
Cost of living in Russia: concept, size, value

Today in our country a huge number of measures and programs to support the poor are provided. But for such events it is necessary to determine who belongs to such layers. There are several developed counting methods for this.

If you count living wage in Russia, you can accurately establish a list of people who need such help. This cost equivalent was introduced on January 1, 1998.

The cost of living in Russia is calculated simultaneously in two directions:

  • At the federal level - common to the whole country.
  • At the regional level - for a specific area.

general information

As already noted above, the basic criterion for determining persons in need of state assistance is the cost of living in Russia. In fact, this is a monetary value of a certain size, with which the monthly income of each individual in the country is compared.

cost of living in Russia

Any person can count on social support if their income is lower than the value equivalent in question. To do this, you need to know the answers to certain questions. Such values ​​will help to properly navigate your financial condition and understand where certain data comes from. These are the questions:

  • the concept of a living wage;
  • what is his role;
  • living wage in Russia;
  • what indicators it depends on.

The concept of a living wage

The minimum value of this indicator is understood as the monetary value defined by law, which is intended to maintain a satisfactory standard of living for the population.

what is the cost of living in Russia

It is worth noting that this value is calculated taking into account many factors, and also differs for certain layers of humanity.

Where does this indicator come from?

To calculate this value in Russia use:

  • the size of the consumer basket of a middle-class resident;
  • some factors and data of local authorities that provide statistics on price changes;
  • taxes and other fees.

cost of living by years in Russia

It is also worth noting that in total consumer basket rent is already included and other services that are mandatory for each person. Also, many are concerned about the question: is income tax included in the calculation of the cost of living? Yes, this mandatory payment is included in the amount of this value equivalent. It is worth noting that if the average salary accrued to a person exceeds the value of such an indicator by at least one ruble, then a person will not be able to apply for benefits.

Responsible for the calculation and determination for a period of this value throughout the country is the Government of the Russian Federation, and in the region - representatives of local governments.

cost of living per person in Russia

The list of indicators that form the cost of living per person in Russia is indicated in the legislative acts of the country, as well as the procedure for calculating it. For each social group, this value is determined separately, depending on their needs, and differs in its amounts. In our country, three social groups are used to determine their minimum:

  • able-bodied part of the population;
  • retired people;
  • children under the age of majority.

If you really say what the cost of living in Russia is, then this is the amount that will allow you to live on the verge of poverty. It is to such people that the state provides social support.

To get the help of such a plan from the state, it will be necessary to collect a certain package of documents and take them to the appropriate self-government bodies.

The role of the living wage at the federal level

This financial value is of great importance in the life of the population, with the help of it many indicators are calculated and various tasks are solved.

Across the country, the cost of living performs the following tasks:

  • It makes it possible to really assess the standard of living of all segments of the population in various fields of activity and to fairly implement social programs.
  • Using just this value, they constantly calculate the minimum wage, which includes the value of the minimum wage, pension and other types of social benefits.
  • Budgeting.

Subject role

On a regional scale, this indicator has certain tasks:

  • To assess the standard of living in a particular region, in order to further implement and develop the necessary social programs.
  • When organizing state assistance for the poor and those in special need.

In fact, we can say that the size of such an indicator as a living wage is considered the basis for setting the sum of almost all types of material support to the population.

What is the cost of living in Russia today?

The effective value was established on November 30, 2015 by the Government Decree, which reports on the following amounts:

  • For the working part of the population - 10,436 rubles.
  • For pensioners - 7951 rubles.
  • For minors - 9369 rubles.

living wage in Russia

To find out the cost of living by years in Russia or in a certain region, you should familiarize yourself with the current regulatory documents. In official publications of the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive branch of the subjects, these figures are published quarterly. In addition, you can find out the actual numbers in the social organs of your locality. For each region, depending on prices and needs, its own cost of living is calculated. It is worth noting that the largest numbers refer to the capital of Russia - Moscow.

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