
Registration of foreign citizens. Interpretation of the law on registration of foreign citizens

A huge number of migrants arrive in our country every day. Some of them want to stay with us forever, and some just need work. In any case, every foreigner who crossed the border should be registered. This is a required procedure. Registration of foreign citizens has certain features that need to be considered.

What is a procedure?

It provides for the issuance of a residence permit in our country, limited by the time established by law. Registration of foreign citizens makes it possible to legally move around the country without a visa. At the same time, new arrivals can also get a job. Lack of registration can bring big problems to a foreigner.

registration of foreign citizens

This procedure is being carried out in accordance with migration legislation. Its observance is carefully monitored not only by the police, but also, first of all, by a specially created service. It should be noted that the procedure falls on the shoulders of the migrant himself. Registration of foreign citizens has recently undergone certain changes. If earlier only an apartment or a house was considered the place of registration, today today non-residential premises can also be such. This is especially convenient for those workers who work and live directly at the construction site.

Where should I go and what documents are needed?

In order to register foreign citizens, you must always contact the department of the State Migration Service. There you will be asked to fill out some forms. For example, a registration form for a foreign citizen. After submitting the necessary package of documents, you can receive it within two to thirty days. It should be noted that for registration it is necessary to give specialists information about one place of residence.foreign citizen registration form

As for the documents, then to complete the procedure you will need:

  • application for registration of a foreign citizen;
  • copy of identity document;
  • copy of migrant card.

You may need to provide some more information. However, you can already find out directly in the territorial branch of the Service.

How long will registration be valid?

Under current law, a citizen of another country can freely enter the territory of the Russian Federation for 90 days. This is only if he will not apply for a visa for a longer stay. After that, he is obliged to leave Russia for his homeland for the same period - 3 months.

This is the so-called temporary registration for foreign citizens. It gives a person the opportunity to live and work in Russia throughout the entire time that is indicated in the document. You can, of course, apply for a different type of registration if you want to stay in the country for several years or reside here permanently.application for registration of a foreign citizen

This procedure requires the collection of a different list of documents and may cost more. Naturally, it is better not to violate the provision on the length of stay of a migrant in the territory of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, you may be punished.

Features of registration at the place of stay

The presented procedure begins with crossing the border and filling out a migration card. If the submitted document is accidentally lost, you must get a duplicate of it at the nearest branch of the Federal Migration Service.

After you reach your destination, you must register at your place of residence within a week. To do this, contact the FMS. In this case, the receiving party must deal with this procedure. The migrant himself is not obliged to carry out any actions.sample of registration of a foreign citizen

For registration you do not have to appear in the territorial authorities. You can send the application by mail. After considering it, you should receive a notification that you are recorded in the FMS. The advantage of this registration method is that there is no state duty for carrying out the procedure.

Just 90 days after receiving the notification, the period of stay of a foreigner in the territory of the Russian Federation ends and he is removed from the FMS. Further residence in the country becomes illegal.

Features of registration at the place of residence

In this case, there are certain differences - a foreigner must be tied to a residential building. In addition, he must have the right to stay there. And the migrant is obliged to live in the apartment in which he wants to register. This procedure is possible both for those who are temporarily or permanently in the territory of the state.

The deadline for filing an application with the FMS is limited to seven working days. At the same time, a person must have a passport, a residence permit (or residence permit), documents confirming the right of a citizen to use the premises where he lives. This procedure provides for the payment of statutory tax.temporary registration for foreign citizens

Naturally, after registration, a person should receive an appropriate document giving him the right to reside in Russia for the indicated period. The migrant himself is responsible for carrying out this type of procedure.

How to renew my registration?

This question should interest all those people who want to work in Russia. In principle, this procedure is not complicated. The extension of the registration of a foreign citizen without his going abroad is possible if you complete an employment contract. In this way, you can extend your stay up to 12 months. Further, the procedure for filling out the migration card and leaving for the homeland will have to be repeated.

renewal of registration of a foreign citizen

Most often, the extension does not take more than two days. Naturally, this service is paid. Its cost is 4-5 thousand rubles. In any case, in order to stay in Russia for as long as possible, you will need to obtain a work permit.

Features of the procedure

In the presented article you can see a sample of registration of a foreign citizen. It should be noted that this procedure has some features:

  1. If you crossed the border with children who have already reached the age of majority, then you will have to register them with you.
  2. In the event that the migrant wants to move, he must go through the registration procedure again. This should be done no later than three days after arrival at a new place.
  3. If a foreigner permanently (or temporarily) lives in the territory of the Russian Federation, then he is obliged to repeat the procedure annually.

As you can see, registration has some nuances that are best known before crossing the border.

What happens if you do not go through the procedure?

If you are not registered with the Federal Migration Service, then you will be considered illegal. This has its consequences. First of all, you can get a serious fine. Other administrative penalties may also follow. The most serious of these may be the expulsion of a foreigner from the state.

In case of malicious violation of migration laws, you may be prohibited from entering our country for a long time. After that, your person can be checked more carefully. In addition, after violation of the law, you may be prohibited from re-registering.

In any case, one should not take risks, but do everything as indicated in the border crossing rules. That's all the features of this procedure. Be law abiding!

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