has one ambiguous point. It is about the customer base of employees. The thing is that it is from them, as a rule, that the employee’s opinion about his work depends.

Everyone is turning to a beautician now. Mostly young people and teens. Such clients are usually quite polite and cheerful. But there are exceptions.

The downside of this vacancy is precisely the risk of a collision with "nasty" and "slippery" people. Few agree to treat such. Or do their job, but without any pleasure. And this, in turn, greatly affects the result of work.profession beautician pros and cons

But the positive side is the significant predominance of the presence of good and cheerful customers. With such work is fast, high quality and interesting. Plus, it’s also positive emotions in communication. And, of course, the accumulation of a constant base of customers who will contact you. And this means that you will have a stable income. Moreover, the more regular customers you have, the higher the income per month.


The profession of "beautician" has one drawback, which concerns just income. The thing is that in most cases, cosmetologists are paid as much as they earn, and even with a small deduction of interest. That is, the more customers come to you, the better.

True, there are places where you will be paid a stable and “decent” salary. Usually this is a rather rare occurrence in prestigious corporations and beauty salons. And only the best of the best are taken there.

But private cosmetologists do not suffer from a lack of money. They are able to receive quite a lot of funds per month. Especially if they have already developed a customer base, and also have extensive experience. And, in fact, professionalism.profession beautician description


So, today we talked about the profession of a cosmetologist. As you can see, it is impossible to say exactly how prestigious or bad it is. It all depends more on your own education, skills and region of residence.

Many try to get a cosmetologist diploma along with medical (higher) education. This allows you to become a true professional in your field in the future. If you decide to leave the idea of ​​a "tower", then do not be disappointed. Take your responsibilities seriously, practice, develop a customer base - and then luck will smile at you.

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Reason for complaint
The profession of beautician requires a specialist to be neat and tidy, to communicate with people.The specialist is in direct contact with the skin, and not always beautiful and healthy. If you are squeamish, then work in the field of cosmetology is not for you.


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