
Cost of living in the USA (table). Who lives on the minimum salary

It is common for each of us to compare the standard of living in Russia and in other countries of the world. And most often, the results of our amateur studies are disappointing. In most countries, living and working is really better. And we all at least once, but compared the cost of living in the United States with the Russian. Well, it is worth exploring this topic in more detail and telling about the standard of living and salaries.

living wage in the usa


Living wage in the United States is largely determined by the smallest wage that is established in the States. It is established by law. And workers, as a rule, cannot receive a lower salary. Although for sure there, as in many places, everything is conditional. It is unlikely that everyone unquestioningly complies with the law established by the authorities.

In December 2015, the minimum wage in the United States was $ 7.25 per hour. This is approximately $ 15,080 per year, if you work 5 days a week for 8 hours. At the current rate, this is approximately 478 rubles per hour. And about a million rubles a year. Approximately 83,000 per month. The more a Russian citizen calculates, translating into our currency, the more upset he is. After all, here, earning about 80 thousand rubles a month, we can be considered a rich man. And in America, this is the usual cost of living.

In the United States, then there must surely be appropriate prices. In principle, for our 40 thousand rubles a month you can rent a good, but modest apartment in such a wonderful city like Chicago. And for the rest - to live. Half of the salary will remain, but it's 40 thousand rubles! Some Russians do not even have such a salary.

Interestingly, in 2014, the President of the United States said that the minimum wage should be increased to $ 10 per hour. However, this decision has been criticized. The US Congressional Budget Office assured that such a move would have affected the profit of 16.5 million workers. So the minimum stayed at $ 7.25.

cost of living in the usa in 2016

Is a minimum set?

Above was briefly outlined the basic information on the topic. But many are interested in the question - is there such a thing as a living wage in the USA? Not really. This term is not used. What we used to call the cost of living is calculated when a person receives benefits, medical insurance or assistance for public housing. And the result is obtained on the basis of how much each member of the family earns and how much on average per person per month.

Suppose a father receives four thousand dollars a month, a mother - three. At the same time, they have a schoolchild who cannot work due to age. It turns out that the cost of living for each of them is approximately 2333 dollars per month. By the way, proceeding from this, the annual income tax is also calculated.

If the family consists of 2-3 people, and the subsistence minimum of each is less than $ 1,500, then people have the right to turn to social programs.


They always spoil everything. No matter how high the salary may be, anyway its significant part will have to be given to the state. This amount will include federal income tax, as well as payments to medical and social funds. There is a fourth view. State tax. What does each of them represent?

The first of all listed is the same for each state. For example, for a childless man who does not have a wife, he will make up 18% of his salary, for example, 75 thousand dollars a year. It turns out that his salary will be as much as $ 13,500 less! This is minus almost 900 thousand rubles a year.

State income tax is determined individually. Depending on where the person lives. By the way, in some states it is completely absent. In Texas, for example. In general, there are eight such “tax-free” states. And in New York, it is, for example, 10%. Together with income, it is already 28%.

Plus 4.2% for Social Security Tax.If a person is an individual entrepreneur, then you will have to pay 10.4%. And plus medical insurance - 1.45% and 2.9%, respectively.

What is it? Up to 42% will go to the state. And attractive salaries are already becoming not so big. And we, Russians, are beginning to understand why many Americans complain about the low minimum cost of living in the United States.

minimum living wage in the usa

Current performance

So, it was said above how much is the cost of living in the United States in 2016. But it is worth noting the attention of several interesting nuances.

One of these is the minimum wage of those people who work in the service sector - where tips are provided. They have one hour of work is estimated at 2.13 dollars. The law says that with a tip, the minimum wage will reach a standard minimum of $ 7.25. If not, the employer must pay the difference.

Another point is the cost of living in the United States in 2016 for young people. The law establishes that in the first 90 working days a person whose age has not reached 20 years should be content with 4.25 dollars per hour. This is such a minimum. True, in some states other criteria are applied. All individually. This is known as the “minimum earning opportunity”.

State Indicators

Be sure to note the cost of living in the United States in 2016 from January 1. The table above illustrates these data.

The highest minimum wage is set in California. There it is equal to ten dollars per hour. Moreover, this is the minimum wage for ordinary workers, as well as for those whose work also involves tipping.

Alaska is not much behind statistics. By the way, in terms of population density, it is in 47th place out of 50. About 700 thousand people live there. This despite the fact that Alaska ranks first in the United States in terms of area. But it is not important. The bottom line is that there the minimum wage is $ 9.75 per hour.

Next up is Rhode Island, Oregon, Vermont, New York, Nebraska and Minnesota. In these places, the minimum wage is at least $ 9 per hour.

But the lowest rates can be "boasted" by states such as Wyoming and Georgia. There, the minimum wage is only 5.15 dollars per hour. And for people who should get a tip - $ 2.13. The most unfavorable states for earning.

But then, in any city in the United States, a person is paid at an overtime rate if he processes 40 hours set.

cost of living and mole in the usa

year 2014

It should be noted that the cost of living in the United States has not changed for a long time. In 2014, he was exactly the same as now. More precisely, it was then that they adopted a bill to increase payment per hour to $ 7.25.

As for the highest salaries, according to statistics, the most profitable profession in 2014 in the USA was doctor’s specialty. Doctors received between $ 80,000 and $ 250,000 a year. The second place was occupied by teachers - from 50 to 150 thousand. Then came the engineers - 40,000-150,000 dollars. Police officers, IT specialists, programmers, firefighters, drivers, managers, car instructors are also included in the list of the highest paid specialties. Surprisingly, the last place on this list was taken by handymen and movers, while in Russia this is considered a side job, and not the most profitable and easy one.

Who is forced to be content with a minimum?

It is worth telling about this. The cost of living and the minimum wage in the United States are essentially the same thing. So it is worth listing the specialties that are the most unpromising in America.

In the first place are the employees of cheap fast food and waiters. As a rule, students do this. Dishwashers are also on the list of unprofitable professions. Although this is not even a specialty, but a side job.

Head washers, croupiers, maintenance staff (as we say, animators), agricultural workers, cashiers, nurses, seamstresses, lifeguards, ski patrols - these workers receive very modest salaries. Another list can be supplemented by nurses, caregivers, employees of service stations and sorters. But even they usually get salaries that correspond to the notorious cost of living in the United States. In 2015, he was the same as now, by the way.

 cost of living in the usa in 2014

What you need to be to live well in America

There are 20 certain specialties that can bring good profit in the USA.A hiring specialist receives an average of $ 60,000 per year. The person involved in ensuring environmental safety has a salary of $ 71,000. Like a specialist in occupational therapy. We do not have such specialists - these are people who help others cope with their problems using the labor process. In general, narrow-profile psychologists.

Next in the ranking is a biomedical engineer. Serious specialists developing medical equipment and systems. The average salary is 76 thousand dollars a year. The physiotherapist can receive the same amount.

Next comes an environmental engineer ($ 81,000), a network administrator ($ 87,000) and a doctor's assistant ($ 92,000). A professional optometrist often gets about $ 108,000. A software architect has the right to rely on a salary of $ 120,000 per year.

In general, engineers are people who can get good money. Starting from 60-70 thousand dollars a year and above. 100,000, 150,000 - the limit can be very high, it all depends on experience, length of service, specialization and the company that gives the job. But in America, engineers are needed, especially smart ones. Like computer scientists and IT specialists, their salary exceeds 100 thousand dollars a year.

cost of living in the usa in 2016 from January 1 table

If compared with Russia

Considering the topic of a living wage and salaries, one cannot help but pay attention to the profession of a teacher. At all times, the discussion of the salaries of these specialists was relevant. Knowledge is the most precious thing that can be. But, looking at the salaries of Russian teachers from ordinary schools, this cannot be said. Teachers in Russia are paid little. And what about America?

As mentioned earlier, the cost of living in the United States (2016) is about $ 15,000 per year. So, a teacher of preschool, elementary, secondary and special education earns, as a rule, about $ 55,000. True, it all depends on the state. In California, the average salary of a teacher and his cost of living is $ 64,000. This is 4.25 million rubles a year without taxes. With taxes, of course, less, but it is unlikely that in Russia a school teacher could count on such a salary.

How to live on a minimum wage?

This issue has been relevant at all times and in any state. And, talking about the living wage of the United States in 2015-2016, it is worthwhile to touch on this topic.

So, the most important thing is housing and food. Usually purchased in the USA in advance, in large retail chains. Perhaps the cheapest that is there is rice and flour ($ 0.5-0.7 per kilogram). Fresh milk costs a dollar per liter, butter - $ 3.5. 12 pieces of eggs will cost one and a half dollars. Chicken legs cost about one and a half dollars per pound. And the breast is $ 3.4. The chicken will be very cheap - somewhere around $ 1.5. The most expensive of meat is beef steak. It costs $ 4.7. Fruits, citruses, vegetables, berries and pasta are very cheap. And, of course, those products whose homeland is America. Although food is hard to name. These are sweets, Coca-Cola, etc.

In principle, if you don’t particularly show off and eat strictly at home, cooking on your own, then 300-400 dollars a month should be enough. Plus, renting a simple apartment, utilities (150-300 dollars), telephone services ($ 30) and the Internet. There will be no remaining free expenses, it must be admitted.

cost of living in usa 2016

Future forecasts

Naturally, everyone is interested in what awaits US citizens in the future. It is difficult to give an objective answer, since now any news related to economic issues affects forecasts in general. Basically, everyone expects the dollar to “crush” America or the so-called deflationary shock. In any case, lower salaries are not expected. And how things will be next - time will tell.

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Reason for complaint
Funny ... At our 80,000 a month we live like they are at 5,000 S a month.
lol, we also get taxes at 50% (if you count all hidden and not hidden). You somehow incorrectly position the income of US citizens, they live much better than us, even when recalculating prices and taxes, their salaries allow you to live much better than we do. A lot.
Yes, in the USA, doctors are definitely respected, not like in Russia. It's a shame that they pay for the same work in different ways.
Alexei, you scare me like most Russians, that is, you see only one way out? Fell if something does not suit you? That is, the GDP itself will come to your house to put a huge cocoa in the middle ... and you say "well, you’ll have to reconcile yourself like a sheep and dump it from your apartment to the one where they don’t come and don’t shit"
I don’t really understand who you blame? Medical workers who have sn 9000 rubles, and they should open your abscesses for 9000 a month and even a pancake for 18000 well, this is sur. It is very good that they still do not kill people and do not eat them, because 18,000 rubles is not like a family, you can’t feed yourself. That's the fact that they don’t go on strike, yes ... it’s nonsense for me ... but because they will come like you and say "SHOULD NOT LIKE YOURSELF Nah" ...
My father left for the USA two years ago to earn money
And instead of understanding “how good it is in Russia,” he realized that he was so dumb to live in Russia that he was not going to return now.
Working there as a plumber at the moment, he earns more per month than ANY average Russian, however, there are no lower salaries than our cost of living. The minimum wage there is 15 times more than ours.
What do you say now, wretched?
If it’s so bad with them, can we take off and send them humanitarian aid? That is why they are pleased to send their citizens to war in the countries of Asia and America! And by the way, the main contingent of the military consists of US citizens themselves or are they immigrants, etc.?
Natalie George
Who is bad with survival? Have you seen the minimum wage? And he has 7800 by the way, and he won’t rise before the elections, and after too ... and this is 260 rubles a day!


For an hour 560 they earn okay and give 40% 360 in an hour! MORE THAN WE HAVE DAY AND WE LIVING WE ARE NOT FAR IN THE SAME CONDITIONS ...

BUT what is wrong with them?
Zita George
Something is clearly wrong. The numbers are a stubborn thing .... but we love poetry. This is probably the reason.


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