
How to get a residence permit in Spain: step by step instructions. Residence permit in Spain when buying real estate

What could be the purpose of moving permanently to Spain? The reasons why people leave the territory of their homeland to settle in this sunny country are different. Some dream of having their own real estate there.

Others are attracted by the opportunity to get training or get a job. Still others dream of organizing their own business in Spain. And someone considers investing in the securities and shares of this country very promising. There are also retirees who are on a well-deserved vacation who want to spend the rest of their days in a comfortable state with a climate that is comfortable for their health.

how to get a residence permit in spain

Be that as it may, everyone who wants to move to this country must obtain a residence permit in Spain.

Prospects for Foreigners

Anyone who has obtained a residence permit in Spain is entitled to the following:

- free to educate your child in schools of this state;
- receive services in medical institutions as part of their insurance policy;
- register a car;
- obtain the status of a permanent resident of the country (permanent residence);
- to enter EU countries without a visa and reside in any of these countries for up to ninety days during the calendar year with their family;
- register your own company;
- buy a ready-made business.

Requirements for Applicants

Citizens of any country within the European Union can move to Spain without any problems. This applies to Bulgarians, Romanians, etc. How to get a residence permit in Spain to a citizen of Russia or any other CIS country? Recently, it has become difficult. Moreover, this issue concerns not only a residence permit with the right to work, but also without such a right. The fact is that this sunny country, first of all, cares about the welfare of its own people. That is why a residence permit in Spain can be issued only after the fact of the solvency of the applicant is proved or if he has already found a job.

residence permit in spain

In this regard, there are certain types of residence permits. These include the following:

  • for students, schoolchildren and students of special courses;
  • with the right to work (if there is already a signed contract with a Spanish company or documents confirming the existence of your own business);
  • without the right to work (with the provision of papers on the solvency of the applicant).

How to get a residence permit in Spain without any problems? To do this, the applicant must have a large amount of money in his account, bringing a daily income of at least 150 euros. Or he must own a profitable enterprise and real estate in this sunny state.

A residence permit in Spain for Ukrainians and other CIS citizens will be obtained without problems when registering a marriage with a Spaniard. A positive solution to the issue is also possible if the close relative of the applicant is already working in this country.

2014 innovations

In September 2013, the government of the sunny country finally approved the new legislative act. Its adoption allows you to automatically obtain a residence permit in Spain for those who have acquired real estate on its territory or invested in any of the areas of this state.

The bill applies to residents of countries outside the European Union.Now a residence permit in Spain for citizens of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus is issued when they purchase residential real estate or after monetary investments in the state’s economy. In addition, the residence is received by all family members of the applicant. Moreover, its validity period is five years.

How to get a residence permit in Spain when buying a property

How to get a residence permit in Spain when buying a property? According to the new bill, this is possible only if the transaction amount is at least half a million euros. In addition, housing mortgages should not be involved.

How to get a residence permit in Spain to a citizen of Ukraine, Russia or Belarus in case of investing in the country's economy? It will take a considerable amount of money. The minimum amount of such investments should be at least two million euros.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit

How to get a residence permit in Spain for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians? Such a document, called a residence, is issued subject to two basic conditions. First of all, the applicant must comply with the requirements of the Spanish laws, and have sufficient capital to exist in decent conditions.

What funds are sufficient to obtain a residence permit in Spain? 2014 brought innovations. Now this is an amount of 532.51 euros. At the same time, the total family income is also important. Its first member should account for 2130.04 euros, and for all the rest - 532.51. It is not necessary to have real estate in a country like Spain. A residence permit can be obtained without having your own home. Of course, if the applicant for a residence permit has his own apartment or house in the state in question, this will play an important role, strengthening the position of the applicant.

How to get a residence permit in Spain when buying a property? If you purchased an inexpensive house or apartment, then this is not at all the final condition for issuing a residence permit. You will need to provide a statement of income, the amount of which is indicated above.

A residence permit in Spain when buying real estate since 2014 has become much easier to obtain. A sufficient basis for the issuance of the coveted document is a transaction to acquire an apartment or house in the amount of at least five hundred thousand euros. In this case, a residence permit is issued in the shortest possible time and by a simplified procedure for registration. A residence permit in Spain when buying real estate since 2014 does not require documentary evidence of the financial viability of the person concerned.

Thus, well-off citizens have an excellent opportunity in a short time and in a simplified manner to obtain a residence permit in a country with a comfortable climate. To do this, you need to contact the consulate of Spain. Everyone else will have to go through the registration procedure, which was provided before 2014.

Residence Permit Options

A residence permit is a document that is executed and issued by the Spanish Consulate. This is a temporary residence.

The initial residence permit (or D visa) is issued for a period of six to twelve months. Upon re-issuance, it is extended for 2 years. Subsequent requests provide for a residence for a longer period. He is 3 years old.

residence permit in spain for ukrainians

Six years must pass from the moment the first residence permit is issued in order for the opportunity to apply for a long-term residence. She will give the right to reside in the country permanently. But at the same time, a long-term residence should be renewed every five years. After a certain period of time, foreign nationals officially residing in Spain are entitled to apply to the authorities for citizenship. This period is ten years.

Who is granted a residence permit?

The Spanish Consulate issues a residence permit in the following cases:

- wealthy foreigners, including pensioners with the right not to work;
- for the purpose of family reunion;
- businessmen organizing their business in the country;
- for the purchase of real estate in Spain.

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit

An applicant for residence in a sunny country must, first of all, prepare the relevant documents. A residence permit (Spain issues it subject to paperwork in the state language), the applicant will be able to obtain at the representative office of that state, located in one of the cities of his country.

How to get a residence permit in Spain? The following documents should be included in the package of documents provided to the consulate:

  • established form statement;
  • two photos (2x3 cm);
  • international passport;
  • birth and marriage certificates;
  • certificate of non criminal prosecution;
  • bank statement confirming the presence of a large sum of money;
  • medical certificate;
  • income statement certified in the prescribed manner.

How to get a residence permit in Spain when buying a property? For this, the country's consulate must provide a document confirming ownership of the house or apartment. In the case of rental housing will need to attach the appropriate document.

A residence permit in Spain with the right to work will be issued only if a contract with the employer is presented. The applicant must know exactly what vacancy he will take after moving to the country.

The submitted documents are thoroughly checked and sent to the region of the intended residence. A month later, a letter with a decision is sent to the applicant. With a positive consideration of the issue, you will need to apply for a visa to enter the country. The entire procedure should be completed in no more than thirty days. A visa is issued for three months.

Residence permit with the right to work

Currently, obtaining such a residence is very problematic. The reason for this is the economic crisis that hit the country. An exception may be seasonal work in the agricultural sector, as well as vacancies for highly qualified specialties in the field of high technologies and scientific developments.

Residence permit granting the right to do your own business

A temporary residence permit of this type can be granted to citizens from the age of eighteen. At the same time, the applicant must start his own business in Spain, which can be small, medium or large. The purchase of an already completed business also falls under these conditions.

Making such a residence permit is somewhat easier than with the right to work. Local authorities favor the influx of capital into the country. In addition, new jobs will be created for the local population, which is also welcomed by the state.

A temporary residence is issued for one year. However, there are certain restrictions on the place of residence. This can only be the province of the country that the applicant originally requested.

In order to obtain this type of residence permit, you will need to collect a package of documents for consideration at the diplomatic mission located in the applicant’s country of residence. The list of required securities includes the following:

  • an application on the official form in the established form;
  • original and copies of each page of a foreign passport;
  • a license for the proposed activity, if required by the Spanish authorities (or confirmation of the process of its execution);
  • a document indicating education or existing experience in the declared field of activity;
  • bank statement about the availability of financial resources necessary for doing business;
  • detailed business plan.

All documentation should be translated into Spanish. A letter of residence permit is sent to the applicant, who will then need to apply for a visa within a month. For this you need to present, in addition to a passport, a certificate of health and criminal record. A visa is issued for three months.This period is required for registration of business in Spain and registration for social security. At the end of these procedures, it will be possible to obtain an identification card issued to foreigners.

To extend this residence permit, you will need to submit the relevant documents. Their list includes:

- copies of all pages and the foreign passport itself;
- card of a foreigner;
- registration in the municipality at the place of residence;
- documents on doing business and paying taxes.

Residence permit for family reunion

Sometimes situations arise when one of the spouses initially moves to permanent residence in Spain. In this case, the second of them, as well as children, can obtain a residence permit not on general grounds, but using their right to family reunion. A residence permit is also given to the parents of both spouses. But they should be over sixty five years old. In some cases, the age threshold is reduced.

How to get a residence permit to a citizen of Russia

Family reunification and a residence permit in Spain are possible if the application is submitted by the person who already has a residence. The package of documents is considered by the municipal authority working at the place of residence of the applicant. It should include:

  • statement drawn up on the official form;
  • alien card;
  • confirmation of the fact of the availability of housing necessary for the normal placement of the family;
  • certificate of financial resources that can provide the content of the reunited;
  • confirmation that the applicant does not have another spouse in Spain.

On the part of the reuniting person, the following shall be attached:

  • copies of pages of a foreign passport;
  • supporting papers family ties with the applicant.

After consideration of the above documents, an appropriate decision is made. The reuniting person shall be granted a residence permit by the consulate of his country of residence. After that, within two months you should apply for a visa, the validity of which ends after 90 days. Upon entering Spain, a reuniting relative must file a complaint with the police, where he will be issued a foreigner card.

Long-term residence permit

Obtaining this document allows foreign citizens to live in Spain for an unlimited period of time, work in a country for hire or conduct their own business. Such a residence permit can be obtained by those applicants who are legally located on the territory of the state for a five-year period and are not seen in serious offenses. A long-term residence permit is issued after the filing of such papers:

  1. statements in the required form;
  2. copies of all pages and the passport itself;
  3. foreigner cards;
  4. document on registration of the applicant in the local municipality.

family joining and residence permit in spain

When affirmatively resolving the issue, another alien card is issued. Its validity is five years. It is supposed to be updated in the future, however, this procedure is considered only a formality.

Residence permit for wealthy people

Such a residence permit does not provide for a job. The reason for the issuance of this document lies in the availability of a significant amount of money from the applicant, which will allow you to adequately live in a sunny country. The minimum amount of capital per day should not be less than one hundred and fifty euros for each member of the family. Such a residence permit is issued to foreign citizens who have an annual official income of 20 to 80 thousand euros at home. To obtain the desired residence permit, the applicant needs to provide extracts from bank accounts, the amounts of which will be confirmed by declarations certified by the tax inspectorate.

Subject to all the above conditions, a residence permit is obtained within five months. For the registration procedure, you will need to go through two stages. The first of them must be issued a resident visa at a Spanish consulate located in the country of residence. After receiving a positive response from Madrid, the applicant will be invited to a personal interview.Its successful passage will make it possible to apply for a D visa, which is affixed to the passport and is valid for a year. With this mark, you can not only freely enter Spain, but also get a residence permit.

Extension of this visa is carried out directly at the new place of residence. In this case, some conditions must be met. These include the following:

- Accommodation in Spain for more than one hundred eighty days during the year;
- bank accounts with a sufficient amount of money (at least one hundred eighty thousand euros) opened in the country or abroad.

Residence permit for pensioners

Well-off citizens of the CIS countries who have come on well-deserved rest can apply for a Spanish residence permit. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • annual income guaranteed by private companies or the state in the amount of ten thousand US dollars;
  • home ownership.

For such people, life in Spain becomes quite real. To obtain a residence permit, pensioners must provide the following documents to the Spanish Consulate:

  • a questionnaire in duplicate of the corresponding sample;
  • two photos 2x3;
  • a passport valid for at least a year and two photocopies of all its pages;
  • medical certificate about the absence of diseases requiring quarantine of the patient;
  • internal passport with a copy of all pages;
  • a certificate confirming the existence of a source of income necessary for living in Spain;
  • medical insurance for the applicant and his family members;
  • a criminal record issued by the competent authorities of the country of residence;
  • documents confirming the availability of housing in Spain, the level of which should not be lower than the average established for this region.

All papers submitted to the consulate must have a translation into Spanish. In addition, two photocopies must be attached to the originals. A visa is issued only to the holder of the presented passport. At the same time, a one-month period is set for its execution after an affirmative decision is made. At any stage of the examination of documents, the consulate may call the applicant for a personal interview.

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Reason for complaint
There are many reasons for moving. I have one - I do not want to live in such a country as I live now. I want to go to Spain forever. I just don’t know how to get a residence permit, I’d have left a long time ago.


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