
Where to go after grade 9: colleges and technical schools. School Overview

The question “where to go after grade 9?” Worries many students and their parents. There are many opinions on this subject. Some people prefer to leave school at this stage and enroll in educational institutions of secondary specialized (vocational) education (secondary education) in order to start working as soon as possible. Others choose to receive a certificate within the school, testifying to full secondary education, which makes it possible to become a university student.

In specialized schools, colleges and technical schools of Moscow annually enter hundreds of applicants planning to get a profession in the field of open source software. Colleges of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia are no less popular.

where to go after grade 9

What are secondary colleges for?

Vocational schools, technical schools and colleges provide training for qualified personnel in the field of secondary vocational education.

In these educational institutions, VET programs (secondary training) and NGOs (initial training) are implemented.

Secondary educational institutions occupy an important place in the educational structure of the Russian Federation, since, according to statistics, approximately one fourth of the Russian population has secondary or primary vocational education.

In addition, secondary secondary education is an excellent option for those who decide to get a working specialty as soon as possible and are considering where to go after grade 9.

How to choose an educational institution

If the decision to enter a secondary professional institution has already been made, then in order not to be mistaken in choosing a specialty, you should be guided by some principles:

  • you should decide on your interests and abilities - it depends on which direction the educational institution (humanitarian, technical) is best to give preference to; if it is difficult to decide on your own, then there are special career guidance tests that you can resort to using;
  • analyze the most popular specialties on the market;
  • well weigh all the pros and cons of training at secondary school.

theater school

Types of educational institutions

Today, there are several types of secondary secondary education institutions in which graduates of grade 9 can continue their education:

  • vocational school or lyceum;
  • technical College;
  • college.

What to do after 9th grade and which institution to give preference to depends on the chosen specialty and the desired level of education which you want to receive.

Graduation of educational institutions by focus

Educational institutions of secondary professional level are divided not only by status and types, but also by focus. The following major educational cycles are distinguished:

  • socio-economic and humanitarian;
  • science and mathematics;
  • general professional.Medical College

Advantages of entering secondary educational institutions

Recently, the need for workers in the labor market has increased dramatically. In this regard, interest in specialists with secondary specialized education has increased. Today, finding a job has become much easier for a fitter, turner and miner than a lawyer, manager or economist. The following advantages of this type of education are distinguished:

  • in secondary vocational schools more budget places are allocated than in universities;
  • admission to secondary education institutions is a shorter way to higher education (after graduation it is much easier to enter an institute or university than after 11 years of study);
  • now, after receiving a diploma of a secondary specialized educational institution, it is easier to get a job than a graduate of a university;
  • secondary school students receive a scholarship and have pocket money, thereby comparing favorably with peers who continue their studies within the school;
  • the opportunity to study at a university after graduating from a secondary professional institution, while simultaneously working in a specialty.

colleges spb

Disadvantages of admission to secondary secondary education at the end of grade 9

There are certain disadvantages that should be considered when entering the secondary secondary education institution:

  • by the 9th grade, the child may still not be clearly defined with the choice of profession and, as a result, make a mistake with the choice of educational institution;
  • while studying, students do not have the opportunity to earn extra money, as, for example, when studying at a university - attendance control in secondary secondary schools is much tougher;
  • when employed, in some cases, preference may be given to a specialist with a higher education, so further training may be required.

Vocational schools and lyceums

This type of educational institution is intended for students who decide to receive basic vocational education.

A vocational school or lyceum is at the very first educational level. It provides training in the field of working specialties. The educational process in schools and lyceums is not so complicated, therefore secondary schools of this type are perfect for those who are not easy to study. The duration of training is from 1 to 3 years.

Specialties after grade 9, which can be obtained in schools and lyceums, are mainly workers. These are the guys who plan to connect their lives with practical activities. So, in schools and lyceums you can master the profession of a joiner, turner, mechanic, electrician, cook, hairdresser and other necessary specialties.

vocational school

Technical schools

One of the common types of secondary secondary education. It is believed that the education received in a technical school is better and more complete than a vocational school in a vocational school or lyceum. Technical schools are mainly focused on training technical practitioners. Duration of training varies from 2 to 4 years.

Technical schools are popular educational institutions that successfully solve the question "where to go after grade 9?"



The word comes from lat. collegium, which in translation into Russian means "classical". Colleges are educational institutions that are at the highest level of secondary vocational education. Here, educational programs of an advanced level are implemented. Colleges are focused mainly on teaching students practical skills and training highly qualified specialists. The diploma of some institutions of this level is equivalent to the status of a bachelor.

The duration of college is from 3 to 4 years.

Specialties and directions of secondary educational institutions

Today there is an approved list (classifier) ​​of professions of secondary specialized education. In accordance with it, students of secondary secondary education institutions can receive a diploma in the following industries:

  • economics and finance (including accounting, commerce and insurance);
  • record keeping and law;
  • education and enlightenment;
  • medicine and healthcare;
  • Culture and art;
  • ecology and environmental protection;
  • geology, hydrology and meteorology;
  • power engineering;
  • metallurgy and mechanical engineering;
  • aircraft
  • shipbuilding;
  • automobile and tractor manufacturing;
  • electrical engineering;
  • instrument making;
  • automation and operation of automation equipment;
  • radio and computer technology;
  • operation of vehicles;
  • chemical industry;
  • timber processing;
  • food technology;
  • consumer goods technology;
  • architecture and urban planning;
  • Agriculture;
  • trade and commodity science;
  • standardization and metrology.

Popular professions of open source software

It's no secret that the relevance of working specialties has increased dramatically today. It is much easier for a graduate of secondary secondary education to find a job than a graduate of a higher educational institution.

In November 2015, an order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation compiled a list of the most popular specialties of vocational education, including:

  • mechanic;
  • pastry chef;
  • welder;
  • plumber;
  • locksmith;
  • milling machine operator;
  • plumber;
  • printing technician;
  • the hairdresser;
  • Beautician and other specialties.

You can find a complete list of the most relevant professions on the labor market in the list of top 50 specialties of STR

These specialties can be obtained after the 9th grade of a secondary school.

Moscow colleges

Moscow secondary schools

In Moscow today there are more than 200 secondary vocational schools. They study not only students - residents of the capital, but also visitors from other regions of the country.

Secondary educational institutions of Moscow cover the whole range of vocational secondary education. Many educational institutions have agreements and joint educational programs with metropolitan universities. Thanks to this, technical schools, vocational schools and colleges in Moscow are very popular among applicants.

Among the popular educational institutions of secondary vocational education, which allow getting specialties in demand on the labor market today after the 9th grade, are:

  1. Automotive secondary vocational schools: Moscow Region Industrial College, Navigator College (under the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport), Moscow College of Transport Construction, College of Motor Transport No. 9.
  2. Architectural technical schools and colleges in Moscow: Moscow College of Urban Planning and Entrepreneurship, College of Architecture and Construction No. 7, Moscow Construction College, Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  3. Aviation colleges and technical schools in Moscow: Dolgoprudnensky Aviation College, Zhukovsky Aviation College. V.A.Kazakova, Moscow Aviation Technical School named after N.N. Godovikov.
  4. Veterinary secondary educational institutions: Kolomna Agricultural College, Volokolamsk Agricultural College.
  5. Humanitarian secondary educational institutions: College of the Russian State University for the Humanities, College of Innovative Technologies, College of Economics and Law, College of Moscow University for the Humanities.
  6. Railway colleges: Railway College No. 52, Moscow College of Railway Transport, Moscow Evening College of Railway Transport.
  7. Confectionery colleges: College of confectionery, College of services, College of food industry.
  8. Graduate Schools of Culture and Arts: Theater School (Theater School) O. Tabakova, Theater College. L. Filatov, Theater School at the Institute. Ershova, Bogorodsk Art-Industrial College, Moscow Regional College of Arts, Moscow Art Theater - Moscow State. Academy of Choreography, Academic College of Music under the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, State Musical College named after Gnesins.
  9. Medical colleges: Kolomna Medical College, Dmitrov Medical School, Medical College of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia.
  10. Police colleges: Moscow Secondary Special Police School, Police College.
  11. Pedagogical secondary educational institutions: Moscow Regional Pedagogical College, Istra Pedagogical College, Noginsk Pedagogical College.
  12. Sports colleges: Sports and Pedagogical College, Moscow School of Olympic Reserve No. 1, College of Physical Culture and Sports "Sparta".
  13. Construction secondary educational institutions: Klinsky College, College of Urban Infrastructure and Construction No. 1, Lobnensky College of Construction Industry and Entrepreneurship.
  14. Technical and polytechnic secondary educational institutions: Vidnovsky Polytechnic College, Voskresensky Industrial College, Voskresensky College.
  15. Secondary educational institutions of the service sector: College of the Institute of Service Industry, College of the Hospitality and Management Industry No. 23, College of the Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry, College of Small Business No. 40 (College of Trade).
  16. Economic colleges: British College of Banking and Finance, College of Small Business, College of Modern Management.
  17. Legal Secondary Schools: Volokolamsk College of Economics, Law and Security, Law College of the Russian Academy of Justice.

Technical schools and colleges in St. Petersburg

For applicants who, for one reason or another, do not want to go to secondary secondary schools in Moscow, but dream of studying at a popular educational institution, St. Petersburg colleges open their doors.

Educational institutions St. Petersburg is in demand among high school graduates, so here you can probably pick up a place for further education.

Among the most popular colleges and technical schools of St. Petersburg:

  1. St. Petersburg College of Hotel Service and Tourism.
  2. Nevsky College of Engineering.
  3. St. Petersburg Banking School.
  4. Lomonosov Naval College.
  5. College of Economics St. Petersburg.
  6. St. Petersburg Medical College.
  7. Pedagogical College of St. Petersburg.
  8. College of Innovative Technology.

Today, the educational structure provides a large selection of options to continue training after 9th grade and get the desired profession. It doesn’t matter what you prefer - college, technical school or vocational school. The main thing is to follow your own interests. Of course, the choice is huge, but if you decide on the goal, then the task of vocational guidance will probably be solved quickly and successfully.

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