
Industrial greenhouses: photos, sizes. Construction of industrial greenhouses made of polycarbonate with heating

One of the most profitable lines of business in agriculture is greenhouse. Growing early vegetables, cut flowers, seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, and various greens - in the greenhouse this is possible all year round. More and more farmers and businessmen are beginning to engage in greenhouse production, because the payback of such a business is only one year.

industrial greenhouses

Industrial greenhouses are profitable

Now there are many companies that will build turnkey industrial greenhouses for the customer in the shortest possible time. Specialists of a construction company specializing in the manufacture, installation and sale of industrial greenhouses will calculate the project, calculate the estimate. Experienced specialists can even tell you which greenhouses are the least expensive to buy, maintain and, growing some crops, you can quickly recoup a project.

Industrial greenhouses differ from the "country", primarily in size. On an industrial scale, the smallest design is an option with an area of ​​200 m2. Medium greenhouses can be 10 m wide, 40 m long and 5 m high. Large structures will be from 12 m wide, 60 m long and 6 m high. The width of the greenhouse rarely changes, you can make any length. So, first of all, you need to think about where you will install it. In order to get land for such a greenhouse, you will need to register as an entrepreneur or farmer. A farmer is better, because then you can get land for use for free, and even a soft loan for the purchase and installation of an industrial greenhouse.

Industrial greenhouses are not greenhouses in the garden, this is a fully working turnkey business. It should pay off and make a profit, be an undeniable source of income for the owner. Therefore, we must take this seriously. Unfortunately, there are a lot of abandoned frames of wooden greenhouses with pieces of torn film and weeds around in the fields near cities and towns. This is a grief businessmen chasing a momentary profit, received a crop of early cucumbers or seedlings, and then abandoned everything.

If you seriously get down to business

First of all, we need to study the market. Travel to large markets and shops, find out what is in constant demand and what is already in excess. After this, it is necessary to calculate the costs of production of those products that are in constant demand. Then you can contact the company that is building the turnkey industrial greenhouses. There, on the advice of the manager, you can finally decide what will grow in the greenhouse. What equipment will be needed for this, and what sizes to order the greenhouse. An industrial greenhouse needs special equipment, because otherwise it is impossible to fully use it.

Turnkey industrial greenhouses

sizes of industrial greenhouse

Why invent a bicycle, somewhere to order a greenhouse project, in another place - the design itself, in the third - equipment, then hire builders who have never built greenhouses, everything will be monitored, deadlines, nerves will break. Turnkey companies with whom you conclude an agreement will make a project according to your desire, deliver and install a greenhouse in the specified place in a short time. Because they fully specialize in this. They have all the necessary equipment to equip the greenhouse at the request of the client. All set up, check, and give a guarantee.

Which greenhouse to choose

Industrial greenhouses with heating.The most budget option is to order a model of a tunnel, arch type, with a metal frame, covered with 150 micron film, with an air jam. In the greenhouse, install heating, drip irrigation and make windows for ventilation. The frame will last for at least 20 years, and the film for no more than 5 years, then it will be necessary to change it. It will be cheap, and if you just started to engage in greenhouse work, and means and experience barely fit, perhaps. Five years later, industrial greenhouses (photos confirm this) can be transferred to another level.

industrial greenhouses with heating

The design, covered with glass, will stand much longer than the film, it is heavy, it is not afraid of the wind. A glazed greenhouse best transmits sunlight. The disadvantage of this model is that, because of the gravity of the glass, a more powerful frame is needed, which means that the project is already much more expensive, and glass is much more expensive than plastic film and can crack.

construction of industrial greenhouses

Polycarbonate industrial greenhouses are the best option. The frame is as light as a film. Cellular polycarbonate, of course, is expensive, but will last at least 15 years. It transmits sunlight well and has a protective layer from harmful radiation. Polycarbonate perfectly holds heat, lightweight and soft enough to transport in rolls. Covering the greenhouse with cellular polycarbonate is much easier and more convenient than film or glass.

polycarbonate industrial greenhouses

The location of the greenhouse

The greenhouse is generally rectangular in shape. It is necessary to arrange it so that the plants are evenly lit throughout the day. It should also be borne in mind that the place where strong winds do not constantly walk is good. Since the greenhouse needs lighting, there should be communications nearby and, of course, a source of water. One must keep in mind the access roads. Because it is necessary not only to grow products, but also to sell, and for this there must be a road along which you can uninterruptedly send goods to the buyer. After all, the products are perishable.

Greenhouse equipment

An industrial greenhouse can be serviced by a large number of workers, or be equipped with special equipment, or even fully automated. Even if the workers will carry out almost all the work in the greenhouse, the construction must still be heated. The most economical air heaters of the AGRI-C / R, AGRI-P / R series at the moment. They are small-sized, operate on liquid fuel and with a high level of efficiency. Be sure to need equipment for irrigation, a drainage system for spent drains, which again can be put into irrigation, reducing costs and not polluting the environment.

It is best to install an automated greenhouse maintenance system, and try to minimize the human factor. Automatic climate control will maintain the set temperature and humidity. Plants will receive water and fertilizers on time and at the norm. It will also automatically adjust the lighting. Increasing the longitude of the day if necessary.

  • Important! In Russia, blackouts often occur, therefore, a diesel generator is necessary, in this case.

Seeds for industrial greenhouses

industrial greenhouses photo

When everything is ready and the greenhouse can be put into production, seeds must be purchased. It is important to understand that those seeds that are bought for summer residents are not suitable for industrial use. So, it will be necessary to find suppliers of products specifically for industrial greenhouses. These are mainly self-pollinated, disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties for greenhouses.

As soon as the seeds are sown, you need to look for buyers and conclude contracts for the supply of their products.

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