
Content Manager - Who Is It? Pros and cons of the profession. How to become a content manager

Today, any company has a website. At the very least, the need to create and promote web pages exists in all spheres of human activity. So now, by going to the search engine and making a request on any topic, you will see millions of results.

Each site is content-based. This, roughly speaking, is text and images, video materials, some other kind of media resources that visitors to the site are interested in. The more such content and the more interesting it is, the greater the attendance of this Internet project.

Content Manager - Who Is It?

content manager who is it

Obviously, in order for the site to fully function on an ongoing basis, you need a person who will support his work. He will be engaged in its promotion, promotion and, of course, filling. If the resource is really large, these functions will be distributed among different people. However, the direction of content, as many experts note, is the most promising and important. What the site fills with creates an impression on visitors and further affects its popularity.

The person who is involved in the creation of materials and their publication on the site is called the content manager. Who is this in real life? An employee who selects and publishes articles that we (visitors) read with such great interest.

The responsibilities of such a specialist may include different tasks. In some cases, he only needs to write and publish material; in others - to fully conduct the information policy of the site, select and censor materials, sources for the following records, and so on. It all depends on the level of organization of the work of a site, on its promotion and popularity.

job manager


What qualities should a person have in order for him to work as a content manager? Who is this - another freelancer, or an office worker who is on the staff of any company?

In fact, the position that we characterize in this article is very flexible in many ways. It differs in that there are no strict criteria and barriers in relation to someone who would like to try himself as such a “site filler”.

One thing is important - a person must be able to write texts, or at least must know how to find such people. He should have a sense of development that helps to determine what constitutes interesting material, what qualities a particular article should have, which will be published next in a particular category. Of course, the ability to create news, to be able to create “viral” content and so on is welcome.

Naturally, a requirement that is not negotiable is the ability to work with a computer and speak the language in which the site is developed.

Any content is entered into the database, from where it will be published in the future. In some situations, companies use professional software that the content manager will work with in the future. “Bitrix”, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla - these and other CMS, as well as different databases and methods of working with them - this is another set of additional skills that a real content manager should possess. Jobs left on job posting sites most often contain information about the mandatory nature of these skills.


content manager remotely

Why is this job good? Content manager, firstly, is a creative profession in which everyone has the opportunity to prove themselves.This is important because there is a category of people who are unable to work in tougher areas where there is no space for self-realization. Secondly, on the economic side, this profession belongs to a dynamically developing IT sphere, therefore the content manager (we already know who this is) gets a rather high income. Thirdly, given the incredibly huge number of websites, you can be sure that this vacancy will remain in demand for a very long time.

Fourthly, flexible schedule prevails here. A specialist of this profile can work at home, can only come to the office for a couple of hours in order to discard the written materials and take new ones; may not appear at work at all, but travel, creating content in parallel. The options are the sea, and they all attract people who are forced to work from 8 to 17 ...


work content manager

At the same time, each content manager (he works remotely, or in the office - there is no difference) faces a number of negative features of his work. The first is constant contact with the computer. What can I say, this is employment, which involves spending a long time in front of the screen. A person should write texts (or look for materials for the following articles), sitting all this time in front of the monitor. As a result, this may adversely affect the vision of such an employee.

The second point is immobility. Like many other office employees, the position we are describing also has a problem with a sedentary schedule. For a long time a person is in one place, most often in one pose. This negatively affects, in turn, the musculoskeletal system.

You can deal with such consequences through a careful attitude to your health: take care of glasses or drops for the eyes during work; Practice jogging and exercise regularly.

Opportunities and Prospects

Working as a content manager remotely, like employment in an office, can hold great promise. This is especially true for those specialists who know how to do their job and love it. First, if you create quality content, you may be offered a promotion. Company management will understand that with your approach, you can fill in larger, more authoritative sites (if any). Secondly, after gaining some experience, you can try to get a more responsible position, where you will need to deal with sites with more popularity.

In general, we can say that the market for creating content is very large - there is always an Internet portal that has a larger audience than the one you work for. And perhaps his administration would be interested in your candidacy.


Content Manager Jobs Remotely

Also, if you are just a novice content manager, jobs remotely are what you should pay attention to. On job search sites, on freelance bulletin boards, on various forums for webmasters, you can find hundreds of ads whose authors may be interested in your services. Why not use them as a launch pad?

No one talks about, for example, doing one or another resource for free. No - even beginners can earn good money in this area. Then, as you gain new experience, you could get more by doing better work.


Today, business in the field of various courses, lectures and seminars is developed at a very high level. Everyone offers to get some new knowledge for a fee. The scope in which content managers work is no exception.

You may even have seen advertisements that you can be professionally trained in such a specialty. Like, pay a certain amount - and you can become a true master of your craft!

content manager courses

Of course, this is everyone’s business: to start with such training or just go to work for beginners.Most likely, the courses “Content Manager in N Days” will give you more theoretical knowledge; while real work and attempts to get settled in this segment on their own will give you practical skills and experience. Along the way, you will earn some money, and will not be forced to give it to your coaches. Therefore, the choice is yours.


Another interesting recommendation is to learn from the experience of others. In addition to just being able to write articles, you need to know that it will be interesting to read this or that audience of visitors. To do this, it is recommended that you carefully study the content that is published on other reputable and popular sites in a particular area. So you can really learn from the experience of individual specialists and use it in your endeavors.


work as a content manager remotely

So, can you become a content manager even now and earn money on filling sites? Of course. You were able to read this article. So why not try writing your own? What prevents you from starting to create your content? Remember: any thought can be interesting not only to you, but also to a certain circle of people. And this is what websites are hunting for, seeking to maximize their traffic through interesting material.

Try it now - you will succeed!

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