
Restoration of bathtubs as a business from A to Z. How to make money by restoring bathtubs

bath restoration as a business

At first glance, this type of business is not very clear to many. However, “specialists” call it one of the promising and profitable types of services in our crisis time. What is bath restoration as a business? I must say, this service is now quite in demand. Each apartment or house has a bathtub.

But people agree to change it to a new one only in extreme cases (now we are talking about 90 percent of the population: those who can afford to change the bath at least every day do not count) - either during a major overhaul or when moving to new housing.

In other cases, the restoration of bathtubs that have lost their appearance is very, very relevant. This is the only option to put everything in order at home in just one day! A repairman arrives at the site, and within two to three hours the owners will be able to enjoy the updated plumbing. In this case, there is no need to make repairs in the bathroom, unless cosmetic! It is not necessary to take out the old heavy cast-iron bathtub, which is also important.

For whom it is intended

The so-called target audience, which needs a service such as liquid acrylic bathtub restoration, consists of:

  • retirees;
  • those who rent housing, for example,;
  • those who want to make cosmetic repairs, but without replacing the plumbing;
  • owners of cheap hotels, hostels, hostels.

These are potential customers of our business. All have one thing in common: the hope of saving on buying a new bathroom.

Bath restoration as a business: profitability and costs

What is the profitability of this type of service? I must say, it directly depends on a lot: the number of applications per day, seasonality, the availability of employees, advertising of your business, the amount of your expenses on materials. In this case, of course, one must take into account the fact that for each working day it is possible to repair one, two baths by force.

When choosing a pricing policy, conduct an investigation with your potential competitors already existing in the market. At the same time, you can dump, but never raise the bar! Even if the quality of your work is impeccable.

The peak of orders falls on the summer vacation season, when people have the opportunity to leave their homes for a week, and leave the repaired bath to dry. The dead season falls for the winter. Then twenty percent is recommended to lower prices. You can also do seasonal discounts - people love it!

Business organization

At first, we recommend you get a virtual office. Because physical (premises, furniture, secretary, etc.) you do not need. After all, orders can be taken from home, and as a dispatcher-operator to use one of the relatives (sister, for example, or spouse). Restoring bathtubs as a business can work through the Internet. Build your website - now it's easy to do. Or ask for the help of a familiar "computer genius." Communication with customers should take place interactively.

It is better that the masters and clients are not tied directly, then you exclude the possibility of leakage of your profit into the pockets of workers.

Initial cost

So, let's start small:

  • development and promotion of your site;
  • purchase of the tool necessary for enameling bathtubs;
  • purchase of "consumables": enamel, primer, foam, paint, etc.

In general, you can meet the 2000-3000 dollars.

Business advertising

bath restoration technologyTip: First, advertise yourself using cheap types of advertising without investing in expensive projects.These may be newspaper advertisements, which sometimes even turn out to be given for free!

Also effective is word of mouth, which operates, however, within a quarter or district, no further. Customers who like your service pass your contact numbers to their loved ones, friends, acquaintances. Those are friends of friends, and off and on!

Pillar advertising is putting up cheap leaflets wherever possible. On the site you can show the goods face with the help of photos of already repaired bathtubs (from the series "before and after").

Try to do the work with super high quality, right on time - then everything will work out. Make concessions to your customers, make discounts, remember the good old saying: the customer is always right!


The most important employee for you is the dispatcher. He must be able to communicate by phone, explain to customers the technology of work, payment terms, terms, warranty, and much more. Try to determine as clearly as possible what needs to be said and what to answer to the questions posed.

If there is no problem to find a good consultant, then they can arise with the masters. It’s no secret that many “sleek” people like to drink well. Therefore, try to select non-drinking staff, this will save you nerves and money.

In practice, a lot of problems will arise if your master is not qualified enough. Recruit only experienced workers. For beginners - an internship for a certain time, only then employment. Constantly instruct the masters, exercise tight control over their trips and work.

The restoration process itself

The technology of bath restoration includes several stages. Moreover, the result of the "home" service is no different from the same, but performed in a factory! Warranty - at least 5-7 years, after - repeat the procedure.bath restoration as a business The minimum set for bath restoration is available to everyone: devices for removing old enamel (electric drill with various nozzles for deep cleaning, sandpaper, abrasive stone, brush, file), tools for applying a new one (spray, brushes, spatula, sponge), primer, itself enamel.

First, remove the top layer of the old one, process it with alkali, clean the rust and bumps. Then the bath is degreased and filled with water (hot) for ten minutes. We drain the water and degrease the surface again. Wipe dry.

The next step is to coat the bath with new enamel with hardener (optionally, color can be added to the solution). The applied paint will dry for more than a day. At this time, it is forbidden to use the bath for its intended purpose! And the whole restoration process lasts only a couple of hours. But so that the restoration of bathtubs as a business is successful, never forget about the quality of the work done! Good luck to everyone!

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