
Own business. Selection of equipment for the production of greenhouses

Business by greenhouse production becoming more popular. But in order to succeed in this matter, it is important not only to know the technology of their manufacture. The choice of equipment for the production of greenhouses is not the last value.

selection of equipment for the production of greenhouses

General information

Nowadays, people tend to eat environmentally friendly products. Most have their own summer cottages and grow vegetables and fruits themselves. But they can not do without certain equipment. Entrepreneurship in providing such people with everything necessary is gradually gaining momentum.

Particularly popular are country greenhouses. They differ from each other in size, equipment and equipment. For their manufacture using various materials. By appointment, greenhouses are divided into personal, industrial and farm.

Plastic constructions

Polycarbonate greenhouses are considered the most common type, which is in great demand. This material is a great alternative to film and glass. The advantages of such greenhouses are mass:

  1. The quality of the material, which ensures their long service life (about 30 years or more).
  2. Have a good light.
  3. Protect from ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Good thermal insulation.
  5. Materials for the manufacture are inexpensive.

greenhouse pipe bender

Polycarbonate is a practical material that is lightweight, ductile and durable. Designs from it turn out steady.

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Production Equipment

The technology is as follows:

  • the frame is made (profile pipe 20 * 20, 25 * 25, etc.);
  • Using the factory tape, you need to connect the plastic sheets and fix them to the structure.

The tools used in the manufacture are as follows:

  • welding machine;
  • Angle grinder;
  • screwdriver;
  • compressor with spray gun;
  • pipe bender for the production of greenhouses.

They make parts in a utility room, for example, in a garage. Its area should be enough to install a machine for the production of greenhouses (cutting and processing plastic, for example). And installation is carried out already at the place where the client says. This usually happens on a garden plot. The foundation is made in the greenhouse in advance and then it is installed. Although you can do without it. In conclusion, they put windows and doors.

polycarbonate greenhouse production equipment

Is it cost effective?

The cost of the greenhouse is 10 thousand rubles, provided that it is manufactured independently. All work takes about 4 hours. For the day of labor, less expenses, you can get at the initial stage about 30 thousand rubles. All stages of the greenhouse installation process take 2 days.

The installation cost is no more than 25 thousand rubles. You can install a greenhouse without a foundation. In this case, the buyer saves a significant amount. In addition, less time is spent on installation. The costs will also be for heating (aluminum convectors, which are installed around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse).

The profitability of this project is 100-150%. But there is one important circumstance: supply exceeds demand. As mentioned above, polycarbonate greenhouses are popular. Therefore, there is plenty of competition in the market.

Other types of designs

And still, do not despair, because there are still a lot of options in this direction. Although some of them are more expensive, they also cost more. Demand for them is also great. The following types of greenhouses are available:

  • the frame is made of wood, the frames are glazed;
  • metal frame using wooden frames;
  • glass-coated metal construction (easily transmits ultraviolet rays);
  • frame made of plastic tubes, film coating.

Selection of equipment for the production of greenhouses

You can purchase the necessary equipment in order to independently produce parts of a modular design (pipes, supports, fences, etc.). The choice of equipment for the production of greenhouses depends on your money. Its cost starts from 200 thousand rubles. Wooden structures are usually assembled by hand and are expensive. If you do not have the necessary amount of money, then the component parts can be purchased from other entrepreneurs. Modular designs on average can be bought for 20-25 thousand rubles.

To start this kind of activity, you will need an amount of 60 thousand rubles - and this without taking into account your own equipment. If you quickly build up a client base for yourself, then in a couple of months these investments will be able to pay off. For lack of groundwork in this area, you better give announcements in advance, go around farmers and gardeners and talk with them.

It is possible that they will agree to cooperate with you. The manufacture of greenhouses is in demand mainly in the spring-autumn period. The best months for starting a business are February and March. Earned money you can continue to invest in your business. For example, the choice of equipment for the production of greenhouses of greater capacity. In winter, you can do winter gardens and greenhouses. But such a thing is more costly and complicated than the production and installation of ordinary greenhouses. The help of specialists in this matter will not be superfluous.

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