
The program "Relocation of compatriots": regions. The program to promote the resettlement of compatriots in 2015

Resettlement program compatriots in Russia is designed to not only return them back to their homeland, but to provide them with a normal, productive and, probably, happy life. This, of course, refers to those who sincerely want to return to their native land, consider it their homeland, respect and recognize its culture, history, and accept all life features. The government, in the framework of providing state support to the migrants, acts to improve the economy, intellectual recovery and promote the socio-demographic progress of the regions in which people will be resettled. The most important thing is to return, to gather under one vault a large number of brothers in spirit, people who sincerely love Russia, want to live in it and be its citizens.

Who can use the program?

compatriots voluntary resettlement program

Not only compatriots living abroad, as well as foreign citizens who permanently or temporarily (legally) reside in the Russian Federation, are entitled to participate in this program. The program began to be developed in 2004, and on June 22, 2006, the State program for the resettlement of compatriots started after the signing of the Decree by the President of the Russian Federation. Initially, 12 regions took part in it - Amur, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Tambov, Tver and Tyumen regions. And these are not all regions in which the program operated. The resettlement of compatriots also affected the Primorsky, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Subsequently, it was planned to expand the circle of participating regions.

The program of resettlement of compatriots in Russia

Support measures for resettlement participants

The program of resettlement of compatriots to Russia offers all its participants, as well as their families, support in the form of payment:

  • moving to a place of future residence, as well as transportation of personal property, and on any type of transport;
  • state fees for registration of documents that regulates a residence permit - residence permit or citizenship;
  • lifting - benefits for starting life in a new place;
  • unemployment benefits during the first six months upon the arrival of a participant to a new place;
  • education, medical services.

The territorial bodies of the FMS report on these payments, the basis for the report is the documented information on the costs that were submitted by the participant upon the fact after passing the registration procedure at a new place. As for the amount of compensation, it depends on the category of the region. There is a certain gradation: category “A” is financed in the amount of 100%, category “B” - 100%, except for unemployment benefits; category "B" is fully funded, except for unemployment benefits and lifting. To move to the Russian Federation, migrant participants, as well as their families, are issued a documentation package that includes a certificate of participation. Visas are also issued if necessary. A positive point should be noted: it would seem that a clumsy bureaucratic process takes place in a very short time (waiting time can be only one month). In 2015, the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots already includes 55 regions.

Resettlement stages

compatriots voluntary resettlement program

The program to facilitate the resettlement of compatriots is being phased in and building up its pace. It started in 2006, until 2012.passed the first stage of its implementation. Moreover, in 2011 the number of immigrants was more than the total for all previous years of the program.compatriots voluntary resettlement program

The following is a list of documents that must be submitted to the local authority of the territory of permanent residence where the Program is conducted.

The program "Relocation of compatriots": a documentary basis

  1. Application of the participant.
  2. Identity cards of the applicant and his family members - copies + originals.
  3. A copy of the document that confirms the applicant’s right to reside (temporary or permanent) in the Russian Federation - permission, residence permit.
  4. Birth certificate of the participant and his family members.
  5. The document on the marital status of a compatriot participant who lives abroad and his relatives, which are included in the application - copies + originals.
  6. Certificate of education (diploma with an insert).
  7. The work book, other documents confirming the participant's education and work experience, characteristics from the place of work.
  8. A copy of the employment contract from the applicant’s place of employment, certified by the personnel department.
  9. Certificate of employment.
  10. Two black and white photographs measuring 35x45 mm, the image of the face should be clear, the headgear should be absent.

state program for the resettlement of compatriots

Once again, it should be emphasized that these documents are also provided to all family members that are indicated in the application. Copies of documents in a foreign language must be translated into Russian, while the translation is notarized. If the submitted documents are drawn up on the territory of a foreign state, their copies must be legalized in accordance with the law.

Issuance of a certificate of participation in a state program

Upon the fact that the participant has submitted all the documents after a certain time, he is issued a certificate of entry into the resettlement program of compatriots. It is issued by the representative office (or representatives) of the FMS or diplomatic missions (consulates).

regions of the resettlement program of compatriots

On the territory of the Russian Federation, this certificate can be obtained from the Federal Migration Service. The participant’s certificate is issued 60 days from the date of submission of the documentation. This is a deadline. The participant is required to receive a certificate in person.

When can a refusal be received?

If the participant in the resettlement program does not have the profession that is in demand in the region, he may be refused.

compatriots resettlement program

If the documentation was provided by the participant not in full, facts of forgery, provision of incorrect data were revealed, the participant has a criminal record, then these facts can also serve as reasons for a negative answer.

Relocation of compatriots in 2014

The program for promoting the voluntary resettlement of compatriots received an extension of its borders in 2014. Since 2014, the regions of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to independently put forward proposals to participate in the Program, the participation of regions is now determined by socio-demographic and economic factors. Moreover, the regions of the compatriots resettlement program themselves are developing their own options for programs that are optimal for them, and regional leaders are personally responsible for fulfilling all conditions. All proposals must be confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2015 Program

As of January 1, 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation agreed and approved regional programs for 55 regions, for which a certain amount of money was reserved. The amount of financing depends on what the situation is in the region, what conditions can be offered to the settlers. To date, discussions on the distribution of this amount by region have not yet been completed. The state program for the resettlement of compatriots is unlimited.This is a hope for progress, development, that people really believe in their country, returning to it, and with them our state will gain even more weight, status, accelerate its economic growth and development on a global scale.

Resettlement Relocation Program: A Timely Need

The government is clearly aware that Russia needs to expand its specialist base (which is why the Resettlement of Compatriots Program was created). And one of the steps to this is the state’s attempt to return our minds, hands and hearts, found themselves in a foreign land. It does not make sense to convince people who are angry at their homeland that they are not quite right, because everyone thinks with his own head. But to try to create conditions for immigrants in which they want to return, those conditions in which it will not be scary to give birth, raise and raise children and grandchildren - this is a true feat in the name of Man for any country. You just need to think carefully about how to make people want to return. Unfortunately, this is very difficult, because there are so many obstacles of a different nature. But if our compatriot was left out of work abroad, he should clearly know that he is expected at home and he has a chance to start all over again, and the program "Relocation of compatriots" will help him.

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