
Work in Spain: working conditions and vacancies

The Russians go to sunny Spain not only to rest, but also to work there. What specialties are in demand in this country today? How is an employment contract drawn up? What features does work in Spain have? You will learn about all this by reading the article.Work in Spain

general information

Spain is a European country with a good climate and a developed industrial sector. Every year, thousands of Russians and CIS citizens come here to earn money. But not everyone will have success and decent pay.

Work in Spain has its own characteristics. For example, afternoon siesta is practiced here. In other EU countries, this is not. There is a strict daily routine; no more than 1 hour is allocated for lunch. Work for Russians in Spain is often temporary or seasonal. Our compatriots go to this sunny country to "wait out" the winter there, and already at the beginning of spring they return to their homeland.

Work for Russians in Spain

Who can I get in Spain

A few years ago, foreigners could work illegally without having to issue any special documents. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Authorities tightened foreign labor policies.

Most of the vacancies offered by visitors are classified as unskilled labor. In recent years, there has been a great demand for construction workers. In major cities of Spain, office centers, shops and residential complexes of the European standard are being built. And in rural areas low-rise construction is developing. In this regard, the need for labor is increasing.

Manufacturing enterprises need low-skilled workers who can speak English. They can count on official employment and cash bonuses.

Demand for qualified specialists in Spain also exists, but it is limited to only a few areas. These include: agriculture, programming (IT-sphere), chemical industry and mechanical engineering.

Work in Spain for women does not provide for a large number of vacancies. Adult ladies can find housemaids in private homes, maids in hotels, saleswomen, waitresses, gas station attendants at gas stations and car washers. A positive role in hiring will play knowledge of English or Spanish.

What is needed for employment

Work in Spain for Ukrainians, Russians and other CIS citizens implies obtaining special permission. This document is issued after the foreign applicant has signed an employment contract with the employer. If you have a category D visa, you can count on obtaining a permit for a period of 1 year and the possibility of its extension. These are very good conditions. All this time, a foreign worker can freely move around Spain, as well as travel abroad. For example, go to your home on vacation.

Citizens of countries that are not members of the European Union, but who have permission to work in Spain, are entitled to social protection and free medical care.

Now a few words about working conditions. The average working week in this country is 35-40 hours. The salary varies from 2700 to 3800 euros per month. For many Russians it is a lot of money. Therefore, the number of people wishing to go to work in sunny Spain from year to year is only increasing. But there are some nuances. Firstly, it is very difficult for a foreigner to find a job with decent pay. Secondly, not all professions and specialties are in demand in Spain.Thirdly, without the availability of special permits, it will not be possible to officially get a job.

Citrus picking in spain work

Citrus harvesting work

Earlier, we talked about the fact that in Spain there is a great demand for specialists in the field of agriculture. But the country needs not only experienced tractor drivers and livestock breeders. Special attention should be paid to fruit farms. Citrus fruits are harvested throughout the year in Spain. This work is not dusty, but responsible. After all, if you make several sharp movements, then the fruits fall on the ground and will be unsuitable for further implementation.

All you need is special scissors and a rubber bucket (40 l) with handles. Usually the inventory is acquired by the employees themselves, but in some cases its value is simply calculated from the first salary. In the harvest of citrus fruits take part not only men but also women. And there is nothing to be surprised at: pruning branches is not particularly difficult. But carrying heavy boxes of fruit is not a female occupation at all. Therefore, the best option for ladies is to work in tandem with men. What is the pay? For one assembled box of tangerines they pay from 1.2 to 1.35 euros. A novice worker can collect 30-35 boxes per day, and a craftsman - all 50.


Now you know what work in Spain is like. With official employment, you can count on a social package, paid leave and benefits. The main condition is the availability of a special permit.

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