
Why do I need temporary registration, deadlines, paperwork

Some citizens are increasingly thinking about why temporary registration is needed. This is especially true for foreigners. It is almost impossible for them to obtain a residence permit in Russia immediately after staying in the country. With rare exceptions. Therefore, it is worth understanding why temporary registration in this or that place is necessary in itself. And how to get it? What to prepare for? What documents will be required to translate ideas into reality?What is temporary registration for?

What is it

Every citizen in Russia must have some kind of place of residence. Primary or temporary. And the registration just indicates the presence thereof. Why do I need a temporary registration? Just in order to register a person for a certain period of time at a particular address.

Without this feature, people can not draw up a lot of documents, as well as go to work. In general, temporary registration is compulsory. Registration is worth doing if you live in a particular country for more than 90 days. Otherwise, problems with the law and the government will begin.

For what

But specifically, what is the purpose of temporary registration? What exactly does it give to citizens? In addition to calm and compliance with the law, of course. The thing is that there are a lot of nuances.

For example, without temporary registration it is impossible to apply for a pension, insurance payments, get a formal job, receive benefits and apply for loans (loans) from banks. But that is not all. The main thing is that without temporary registration of citizens of the Russian Federation it is impossible to receive free medical care (except emergency), to identify children in educational institutions, and also to draw up various documents.

Especially for women - keeping records of pregnancy, receiving maternity and childcare payments will not work without a temporary residence permit. Keep this in mind. Why do I need a temporary registration? To live without problems and use the services of the state. Otherwise, everything will have to be done either retroactively or for a fee. And then, for the money, not everyone agrees to work with citizens without registration or registration.temporary registration of foreign citizens

A responsibility

No need to think that everything is so easy and simple. If the registration at the place of stay was not completed after 90 days from the first day of your visit, a certain responsibility arises. Administrative fine. This is not the most pleasant consequence. After all, free temporary registration is what is required of citizens by law. And if you fail to comply with the rules of Russia in time, you can "run into" a fine. Then this type of registration will require certain costs from you.

At the moment, we can say that the amount of the administrative fine is quite high. She reaches 2,500 rubles. It all depends on the specific situation. If you can prove that you for one reason or another did not have the possibility of registration, the punishment will be minimal - about 1,000 rubles. And after payment you have to quickly register.

Dates for foreign citizens

But foreign citizens in Russia have fewer privileges regarding our current issue. Why? What is this about? The whole problem is that the temporary registration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation should take place no later than after a week of stay in the country. Otherwise, punishment will follow.registration at the place of stay

There are two options for the development of events. Firstly, you can get off with an administrative fine. Temporary registration of foreign citizens, or rather, the absence thereof, will force you to pay a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.Or, even worse, you may be deported from the country. For quite a long time. Up to 5 years maximum. Not the best option, is it? Therefore, official temporary registration is very important. For everyone and everyone. If you have a permanent registration, there is no need to do temporary.

Where to go

Before collecting all the necessary documents, you will have to think about where to go with these "papers." Not everyone knows how the process of temporary registration goes. And therefore, you should know which body to seek help from.

As soon as you collect a certain list of documents, contact the FMS with your place of residence. Only there they can help you. Especially if it has place of registration at the place of stay. It is useless to contact other authorities. Prior to receiving a temporary registration only in the FMS, they will conduct a normal dialogue. Especially if you are a foreign citizen. But how to get a temporary registration? Remember - it is completely free. And the state can demand money from you only if an administrative fine is imposed. And nothing more.Temporary registration of citizens of the Russian Federation

The timing

A little about how long the registration process will last. It all depends on how exactly you contacted the FMS. Practice shows it is best to do it personally. In this case, registration takes only 3 business days.

If you chose the option "by mail" or via the Internet, then the average processing time of your request will be about 8 days. It all depends on what queue is behind obtaining a temporary registration, as well as the speed of the postal services. But you can count on a period of at least a week from the date of submission of documents.

When it comes to foreign citizens, everything is much more complicated. By mail or the Internet to draw up documents is not worth it. After all, no one will accelerate the process. A fine and deportation will be imposed a week after the absence of such a citizen registration. Therefore, only personal appeal to the FMS is recommended here. The deadline for issuing the corresponding document is also 3 working days. What is the need for temporary registration, we figured out. Well, what exactly is required when applying to the FMS of Russia at the place of your stay?


So, now we begin to collect all the necessary. Here sometimes you have to try pretty hard. First you need to find a place where you will be registered. That is, conclude a rental contract. It is this moment that causes certain difficulties for many. After all, not every owner will be ready to temporarily register someone with him. As soon as you get consent, you can take a document confirming your residence and carry it to the FMS.

Just remember to add some “papers” to it first. For example, it is very important to show the consent of the owner to a temporary registration. And your passport. Well, if the landlord comes with you to the FMS. A rare practice, but it has a place to be.free temporary registration

It remains only to fill out an application of the established form - and you can submit a complete list of documents to the migration service so that you receive temporary registration at the place of stay. Three days - and you will receive it. The process, as already mentioned, is free. If you are fined, you will have to attach a receipt to pay for the violation.

Temporary registration for foreigners

But foreign citizens will have to torment themselves with obtaining temporary registration. In addition to the listed documents, they will also be required:

  • written statement from the host with consent;
  • receiving identity card;
  • migration card;
  • 4 photos (sometimes).

official temporary registration

Only if all the “papers” with copies are available, a foreign citizen can be registered. More precisely, its temporary registration. Nothing difficult, if you try in advance, this is not. Remember, you must have a good reason for doing this. And the corresponding confirmations are presented to the FMS.Without them, you may be denied.

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