
Resettlement programs. The program of resettlement of compatriots to Russia in 2015

The state resettlement program is a special organizational and legal mechanism. It aims to provide support to categories of persons in difficulty. Let us further consider the most relevant resettlement programs developed by the Government of the Russian Federation. resettlement programs

Housing problem

In Russia, the issue of dilapidated housing is quite acute. For many years, people have been in dire straits. Accommodation in emergency homes It is dangerous not only for health, but also for people's lives, since there is always the possibility of collapse. In this regard, the Government has developed a program of relocation from dilapidated housing. During the meeting held by the Prime Minister in 2014, approximate (standard) forms of contracts and civil law agreements were adopted. They should be in the process of implementing each regional targeted resettlement program provided for in accordance with Federal Law No. 185. Instead of dilapidated housing, people are provided with new premises, equivalent in size and with the same number of rooms, or cash allowance for the purchase of an apartment.

Support for residents of the Far North

The government has developed a resettlement program for people living in harsh climatic conditions. From February 14 to July 1, 2012, citizens received applications from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. They could take part in the district programs "Subsidies to state employees" and "Resettlement from the Far North." resettlement program

Social payments

Relocation programs from the Far North and areas equated to it are implemented through the provision of cash benefits. Payments are made in two directions:

  1. From the federal budget on the basis of Federal Law No. 125, which regulates the provision of subsidies to citizens who travel outside the Far North and territories equated to it. Payments are intended for the purchase of housing in any other area. Relocation programs include the issuance of a housing certificate confirming eligibility for subsidies.
  2. At the expense of regional funds. These payments are made on the basis of the Regulation on the procedure for the implementation of activities under the target program "Cooperation". They are provided to citizens for the purchase of housing in the settlements of a particular region. compatriots resettlement program

Categories of citizens eligible for payments

The opportunity to receive a subsidy is available to persons who arrived in the Far North and in the area equivalent to them no later than January 1, 1992, and do not have housing in other areas. Moreover, the total duration of their experience should be at least 15 years. In the framework of the resettlement program "Cooperation", the requirement for arrival time in the Far North and in the area equivalent to them until January 1, 1992, is not presented. Social payments are made in order of priority. It is formed by the following categories of citizens:

  1. Disabled persons of 1-2 groups and childhood, who were born in the Far North and in areas equated to them.
  2. Senior citizens.
  3. Citizens who are recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner and are registered with the employment service for at least a year at the place of permanent residence.
  4. Working persons. resettlement program in Russia

Resettlement Relocation Program

It was adopted by presidential decree of June 22, 2006. Resettlement Relocation Program It is aimed at assisting citizens who are outside the country after the collapse of the USSR and wish to voluntarily enter the territory of the Russian Federation.On September 14, 2012, the President signed a decree, which made it perpetual. In addition, by order of the head of the country, the resettlement program in Russia was presented in a new edition.

Benefits to citizens

Persons who voluntarily want to move to the territory of the Russian Federation can use the following options:

  • Import property free of duty.
  • Get compensation for travel, as well as transportation of one five-ton container for three family members, and if the family has more than three people, two containers of 5 tons each.
  • Import one car (passenger car) without paying a duty and so on.

Entry Territory Categories

Initially, the areas of invasion throughout Russia were divided into three groups:

  1. "A" - strategically important border areas.
  2. "B" - the area for the implementation of large investment projects that require massive involvement of compatriots.
  3. “B” - territories with stable socio-economic development, where over the past three years or more there has been a migration outflow or a decrease in the number of inhabitants.

Since 2013, the categorization of the participating areas has been changed. So, instead of three groups, "priority areas of settlement" and "other territories of invasion" are allocated. The government approved a list of regions that will be considered paramount in importance. So, the 2015 resettlement program will operate in Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Primorsky, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk Territories, the Autonomous Okrug, Magadan, Irkutsk, Amur and other regions. relocation program 2015


The government approved new rules by which the program of resettlement to Russia is carried out. In addition, increased payouts. In particular, the amount for the applicant is now not 120, but 240 thousand rubles, and for each member of the migrant's family one can receive compensation of 120 thousand rubles.

Plan implementation

On January 1, 2007, registration of applicants began. The program itself has been operating since June 1 of the same year. On May 14, at that time, about twenty thousand people expressed their desire. The regions of Russia planned the adoption of immigrants as follows:

  • Until 2009, 2850 people were expected in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Until 2012:

- in Primorye - 26 thousand hours;

- in the Amur Region - 2048 people.

  • For five years in the Kaliningrad region - about 300 thousand people.
  • Until 2013, in the Kaluga region - 41,000 people.

Among those registered on May 22, 2007, residents of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan were in first place. As of July 2009, about 1800 of the planned hundreds of thousands have resettled. resettlement program areas


In October 2007, the head of the FMS announced the refusal of 14 regions of the country to participate in the program. Some entities proposed options that the agency did not arrange. As of the end of January 2008, 890 families arrived in the country, more than 15 thousand people decided to participate in the program. In 2008, it was planned to receive about 88 thousand hours. In March 2009 it was reported that 10,000 people had entered the country. At the same time, the program budget was reduced from 8 to 1.8 billion rubles. Due to the fact that some entities, due to rising unemployment and deteriorating economic conditions, could not provide proper assistance, the President adopted a decree that provided for the possibility of deferring the development of a plan for the adoption of citizens by the region. As of December 21, 2009, 18 entities took advantage of it. During 2009, 10 regional programs were agreed, and in the 1st quarter of 2010 - two more.

New edition

As mentioned above, on September 14, 2012, the President signed a decree in which the resettlement program in the Russian Federation became unlimited. Along with this, a new edition was approved. In accordance with it, compatriots are given the opportunity to choose the territory to which they would like to move, without focusing on the vacancies provided by employers. The concept of a place of entry has also expanded. According to the new edition, the whole subject can be assigned to it, and not just its part.Compensation for baggage and travel remained intact. By 2013, 48 regions of the Russian Federation participated in the program. state resettlement program

Guarantees to citizens

Program members and their families are provided with social support. In particular, the costs of paying state fees and moving to a place of residence are compensated. A one-time payment is provided. Also, during the first six months, in the absence of other income, a benefit is provided, the amount of which is 50% of the subsistence minimum of the subject.

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