
Spice production. How to start a business in this area?

Without various seasonings and spices, the dishes would not be so aromatic and tasty - any gourmet will tell you this. And if you start your own business in this field? Spice production is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

What is included in the concept of "spices"

spice production

First of all, these are flavoring additives to food of plant origin. Of course, now you can hardly find seasoning bags where there are no chemical additives that enhance the taste (such as monosodium glutamate). The production of spices of this format is rather complicated, unlike vegetable and natural. What else is included in the concept of "seasonings and spices"? These are various kinds of finished products that are added to food. For example, sauces, ketchups, horseradish, mustard.

Starting capital for business development

Not a single business has yet begun without money, which means that you need to find funds to develop your business. What does the production of seasonings and spices require?

  1. Rental of premises for sale. It is recommended to sell products in places where food is already sold, since spices come as an addition to them.
  2. Purchase of raw materials. There are two ways: to resell ready-made seasonings of some manufacturer or to produce them yourself (which is not always profitable).
  3. Paperwork. Here you will need the advice of an experienced lawyer in order to correctly choose the category of your legal name, as well as for the correct opening of a business. Spice production is usually registered under the “IP” or “OJSC”, which significantly reduces the payment of taxes in the future.
  4. Equipment. If you produce “wet” spices and seasonings, then you cannot do without it. Small machines for small-scale production take up little space and quickly pay off. The production of spices from the wet category has one drawback: they are seasonal. In the summer, demand for them falls, so you should think about expanding your business in advance so as not to lose your regular customers.
  5. Warehouse rent. For example, the production of horseradish requires a warehouse not only for finished products, but also for storing raw materials - fresh roots of the root crop.

In total, at the initial stage, starting capital may be required in the amount of 50,000 to 300,000 rubles. Subject to technology and with good product quality, the costs will pay off in a couple of months.

Where to import spices

Since it is not possible to grow vegetable seasonings on your own, you need to establish trade relations with other countries. The Spice Production business is the resale of dried spices from one country to another. That is, you are procured from neighboring and not very states, and then resell them in your country or create your own universal, unique and original seasoning compositions.

Countries that grow spices and import them into Russia without unnecessary difficulties:

  1. India (coriander).
  2. Sri Lanka (cloves, cinnamon).
  3. Vietnam (cardamom).
  4. Turkey (saffron).
  5. South Asia (nutmeg, black pepper, red pepper).

horseradish production

It should be remembered that spices are not sent directly to Russia. First they are imported to the Netherlands, where they are carefully sorted and processed. Carefully check with various suppliers to find your own for further product sales.

Mixes or pure seasonings?

In the market, it is the mixtures of spices that are in great demand among consumers. Why? It’s more convenient for them to season dishes - this time. In cost, they are not always much higher than pure products — these are two. However, in order for your business to develop and not stand still, it is worth paying attention to both types.An expanded assortment allows you to find your customers, as well as beat your competitors.

spice manufacturing business


Spice production is a competitive business. But get ready for the fact that you will need to carefully study the supply and demand market before selling your products. First, spices are sold not only by large and well-known companies, but also by many small private entrepreneurs. Secondly, you need to conquer the market. At first, this can be done only by the low cost of the goods. At the same time, product quality should remain on top.

Run sales on time. So, for example, table horseradish will be in special demand during the holidays (mostly in winter). But mustard is a year-round product, its cost is quite low, which allows you to promote your brand and name already only on it. Remember that spices can and should be sold packaged in special containers. And it's better if it is comfortable. For example, small packaging bags of 50-100 g.

Since the competition in the spice market is very high, you first need to study the area where you will sell your products. Based on all the analyzes and conclusions, make your decisions about production and trade. The profitability of the business is 50-70% with the correct arrangement of emphasis.

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